
I am facing logon Failed problem in VB.Net Crystal Reports after i deployed it at client side...

A window showing Database name, user name, Server and password
I fill it manually still it fails...

Can any one help me to sort out this solution...



I am facing logon Failed problem in VB.Net Crystal Reports after i deployed it at client side...

A window showing Database name, user name, Server and password
I fill it manually still it fails...

Can any one help me to sort out this solution...


Did you ever get a solution for this. I have a similar problem. When my login comes up the database name is not showing and it does not allow me to input it to login.

Use This Class Make CR Connect:

Public Sub GETSERVERNAMEANDDATABASENAME(ByVal rpt As Object, ByVal DATABASENAME As String) ', Optional ByVal PASSWORD As String = "", Optional ByVal USER As String = "")

Dim I As Integer

Dim TBL1 As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo

TBL1.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "Typed UR MS SQL Server Name"

TBL1.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = DATABASENAME

TBL1.ConnectionInfo.Password = "Type MS SQL sa pass word"

TBL1.ConnectionInfo.UserID = "sa"

For I = 0 To rpt.Database.Tables.Count - 1
Next I

End Sub

To PreView Report Used This:

Dim rpt As New UR Crystal Report Name


Me.CRviewer.ReportSource = rpt

CRViewer is Crytsal Report Viewer

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