Good Day,

I would like to ask some Information.

Is is possible to Conenct my Login to Active Directory?

Im gonna use the AD Credential as a Login for my Application?

Your Response is Highly Appreciated.


Yes, yes and another yes. There're even some full samples for AD in VB.Net if you try google-ing around. Good luck!

I've seen some but its only on AD Account Creation not using AD Credential as Login.

Oh, sorry for my bad eyes. I still think it's possible, my friend's suggestion, though. I'm talking with him about your problem and he said it's possible in C#, so I think it might be in VB.Net...

Did you read this article? It contains code to read AD database to verify login credentials.

So far I created a simple Form Login. My questions are how do I configure the application, Using their usual active directory username and password.

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