20,284 Topics
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Hi I'm trying to format a datetime field to just show the date. The datetime is bound to an asp:label and for the Text attribute I have tried the following.... [code] Text= String.Format("{0:D}", '<%# Bind("CReviewDate") %>') and Text= String.Format("{0:D}", <%# Bind("CReviewDate") %>) and Text= String.Format("{0:D}", <%# Bind('CReviewDate') %>) and Text= … | |
Let me preface this by saying that I've only taken 1 formal programming class and everything else I've learned is from trial and error or Google (forums, blogs). I have never taken an algorithm class or an advanced math class. In the process of making my current application, I need … | |
Because I can't seem to find any good examples, I know this is something simple. Even so, I would greatly appreciate some help. I have an array of email address that I want to use for a BCC. How do I get this array into my blind copy list? Also, … | |
[CODE] Private Sub LinkClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim link As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.ActiveElement Dim url As String = link.GetAttribute("href") WebBrowser1.Navigate(url, False) 'MsgBox("Link Clicked: " & link.InnerText & vbCrLf & "Destination: " & url) End Sub Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles … | |
Hey Guys! , Im having a bit of a problem here. I need to add a certain string in this case ([B][COLOR="Red"]'[/COLOR][/B]) infront of every item in my listbox. So lets say items are : item1 item2 item3 item4 After i execute a code i want it to be item1' … | |
I'm having a little trouble deleting multiple lines for a listbox. I know how to remove a single line, which is this: [CODE=vbnet] Try If listbox1.Items.Count <> 0 Then Dim linedel As Integer linedel = listbox1.Items.IndexOf(listbox1.SelectedItem) listbox1.Items.RemoveAt(linedel) Else End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try[/CODE] If I change … | |
[CODE] Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdUpdate.Click Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("<connection string>") Dim hasErrors As Boolean = False Try If txtUserName.Text <> "" Then Dim SQL As String = "UPDATE addresses SET PinCode= '" & txtPinCode.Text & "' , " & _ "Occupation= … | |
Hello everyone. Thanks in advance for checking out my thread. I am trying to make a simple program in vb that includes a combobox with a textbox on top and a list box. Basically, the user should be able to type somthing in the textbox, click a button which adds … | |
I have used Mid,InStr and other methods to get a substring of a string from one text file and copied the required string to another text file. While I get the correct string, vbscript however generates a BLANK SPACE after evry character in the output string. I tried to use … | |
I have a hyperlink column in a datagrid that uses DataNavigateUrlFormatString to open a popup window via javascript. I am trying to get two variables from a sql to show in the query string for the popup window. I am able to pass the sessionstart date which is ={0} but … | |
Hey I currently have [CODE]Private Sub LabelClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label14.Click, Label15.Click, Label16.Click, Label17.Click If sender.backcolor = Color.LightGray Then sender.backcolor = Color.Green ElseIf sender.backcolor = Color.Green Then sender.backcolor = Color.LightGray End If End Sub [/CODE] But there are ALOT of labels (about more than 300) … | |
i have make this program to update database.but it have something error. pop up show this message "An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in system.data.dll Additional information: ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Closed. " [code] Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal … | |
[CODE]My situation is to update the balance in database.In database i have 3 column which is user name, pin code, and the balance.i have three customer, each customer have user name, pin code, and balance.The question is how to update balance of customer first, how to update customer second, and … | |
anyone has any idea about honeypot? i need to know how to detect the attacks using honeypot in vb.net | |
Hello All, Can anybody help me, i am having challenges getting collections value into the database Here is my sample code. but is not working at all rather is crashing the applications Dim collections As New System.Enrolment.CustomerBiometricsCollection() collections = Me.PrintCaptureWizard1.ShowDialog() Dim dbs As New DBClass Dim mee As String mee … | |
Guyz I have a table named fec in which i hv column named EndDt having Date/Time Data type.Now i want to display those records in my report which have EndDt less than Date i pick from DateTimePicker and month is current month. [code] Private Sub DtpDefault_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal … | |
hello I have strings here, ecah stored individually a = hello b = bye c= hi Label1.text = a label1.text = b label1.text = c it is in the command button sub and i want them to show respectively when the button is clicked like this: a first, then b, … | |
i have sucessfully coded my form so that when a user enters data into the texxt box and searches any matching data is displayed on another form my problem is when no data matches the search criteria the form that would display the result still opens but is blank how … | |
Hello once again, i convert this class [CODE] public class Position { #region initialization // position stuff decimal latitude_fractional=0; string latitude_sexagesimal=""; decimal latitude_decimal=0; decimal latitude_decimal_mem=0; CardinalDirection latitude_direction=CardinalDirection.North; decimal longitude_fractional=0; string longitude_sexagesimal=""; decimal longitude_decimal=0; decimal longitude_decimal_mem=0; CardinalDirection longitude_direction=CardinalDirection.West; decimal altitudemax=0; decimal altitude=0; decimal geoidseparation=0; DateTime sattime=DateTime.MinValue; DateTime satdate=DateTime.MinValue; #endregion #region properties … | |
How to Display a message next to the search fields and provide a ‘Clear Filters’ button to enable the user to clear all entered search criteria | |
have a method who gets data from one table, put the data into variables before it it returned into the same table with changed ID etc. My problem is that it adds the first row without any problems, but when it is supposed to add row number 2 the error … | |
hi all im creating a simple timer.it have NumericUpDown and Progress Bar. i use NumericUpDown to set the timer in minutes.I also put Progress Bar to indicates the percentage of times completed.For example if i set the timer to 1 minutes so if it at 0.5 minutes the Progress Bar … | |
i have problem with my database.i using combobox to select elements. i have store the data using ms excess.the problem is when i select one of the element in the combobox.For example when i choose Perlis from the combobox, i hit summary button, there is no output on the label … | |
[code] Private Sub PopulateProductList() Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim strSQL As String Dim objListItem As ListItem Try strSQL = "SELECT [Sr No], [First Name] FROM [Lani]" con = New OleDbConnection(connectionString) con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() lblani.Items.Clear() Do While … | |
I have two datasets called ds and ds1 that I want to merge into a grid. I get data from the first dataset to display in the grid but the second dataset where I want to display a count I don't get any data from it. I am trying a … | |
Hello DW!, I am in a beginning stage vb user. I need a small help. I need to create a program, if I entered the "product code" in a text box / search box, it wants to display its full details from database, such as Product code, product name, description … | |
Hi, I want to create a code, which basically adds one to the last customer ID, and shows it in a combo/list box. For example, if the last customer ID used is 7, then it would add one, and show 8 in the combo/list box. Is this possible? How do … | |
hi all i want to make a temperature gauge using scroll bar (pls refer to Attachments) it has label to show the text of current temperature and if you are noticed the are also two labels in blue and red which indicates coolness or hotness.the problem is when the temperature … | |
Hi. I am new to this forum, but i have been playing with Visual Basic since 4.0. Anyway here is my problem. I am getting error and can't figure out why. [CODE] Dim connectionString As String Dim cnn As OleDbConnection connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\Database\tmprcStavka.mdb;" cnn = New OleDbConnection(connectionString) Try cnn.Open() … | |
Dear All I am beginning for .NET Please send any body [B]vb.net step by step tutorial[/B].plz help me |
The End.