20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for hiz460

Hi, I needed some help on how to add Validation on text boxes. I wanted validation such as only adding numbers, or max 7 characters for postcode, etc. I wanted a validation on postcode so that if the correct format doesn't appear (ex, LE5 7LD) then a message box would …

Member Avatar for hiz460
Member Avatar for vbnoob

Hi guys, I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array.. [CODE] Dim ary() As String Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for ayame2012

hi, can you help me for the search button code that once you do the search, the info will automatically display in a data grid? please, thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for kinyuadave

Is is possible to replace the shutdown.exe with another exe developed in vb.net that can shutdown the system.?

Member Avatar for glenntamis

I am looking for advise on a new development application we are starting. I have to write 6 programs to create 6 different reports in text and excel formats (CSV). The related GUI application will launch either Notepad or Excel to view the reports. One of the reports will be …

Member Avatar for digitalsindhx

Help With Add, Delete, Edit and Update Record (with Datatable Method) I Created a Software with OleDb .mdb database previously Using Dataset Method, but I was unable to Connect Datagrid with it on real Basis, I mean when I Clicked Next Record Button it only Moves in TextBoxes (Which were …

Member Avatar for kirandeshmukh

Hi Friends, I am doing b.tech(Comp) and my project sunject is online exam. so pls. help me for it, pls. someboby send me the source cpde of it. Mine E-mail Id is SNIPPED Regards, Kiran

Member Avatar for abdul shafee
Member Avatar for Eleqtriq

What's up, I've been working with document.getelementbyid lately and I've created a code to comment on a Youtube video: [CODE]WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("comment").SetAttribute("value", "comment here") WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("add_comment_button").InvokeMember("click")[/CODE] Anyway, I was wondering how I would rate a video?

Member Avatar for puteraX

[CODE]Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click Dim conn As MySqlConnection conn = New MySqlConnection() Dim test As String Dim commandSQL As MySqlCommand If MsgBox("OK to delete parent: " + DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value + "?", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Delete Progress") = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then 'delete it from the dataset test …

Member Avatar for tanvirahmad

hi experts i want to capture name of last or current using textbox name? how is it possible , plz help me.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for matt.clark.228

I am trying to develop an on screen keyboaard for a UMPC. I have everything built and for each button click i have code for my sendkeys, however, i have not a clue where to start when it comes to focusing the application. I need to know how to after …

Member Avatar for Hollandtech
Member Avatar for nazgulsecret

i want to publish my project along with some of the other text files(.txt) . i am able to publish it successfully but the files in the "debug" folder are not getting added.... so when i install and run my project it shows me a error message "FILE NOT FOUND".. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ashish81sharma

Hi, I have a weired problem. I developed a multithreaded WinForm application using VB.Net, and SQL Server 2008. The application works perfectly fine if I am using Visual Studio IDE to run the same. But, if I run the exe file created by VS the application hangs in case I …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I've been working on a report and it has 2 subreports, one of them can outgrow the region destinated for it (on a preprinted paper), and I want to break the subreport on a new page of the main report (with page header and page footer). How can I …

Member Avatar for culebrin
Member Avatar for Dorayaki

Hello... I Just know how to Expand the Treeview when the user click on the checkbox, but how to uncheck all the child nodes and un-expand the treeview ? so if the treeview nodes is not clicked then unable to expand... For example I have [ICODE]- Parent 1 - Child …

Member Avatar for Dorayaki
Member Avatar for holyskylark

[COLOR="Red"]i have written this code to inser data in my database table "member "through the form but it is not working if i start debugging the code it gives no error but when i open my database table to see the inserted data it is not working. please help me …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pepelara

Hi, I have a database table Files with a column Validated type of bit. Default is 0 and when a file is validated the column turn to 1. In my app I have two discs, a red one for 0 and a green for 1, so I would like to …

Member Avatar for pepelara
Member Avatar for hjdoran

Hi everyone, I'm looking for thoughts on how to copy fields between databases and I just can't seem to get pointed in the right direction. My problem is that I have two databases, one is newer than the other and has been modified (fields added over time). There is an …

Member Avatar for sbanks_charles

I have a question about something that I don't understand which doesn't seem to affect anything. I have an application that uses a grid to find and select a detail record. I have two cells that contain phone numbers so I have a private sub that handles grid cell formating. …

Member Avatar for sbanks_charles
Member Avatar for RAVARUNA

please I need to perform a silent download in visual studio 2008 please help me :)

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for renegregorio

Hello... Can anybody help me with this? 1. i have the images of our specimen card, located in my hard disk. 2. i want the image of the speciment card to be display in a picturebox when i type in the name. 3. i already made this in Ms Access …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for haxor98

How do I get a program to check to see if the computer is shuting down or logging off? I want to run code when the computer is shutting down.

Member Avatar for haxor98
Member Avatar for xfrolox

Well i don't really don't know how its call but when you click the left upper corner icon it appears like a little menu. close - max - min etc u want to change it This is one pic from a program i have that its not mine [url]http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/4938/his.png[/url] In …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tsegaTadele

how can i Post an image on sql server Hi there I am working on class project .i face difficulties on uploading images. in my project i build an interface that a user fill his/her data and send to the data base (sql server).one of the data that is collected …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for shanef1981

Hi Everyone, I am having an issue with a small app I am writing. It takes a huge report from one of our clients, extracts a few columns, makes date calculations and spits out a csv file for our systems to update the databases. The problem is I am in …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for j_808

i am having problems editting my record where i basically want to select a record from the datagrid view and change any details where the data is displayed in the text boxes i have put on my form and click edit and have the data updated on to the database …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ross1664

I particularly like the Publish facility within VS 2008 (VB). What I actually want to do is use the same facility for a Spreadsheet. I.E. I have a Spreadsheet with a chunk of VBA code behind it. Is there anyway to incorporate the spreadsheet into a VS 2008 VB project …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for didijc

Hi everyone, I'm working on a self motivated project; basically I want to be able to navigate to a website, for example, [url]http://www.people.com/people/rachael_ray/photos/0,,,00.html...from[/url] there I want to be able to able to record my actions - for example: Step 1) Right Click & save on celebrity photo Step 2) highlight …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for keny2020j
Member Avatar for jallan2010

Sir, I am using the following code in my vb.net while using that code it will show me syntax error. [CODE]Private Sub updateinfo() Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Try con = New OleDbConnection(connectionString) cmd = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE [Lani] SET [First Name] = '" & txtfirst.Text & "', …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.