20,284 Topics
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I have a property active to indicate status of an employee. Along with all the details, i extract the details from an employee table into a dataset, but however i am not able to get the value present in active as i get an invalid cast exception. This is the … | |
how do i want to save a picture in accsess database? | |
Hey guys! How can I invert (or reverse, whatever) a string, but reversing each word? Like: [ICODE]This is a string.[/ICODE] Output: [ICODE]sihT si a gnirts.[/ICODE] and not: [ICODE].gnirts a si sihT[/ICODE] Also, how can I do it to a entire file? Thanks in advance! | |
Hey people! It's me, AGAIN! =) I'm not sure if I already saw a trackbar inside a menu strip, but there is a way to add it? Or even a numeric dropdown? Thanks =) | |
Guys I need to store the exact value (including the mask) from my maskedtextox into my database. My maskedtextbox has 5 digits (ex. 20000) but when I am saving it and checking it into my database, only the first non-zero digits are being saved. How do I deal with this? | |
Hi guys, can you please help me out. Scenario: I have 14 panels in my form, the user then input a number in the textbox. Then this textbox will now determine how many panels will be enable. My formula would be, userinputtextbox/0.5=panels to be open. Example: 3/0.5=6. So far this … | |
EDIT: I am so sorry! I have added my thread to the C# discussion thread instinctively wherein in fact I have been creating my application in VB.NET so sorry! Please transfer my thread to the appropriate location! Really sorry! Hey all I am currently trying to mess around with a … | |
Guys, I am in a trouble with this error: "An attempt has been made to free an RCW that is in use. The RCW is in use on the active thread or another thread. Attempting to free an in-use RCW can cause corruption or data loss." I am not sure … | |
Hi guys! I need some help. I have two listviews that uses drag and drop to pass values, however I can only pass the value of my first column. What I need is to pass the value of my two columns. Thanks! God Bless.! :) | |
I use the binding navigatorsaveitem to save my data back to the database, but the way I am doing it today seems to take an awful lot of time. Ex: [CODE]Private sub .....SaveItem_Click(Etc Etc Etc)Handles ....Click Me.Validate() Me.Process1BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process2BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process3BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process4BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process5BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process6BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process7BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process8BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process9BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process10BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.Process11BindingSource.EndEdit() Me.TableadapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.DataSet) 'Then … | |
Hi I m using datagrid my cloumns are coming dynamically. Here is the attached view I m getting. For first column I get value from database. now for each cloumn I have to get values for which i have to traverse multiple records from database I want each cloumn should … | |
I have a parent/child relation I am trying to create fow 2 datasets. The parent ds consusts of a range of PO Header information After I fill this dataset I loop through it getting the PO number. I then take that value and execute another sql statement on the DETAIL … | |
I want to write a web calculator in asp.net with vb. I am a beginner in vb.net and asp.net and i want to learn both of them with practice please help me i really need you friends thanks:confused: | |
Here is my current code, and it works fine to choose one image and copy it, however, I cannot figure out how to allow multiple file selections then copy them to a new folder. Please help! [CODE]Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As … | |
¬Hi there, I have a quaetion in datagrid view. In datagridview I have add a constaint and if the user didn’t meet the reuirment I add an error text. Which shown below [CODE] if (c == 2) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot select the file name","Message",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning); dgvForm.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText = "Cannot select the file name"; … | |
Hi, I have an application that is getting long in the tooth and I am finding methods that are no longer being referenced anywhere in the code. I'm sure they were useful at some point but now just take up space and are confusing for the maintenance guys. I suspect … | |
Hey guys! I'm trying to change a textbox font size at run time with a track bar. But, when I add to my code: [CODE]Textbox1.Font.Size = Trackbar1.Value[/CODE] It says that Font.Size is a read only value. I haven't found any other way to do it. There is a way to … | |
Placing ComboxBox in DataGrid Cell is a task usually found in Invoicing application. Here is my version of same. | |
Hey guys! Can someone help me.? I have two tables named Questions and Examination, and two listviews named lstQuestion and lstChosenQuestion. I transfer the value of my lstQuestion to lstChosenQuestion through drag and drop and I already did that. My problem is saving the QuestionNumber equivalent of the transfered value … | |
hello!!! i would really appreciate a little help. here's the deal: i have a folder with some fotos in it. all i'm trying to do is make a program in whitch you can write the name of a foto in a textbox, click the "Search" button and find that picture … | |
More like general MySQL than vb.net itself, but still need help. The MySQL code below: [CODE] SELECT * FROM (SELECT resit_no,SUBSTRING(resit_time,1,19) AS entrystamp FROM DB1.receiptdetails WHERE terminal LIKE '%99' AND resitdate BETWEEN '2010-12-01' AND '2011-01-31' AND productcode BETWEEN '91000001' AND '91000009') res1, (SELECT expdate_resitno, SUBSTRING(TimeModified,1,19) AS moded_time FROM DB2.mtransactionstatus WHERE … | |
Hey guys, its me again. I think that wasn't 10 minutes since my last post :) Now is another thing. I run a external app that has exit codes, it is all in its own documentation. How can I get these codes inside my app? And, can I add this … | |
Hi , I am a Newbie using SQL server and vb.net in VS2010. I am re-writing an exisitng application which is written in an old programming language. I have a table with invoice records waiting to be assigned an invioce number and invoice date. I have two ways of uupdating … | |
I'm a very new developer (if you could even call me that), and I'm killing myself here. Essentially here's what I'm trying to do. A user scans a series of documents which are sent through a program that places a .tif or .pdf of each document into a folder on … | |
RegisterClientScript and all variations are missing vb.net 1.1 there's nothing under page or me or clientscript or anything else i can think of | |
Well i need hep translating this to VB.Net 10 or someone could give me a code that works the same ? [CODE]Func MyFunction() $proc = ProcessList("SRO_Client.exe") $adress=0x00E88A7C $ID=_MemoryOpen($proc[1][1]) $MaxHP = _MemoryRead($adress, $ID) _MemoryClose($ID) GUICtrlSetData ($Label1, $MaxHP) EndFunc[/CODE] I need to read addresses from process and displays a few things in … | |
hi guys, i am using the vb 2005 to create an application and i created a database from the vb by adding a new Item(Database). i want to know how can i make the id wich is a number,to take an auto number and not to have to enter it … | |
Hi All I know it is possible to use the internal system speaker to generate sound. EG [ICODE] System.Console.Beep(500, 500) 'Beep(FREQUENCY,DURATION) [/ICODE] However i was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible and how to go about using said system speaker to speak - MESSAGE YOU ARE NOT AUTHORISED … | |
Hi all, How can I retrieve info from a HTML table like this : I want the bold things. [CODE]<table class="vis "> <tr> [B]<th width="150">Opslagplaats vol</th> <th>Tijd (hh:mm:ss)</th> [/B] </tr> <tr> [B]<td width="250"><img src="graphic/holz.png?1" title="Hout" alt="" class=""/> morgen om 02:35:48 uur</td> [/B] <td> <span class="timer">8:32:33</span> </td> </tr> <tr> [B]<td width="250"><img … | |
Hi, Am trying to create a multipage (or multitab) user form and each one of page (tab) has several textboxes in it. After user enters the input in the textboxes, the data goes into an xml file. All I wannna know is, what is the syntax for getting inputs from … |
The End.