Hello, I am a begginer in VB.NET programming and would like to know some most likely simple things to help me out on my next project.

What I would like to know how to do is;

Make my application remember an activation serial
Make a user login with a 'New User' option

This is for a Virtual 'Operating System'.
I know it's not really an Operating System, but it knida looks like one, and I want to advance my skills a bit.

Thanks for any help in advanced.

when you say remember an activation serial do you mean just while the program is running or once entered to be held as activated and each time you start the program after the initial time it is set to be activated e.g. like windows does?

if you mean like windows you will have to either use array's and a text file to save them to or use a database like access. i would use access as it is relatively easy to link to your program and then you can use an SQL queries to check any data that you input into the program against the database table.

user logins are easy but again you will need somewhere to store the usernames and passwords you can easily use the same access database with a table to hold your login details. and then use SQL queries to check the details.

I would suggest that new users should be add once an administrator is logged in, otherwise there is no point in having a login with a password if they can get round it by creating a new user account.

hope this helps

"when you say remember an activation serial do you mean just while the program is running or once entered to be held as activated and each time you start the program after the initial time it is set to be activated e.g. like windows does?"

Yes, that is exactly what I mean. How would I go about using a text file?

I have thought about what you have said about the login, and chose to scrap the idea.

like i said would not suggest using a text file as it's a pain but there is a decent tutorial at http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/net/nets8p4.html on how to use them.

if you want to build a efficient program then database and sql is the way to go because once you set it up it's easier to use in my opinion.

Alright, thanks I'll take that into consideration.

You can also use the registry to do that. You can check this and follow the links I posted there (I'm too lazy to re-post them here lol)

Hope this helps.

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