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i want to ask one more thing about crystal reports...let's say i need an report that will show me payed "membership fee" for year that I want to choose. How can I get something like this? I know that I can make separated reports for single year, but I want all in one report document...just to select year that I want to see. Any idea?

*and yes, i have separated tables for "year" and "membership fee"...

One more example..
I have members in my evidence and every member belongs to one "football center", i would also like to have an option to print my members only by "football center" that I select...hope someone can help me

Member Avatar for Peric there any way to access database fields from Vb.Net? I mean...I have report with 8 columns, one of them is "year" which is database field...can I access to this field and say what year I want to display?

Short answer is Yes. Are you familar with retrieving database data and what exactly are you returning, a single value or many records that corrospond with a specific date?

Member Avatar for Peric

Short answer is Yes. Are you familar with retrieving database data and what exactly are you returning, a single value or many records that corrospond with a specific date?

Let's say I'm...

In that crystal report document, right now I have, as I said, 8 columns from 3 tables (members, membership, town, year), all this is included into crystal report using crystal reports wizard.
Right now those are "membership fee" for all members and what I want to do is access to that "year" field and select only specific year...or even two or three years but not all.
Hope you understand me? thanks

you need to sum the monthly amounts based on the specified year. create a formula to do this. you can hard code the year or make it dynamic so that the user can input the year

Member Avatar for Peric

you can hard code the year or make it dynamic so that the user can input the year

can you explain me this part? How would you do this?

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