20,284 Topics
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hello everybody.. im creating an antivirus software with vb.net 2008 and there im scanning for viruses and put them in a listbox so we can delete them after scanning. the problem is im searching the viruses from the name and the extensions which are already exists till now. so if … | |
I have written the code and I am new to working with classes. If someone could point me in the right direction I think I can figure it out. I looked at MSDN and learned this much, so maybe I didn't get the right understanding but I thought I would … | |
hi all! am havin a problem in loading sorting items in a listbox. what i want is after i load a text file into a listbox the items are compared by the last number and sorted in descending order. any help will be appreciated. thanx in advance | |
Just had a quick question about this problem I am experiencing I am getting this error saying "the call to the server.CreateObject falied while cheking permissions. Access is denied to this object".I get this error every time I create a new DLL after compiling my VB6 code and drop it … | |
Actually these are Some of Interviews Questions that i have to answer in an interview. I have got Some Confusion :-/ in My answers that why posting here .. So that Any Genius Can Answer these Question Correctly 1) Which of the following are true about Extension methods? 1) They … | |
I have this code [code] Public Class Form1 Private connectionstring As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=c:/testn.mdb" Dim conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionstring) Dim cmd As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Private ssql As String Dim dr As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click conn = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;data source=c:\nikhil\testn.mdb") … | |
Hello All, At this time I am using VBScript to drive files thru a printer driver. Each file has to be ran at all the different preferences the drivers can offer. (papersize, dpi, simplex/duplex, etc.). I am developing a VB application and I want to drive the files with the … | |
Well i made another thread but with a different problem but i fix it. but i know how to make textbox allowed chars but is possible with web browsers ? like if f1 - f12 is pressed then nothing happen like nothing have been touch. is possible ? if so … | |
hi... i am currently developing a reservation system which has a map locator using visual studio 2008.. the scenario was this, when the user click in any of the amenities available and a transaction was completed, the color would change. I was able to change it but if you check … | |
Hi everyone, I am currently working on a small drawing application and I wanted to know if it was possible to insert a paint application inside a form,like vertically dividing the form into two. On one side you have some literature and on the other side you have the application. … | |
Ok im making a tool for a game like always and im having a little problem. This tool is to prevent users to know the site so they can't steal or copy the files. i prefer not to tell what game it is. But when they are in game there … | |
[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread142379.html[/url] [/b] Hi George, Can you explain it in detail please the coding etc. I 've got the same problem and i'm stuck. Thanks alot | |
I am looping through a list of DateTime variables and have got the .ToUniversalTime variable. I want to find out from the list which is the closest one approaching Now.ToUniversalTime but am having difficulty trying to work it out I had it looping through like this but this isn't much … | |
Dear Friends, I use the following: MySQL Server 5.1 MySQL Workbench 5.2 OSS I have a strange problem. I have a backup of my MySQL database with MySQL Workbench 5.2 I use MySQL Workbench 5.2 for importing MySQL database. That's works fine, see Annex. Then i go to SQL Development, … | |
hello every one when I'm Updating a table in access it gives syntax error in update statement can any one help how to sole this problem[CODE] vbstr = "UPDATE EmpMaster SET Name= '" & UCase(txtname.Text) & "',Address='" & Trim(UCase(txtadd.Text)) & "',TeleNo='" & txttel.Text & "',MobileNo='" & txtmob.Text & "',E-mail='" & … | |
I am having trouble connecting to a sql database. I have vb.net and it came with vs 03. I have doen a varity of simple programs with vb. I have recently added a server with sql 08 and connected with a workgroup. When I use vs to put a sql … | |
am developing software using sql database. i want an sql statement that can enable me retrieve data which for example has same surname,save them in an array or dataset and navigate through them. | |
Hi, I am extracting data from datagridview to Excel. But for columns with so many numbers Excel turns the format to 6,45646E+11 Is there a way that I can prevent this. I tried to use worksheets but I could not even save the data by using that. Here is my … | |
Sir, I am using front end as a VB.net 2005 and I am a beginner in this language. I am creating Desktop application and using controls TAB controls 1st tab control is Contact in contact I am using one text box, two button and one datagrid while I am using … | |
I am developing a software using vb.net and sql server as database.It takes name of my computer as a connection string.when i load this software on other computers it searches the name of my system.how can i define a connection string that automatically takes the name of system on which … | |
Hi,Using Vb net (2005) in Win Forms, in my app. I have many Win Forms one off them is "SetupOption" this need to be shown at least once at the first time I run the app and never ever after unless I need to change some settings,. then my question: … | |
Hi, I'm writing my first application in VB and need some help with my Access database. I have 2 problems; the first one is the most important, the second I would just be very grateful for any help/advice. Firstly, I need help updating a record from my database. I have … | |
can somebody give me code that retrieve data from from same column which have same name e.g surname,store it in dataset and then navigate through it on form using odbc. | |
I am trying to create a telephone word generator that ask for seven digit number in a textbox and displays every possible seven letter word combination corresponding to that number when user clicks generate words button. My generate click button is not working once click [code] Public Numbers(7, 3) As … | |
Hi Is it possible to capture a mouse click anywhere on a form (both on the form itself and on any control) without putting code in each control? I want to reset a timer/timeout when the user hits a key (which I have working no problem w/ a combo of … | |
We are trying to modify a program to control a usb relay device. Essentially what the program originally does is give you a series of check boxes that you check to make the relay fire. We tried to modify the code so that the box is checked after 5 seconds … | |
Hello, I am trying to access my website and display the .mp3 files in a certain directory. Through this, i want to have windows media player play the selected file. Either through list box, or combo box. I have tried many different ways. Please help. How in the world am … | |
ok i have a unit project and am really stumped. i want to make a really good, working program and it has to be in vb.net, and it has to be a console application (the "Module - Sub Main() - End Sub - End Module" kind of program). it needs … | |
Well i got my codes so Checkbox and Textbox to read ini but i cant find how to make ListBox read ini like each line in the ini is 1 item on the listbox i have the api calls thingy and other stuff, but if you have a code or … | |
I'm making program similar to keylogger (in vb2008), that detects keys pressed and then save it... How can i make, that program will name .txt file like "29.3.20010.txt"? im using this code to make a file: [CODE]Dim file As System.IO.FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create("C:\Key\Keylogg.txt")[/CODE] how can i insert Date: [CODE]Dim dtmDate … |
The End.