20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for davydick

Hi I used VB6 to create an EXE file that uses MSComm1. The program runs OK in my XP computer and also in my Win7 computer (that has VBE installed). It would not run on my Vista laptop. I installed the VB runtime files (even though Microsoft says they are …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for deconstruction
Member Avatar for deconstruction
Member Avatar for cirno

Hi, I have this question about how to retrieve a column with DateTime from MySQL as String and put the data in a textbox. :| So I've been using something like this... [CODE]Private Function check_ResitDate_ResitNumber() Dim SQLquery As String Dim rrnRD As OdbcDataReader Dim DiTi As DateTime SQLquery = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for cirno
Member Avatar for DoctorGiraffe

So i have several tabs, and i close them all using a button with:[CODE]TabControl1.Controls.Remove(TabControl1.SelectedTab)[/CODE] But I have been trying to figure out how to make sure the main tab doesnt close. What can i do to make sure the main tab can't shut down, when closing tabs with the above …

Member Avatar for DoctorGiraffe
Member Avatar for gspeedtech

Hello, I am working with a Windows Application that was developed in VS2008 on a SQL2000 database. I am trying to determine the Datasource of a row in an existing DataSet. I have narrowed it down to 2 possible tables that each have a row with the same identical name. …

Member Avatar for gspeedtech
Member Avatar for mvs

hello i'm a bigginer in programming i wanted to know how can i create reports in vb.net thank you

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for WHchaz1027

Please guys if you know the solution, kindly reply, My problem is how can I set to visible = true those hidden rows in my datagridview?. When the form loads, I set some rows to visible = false due to some reason. Now, I cannot find away to unhidden them. …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for JohnPhillips

Good morning, I have a batch file with the following code which works fine: MsiExec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160020} /q I would like to execute it from within the .net environment, however I can't seem to execute that command using the shell syntax. I tried Shell (cmd "MsiExec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0150070}",vbHide), and various …

Member Avatar for JohnPhillips
Member Avatar for cirno

Hello, codegurus. Excuse me, but I need help. I have been assigned to deploy a system that uses VB.Net and MySQL. After testing on 9 different PCs each on different regions, only 1 PC shows this error during deployment: [CODE]System.ArgumentException: Formatof the initialization string does not conform to specification starting …

Member Avatar for cirno
Member Avatar for delia99

We may set one password for a file if we don't want others to open it, especially the secrete document. Generally speaking, we are used to writing articles or papers in Microsoft Word. And we may need to encrypt Word document if it is very important for security. Also, when …

Member Avatar for Waldek

Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone out there has deployed a solution successfully like mine? I have created a vb.net 2005 winform solution that can be installed on a desktop. It uses an access 2003 database to hold data. The setup.msi was created using the vs.net deployment menus. The solution …

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Member Avatar for ezbaiby

Hey I have a program that has a webBrowser navigate through a few pages, and when it gets to the last page I set it to navigate to, checks if there is a certain string on that page. I just switched my code around to use multithreading and now the …

Member Avatar for ezbaiby
Member Avatar for horserider

How to put this tool in vb.net 2010 plz check this image.. i hav rounded tat tool in red colour. [url]http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/6697/24961035.png[/url]

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for bobscrazy

I need to link an access database to my visual vasic express 2008 class i have made (as been set an object orientated project) but am struggling to link the database and get it to show the information from the database through the class to the product form. I'll attach …

Member Avatar for bobscrazy
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I want to use a picturebox in my crystal report the picture that i want to place on the report is now on my form.I have declared the picture object.but i do not know its property for example using crystal reports when you declare a text object u say textobject.text.what …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for discovery-power

Hi All, I have a log in form, I have had a couple of idea's. When a user logs in I want his/her name to print on the top of the main form with the current date, the data for the login form is collected from a sql database (not …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for Viperino

Hello. I'm looking for a way to format lines on a MsgBox, so that the records don't seem out of place. What I have is this: [URL="http://sites.google.com/site/hqupt666/home/Untitled.jpg?attredirects=0"]http://sites.google.com/site/hqupt666/home/Untitled.jpg?attredirects=0[/URL] If you can't see it it's something like this: Num Name HF 1 something 11 2 somethingelse 22 3 andsomethingelse 33 I've been …

Member Avatar for Viperino
Member Avatar for betabasic

Please see the image below: [url]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1023/vbpicmove.jpg[/url] as you can see. using a timer. the images (image1 and image2) move from right to left inside the picturebox1. I have an idea on how to do it but I dont know how to code it. here's the idea: @ 0 sec Picturebox1 …

Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I'm trying to call other EXE's from my program I'm writing. Inside my project I have a folder called progs with exe's inside it. How can I call these from button clicks?

Member Avatar for betabasic
Member Avatar for david56connor

Hi, I have a piece of code which loops through checked checkboxes to do something with each of them. After each turn in the loop I want to pause before it continues to the next checkbox until the user enters a piece of text into the text box. I have …

Member Avatar for david56connor
Member Avatar for DaveatWinton

So i have tried basically 30 different methods of going about this all with different errors in every form and fashion. Basically all im trying to do is write to my database in some form or fashon. Im having no problems reading from it but i need to change some …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for venky.skcet

Hi Friends :cool: Am creating a personal diary application using VB.Net. When i publish the solution i get the .exe file. But when i install it, it gets installed in the C drive by default. My question is cant it be installed in someother drive. If it cant someone pls …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I'm trying to figure how to pull the computers workgroup name using VB.NET. Any help would be great.

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Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I'm playing around with VB.NET once again since college and I'm trying to recreate a program that GeekSquad uses called the MRI for a friend. Upon doing so, I have run into a few snags. The must present one is once I publish my application to a particular spot that …

Member Avatar for MaddTechwf
Member Avatar for BleepyE

Hey, im just wondering if there was any easy were to make sure that an entry havent been used twice in a selection of ComboBoxes. Heres the start for what id have to do if there isnt. [CODE]Private Sub ComboBox9_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox9.SelectedIndexChanged If …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for tendaimare

i am trying to create a crystal report and run it on the fly so far this is where i am can anyone help or point me in the right direction.Any help will be appreciated [CODE] Private Function SetupReport(ByRef objCrystalReportDocument As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument) As System.Boolean Dim crTableLogOnInfo As CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo Dim crDatabase …

Member Avatar for tendaimare
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

As the title suggests, i am trying to pull a bitmap image stored in a table location with an OLEObject type to my picture box on the form. The code i am using is as following: [CODE=VB.NET]img_ProductPicture.Image = DS.Tables("LocationInfo").Rows(0).Item(5)[/CODE] The error i am receiving is an InvalidCastException: Unable to cast …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for noel9

hi friends i m coding for birth-date in vb.net i have 3 comboboxses in my form (month day year) i want to add this 3 combobox in databse in one field i try [CODE] myrow.Item(i) = Monthcbo.Text & "/" & daycbo.text & "/" & yearcbo.text[/CODE] its working fine but during …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for WHchaz1027

Hi guys, Do you know how to set maximum length of character in the textbox of rdlc report? I already dug all of its properties but I didn't see any. Please guys I need your help. Thanks in advance. WHchaz1027

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rhonda2010

Hi! I have a vb.net project on a jump drive that connects to an Access (2003) database (located on the jump drive). My problem is when I change computers, I have to change the drive letter the jump drive is located. Currently, I have the following code and have to …

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The End.