20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for johmolan

Hi, I have a form with multiple tables. when I add rors into the tables I Use code like this: [CODE] Dim n As Integer = 0 For Each copyRows1 In copyRows Dim newOrdreRow As DataRow = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").NewRow() Dim Ordredato As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Ordedato") [/CODE] where I add new rows …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for crazyhorse09

I had a hard drive crash and lost all my source code for my poker clock program, but still have the program. Are there any programs I can use to reverse engineer my program so I can get the code back?

Member Avatar for crazyhorse09
Member Avatar for saj_amo

hi i want to take single table backup on sql server 2000 how can i take only selected table backup ??

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for juanrafael

I have a program that will load a datagridview with data from a database via a dataset at form load. On this same form, I have a button named "count", that when pressed, I want it to show a message box indicating how many entries were loaded into the dataset. …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Sizzlepantz

I am a little fuzzy on how to post my code so everyone can see it. I am too dull witted to figure out the instructions given on the blank thread. Would any one be willing to help me out? thanks

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for spxChrome

I have looked high and low and can't seem to find some sample code anywhere. I am looking for a snippet of code that will return all the folders in a Mailbox, not so much the drafts, inbox, outbox, sent items but a custom folder created by the user. Using …

Member Avatar for spxChrome
Member Avatar for jcb0806

I have two text boxes, submit button. and a dropdown list with the items(even, odd, and all). I want to calculate the sum of either all "Even", "Odd" or "All" numbers according the selection. In the code below, I have the "all" section working correctly but I'm trying to figure …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for hjdoran

Hi everyone, I'm at my witts end and need some advice. I need to create a new table in MS Access from a datatable and I just can't get it to work. I have tried SQL with no luck, but I've been spinning my wheels in the mud. Any advice …

Member Avatar for hjdoran
Member Avatar for mjltech

[CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnCompute_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click Dim percent, calories As Double Dim grams As Double Dim allow_amount As Double = 30 grams = txtGrams.Text calories = txtCalories.Text percent = (grams * 9) / calories * 100 Dim fmtstr As String = …

Member Avatar for puppykillaz
Member Avatar for semor7
Member Avatar for puppykillaz
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I have a groupbox called "GradeGroupBox" that contains 4 radio buttons for each high school grade. I also have a clear button which, when pressed, should deselect any values in that box. how can this be completed? I know how to do each one individually, but is there a way …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for zazarina

Hi..i need to write a program that allows the user to input student’s names (in textbox) and their studentID (using array) and searching (by name and id). the list of the student data should display in a gridview. Can anyone help me out?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mjltech

[CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnCompute_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click Dim percent As Double percent = (txtGrams.Text * 9) / txtCalories.Text * 100 Dim fmtstr As String = "{0, -15:p3}" lstResult.Items.Clear() lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtstr, txtFood.Text & " containts " & percent & _ " calories from fat.")) …

Member Avatar for mjltech
Member Avatar for zimmy130

Hey there guys, First time poster here, so I apologize for being a rookie. This is my first VB class and im having a hard time with For-Next loops. The question assigned is as follows: Request and odd number, and display a triangle similar to this: [code] ***** **** *** …

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Member Avatar for Miss Confused

Hi Can anyone have a look at my code and tell me where im going wrong??? What im trying to do is display my details in a listbox then the one that is selected frm the listbox is displayed in the textboxes and when delete button is clicked it is …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for toastghost

Hi. I'm fairly new to VB. I've made a handful of small programs and followed a few tutorials, but this is really the most complex program I've made so far. (Just a heads up that I may be missing something fairly obvious :$) I'm working on a VB program which …

Member Avatar for toastghost
Member Avatar for jackly94

I am writing a program that will ask the user to add in some of his details, which are stored into a text file, how do i check to see if the email he entered is not already stored in the text file already? I am also having problems with …

Member Avatar for bluem1

Team - Working on a personal project to help with my sons spelling. I can't seem to find an easy solution to this so I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Textbox 1 will hold the correctly spelled word. Textbox 2 will be typed BUT I want …

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Member Avatar for ganav

Hello! I have a webbrowser control in my program and what I want to do is to delete all the cookies stored in my computer. The problem is that for example I'm in some site, and then I decide I want to delete all the cookies, so I do it …

Member Avatar for johmolan

I have a Form1 with a method called OrdreUpdate2 I try to run thad method from another form by using the command Form1.Ordreupdate2 in a buttonclick. But nothing happens..What am I missing here?

Member Avatar for johmolan
Member Avatar for jallan2010

Sir, My problem with my project so please help me about I am enclosing my project with problem very simple but I can't found. I am using text box and listbox last two textbox i.e. txtlani and maskedtextbox. Now the problem is when the user put the data into above …

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Member Avatar for koushikha

Hi, I am doing a project in vb.net. I have a text box which contains numbers separated with commas. Now I need to insert only those numbers in a database. How to do this?? Can anyone please help me out.? Please post your suggestions ASAP. Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for koushikha
Member Avatar for 1manik

Hi, I installed VC++ with SQL Server 2008, but I cant find SQL Server Management Studio application. Can you talk me why? Installation of all components was good and I can find other components.

Member Avatar for arou_1

hi guys......can you please give me the full working code of the program, because i also encountered the same problem.....but i don't know where to put clientsocket.close() and the other corresponding code. i new to vb.net AIM:1. when the user click on a disconnect button, the communication stop and user …

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Member Avatar for martin71

I have an Employee form that displays data about the employee, on that form I have a button that launches an Employee Job form that shows data about the employee job. My question is how do I show the relevant data on the Employee Jobs form when I click the …

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Member Avatar for napkinbob

Hello. I want to copy a file from a UNC path (ex: \\comname\dirname\filename.txt) to a local destination (c:\outputdir) I have no compile errors, but when I run it, it throws an exception (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException). I'm absolutely sure the destination existst (it's referencing the destination directory). I've tried doing it with system.io.file.copy(source,dest) …

Member Avatar for fatiza
Member Avatar for srbenda

Hello! I need help! In runtime i created a few tabs and few text box on each tab. Now I have to catch how many tabs is opened, and catch text from text box and write in table. My problem is how to catch that. Thanks P.S. Sorry on my …

Member Avatar for laks_samy

hi i am working in vb.net 2005, how to check my printer status(true or false) before print report?

Member Avatar for digitalsindhx

I have created simple database project, using vb.net, ado.net, oledb, datatable, datagridview. My program is working nice, I just need Help with how to add, delete, update and edit records. Can any one please and please help me in this case, or can provide any good tutorial or source code …

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Member Avatar for athar258

hi all, what i am trying to achieve is that, using statistics from a data source (may be a SQL DB) i need to create a graph dynamically at runtime, and display that graph on the web page. perhaps it would be a good idea to convert the generated graph …


The End.