20,279 Topics

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Hello, I'm currently doing my project in VB and connect with access that have three tables in database. I have three buttons to show three different table in my database. I'm using datagrid and when I click on radio button 1st table, it will show the data in my 1st …

Member Avatar for UKnod

I have a problem with vb.net tabcontrol in so far as I cannot change the individual tab widths. I can chang ethe sizecontrol to fixed and alter all of the tabs but not individually. Ordinarily it would not be a problem with the tabs autosizing by the text size, but …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for saat.kerkuklu

Hello guys i have a question i have these codes Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Module Connect Public Conn As SqlConnection Public Function GetConnect() Conn = New SqlConnection("Server = SQL Server;" & "initial Catalog = BloodBank;" & " Trusted_Connection=yes") Return Conn End Function End Module Public Class BloodDonor Private Sub TextBox5_TextChanged(ByVal …

Member Avatar for saat.kerkuklu
Member Avatar for maildummyabc

HI, This is pankaj vishwakarma a vb.net developer, I am currently working on the printing project. Here I am creating a custom paper on the printer via code and then tring to print the text on a specified location . It does not print After tring many time i found …

Member Avatar for jcleb
Member Avatar for pearl.kumar1

Hi, IF I run my application was created in vb.net, it Shows an error like "Incorrect syntax near '3/15/2013 12:00:00 AM'." I neeed to Display the data in Gridview Based on date.. The code is Private Sub File_Request_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Form1.Visible = False …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for doraemon

I am making a desktop application using vb.net and oracle and crystal repot. How can I upload the application on the web? For creating web page: upload css and HTML files to the web server using FTP(if the contents are incompleted, but still can see on the web) For the …

Member Avatar for doraemon
Member Avatar for swtprince

VB 2010 allows a combo box to be dragged and dropped from the access database. How can a list of database choices be expanded in this box? Can the **ComboBox Tasks** be used by selecting the "use data bound items" in the list be used to accomplish this?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for faisalmukhtarch

i am using "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\My PC\Desktop\MOMS 3\MOMS2\WindowsApplication2\MOMS.accdb" This is the path to connect with the database. can you one tell me any other way i can use instead of this. I want to use the program on other computers. I tried "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|Data Directory|\MOMS.accdb" and "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & application.startuppath & …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for xHellghostx

So I am writing a program that checks for an employee pay, the user enters a fullname (firstname, lastname) and then a number of pieces that needs to be processed, how would you validate that the full name is acceptable? for example we enter in the name texbox the name …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mayuri.koul

**have used the following code for displaying names of my sql db tables in combobox...now i want dat when i click on any of these table names from combo box..my dgv populates with that table's contents...i have gor three tables in my db..lol,datejoin and tble ** private void Form1_Load(object sender, …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for tin.marcelino

I have a database which I need to select all data in a particular column, automatically as long there is a data stored in that column then use that all data(Phone numbers) in sending msg (My system was Send Message System). I already have done sending one by one , …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for abdalqader.abdelhalem

i want to search for an item in a datagrid view via a textbox .. so i type something in the textbox like the product name .. and he finds it .. i use visual studio 2010 and access database

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for Superfreak3

Hi all, This is kind of related to another thread I posted in C++, but I thought I'd go the VB.NET route and have a co-worker help with the C++ conversion if needed. I hope I'm getting pretty close with this... Const MinMsiVersion = "3.0" 'Minimum version to support functionality …

Member Avatar for Superfreak3
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

As state previously, I'm a newbie at coding in VB and have much to learn. I'll appreciate your input and knowledge! I'm creating a Order Entry form. I have the database in place with some "test" items in the in the table. I now want to begin creating a new …

Member Avatar for Contagious98

I just dragged a menustrip from the tool box and put in some text like "File" and on the drop down menu is "Event Registration" text. I dont know the codes for the menu strip on how to link it to another form. I've already created a form named Eventregistration.vb …

Member Avatar for Mapz Xate
Member Avatar for chdboy

Hi, I'm adding day shift column where current month (I'm using datetimepicker for extracting month from it ) but getting this error Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Here is the code Dim str10 As String = "Select COUNT(DayShift) FROM Attendance WHERE AttendanceStatus = 6 AND …

Member Avatar for chdboy
Member Avatar for LucianAdamson

Hey all! I am trying to write a piece of code that will replace one of my system files on reboot with a new version of that file. Hopefully someone out there has some experience with this as I am stumped at the moment. Using: VB.NET 2012 Using MoveFileEx Public …

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Member Avatar for EliteNMC

Hello. I've released a noobie spam-bot, but, I want to add to it the 'find window to work in' function... I don't know how to say this better... Hope you understand what I mean.. :) MfG

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bayyaa

## On Form_load three labels are inserted dynamically to the TableLayoutPanel.On clicking the first label, two labels popup as submenus. Now my isuue is, on clicking the second label, its submenu labels are appearing under the first label instead of second label. Where might be the problem?## Public Class Form1 …

Member Avatar for bayyaa
Member Avatar for swathi sajja

I have integrated VLC player to my application and everything works fine expect when a file is not found it stops playing and pops up the error message window. Does any one have idea that if a file is not found while playing to skip and continue with the next …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for pearl.kumar1

HI, IF i run my VB.NET Application. IT shows"Unhandled exception has occured.Connection was not closed.The Connection's current state is open". Kindly Suggest How to Solve this Problem.

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Member Avatar for siaosituimoloaublood

Well this is my problem..the code below is to display the grade that is associated with the points the user enters. Now, my problem is how can I have a message display an error message when the user enters a number above 500 or my array..any help is greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

I'm trying to use the Import/Export Wizard to import data from an Excel File to the SQL Database. First, know that I'm trying to run it as an "Administrator". I've had issues because it wouldn't let me log in. So I'm trying it this way. I'm following the steps as …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for mshravs

here I have problem. I need the code for creating an answering machine for the landline phone wherein it automatically connects to voice module immediately after 3 rings.

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, In the classes on VB I took were some training on creating Parent and Child Forms. What never was clearly explained is why we would need to use such related forms. I ask this as I'm now working on a group of forms that will be the "order entry" …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for pearl.kumar1

Hi to all, What is the use of <configuration> <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" /> </configuration> ?

Member Avatar for pearl.kumar1
Member Avatar for sonyj

I Install access database with setup of a project. how to avoid uninstalling of database with software in vb.net

Member Avatar for Galbatorix
Member Avatar for Galbatorix

hello guys, i have an sql statement that is supposed to be returning data from two tables that i have joined. Here is the code below: sql = "SELECT rooms.roomID, rooms.roomNumber, rooms.roomStatus, " & _ "roomType.roomType, roomType.adultRate, roomType.childrenRate, roomType.roomTypeID FROM rooms " & _ "JOIN roomType on rooms.roomType = roomType.roomTypeID" …

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Member Avatar for swathi sajja
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for kumar_g

Hello Friends I am VB.NET Programmer and currently working on a project where i have to search from combobox. I am retreving the data from database(MS ACCESS) and loading it in combobox at form load event I have set the following properties in combobox for search : 1. AutoCompleteMode TO …

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The End.