20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Agent57C

an error is found on line: letters = input.Substring((count), 2) it says that the index must be within the string I don't see why it is an error can anyone help? Function DigramCount(ByVal input As String) 'takes two charcters at a time out of input 'string and determines their frequencies …

Member Avatar for bruce2424
Member Avatar for sacarias40

[code]Public Class Form1 Private Sub TextBox1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseHover ToolTip1.SetToolTip(TextBox1, "Cash Flow") End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_MouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.MouseHover ToolTip1.SetToolTip(TextBox2, "Account Balance") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDown TextBox1.Clear() …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for Ugochukwu

Please friends am working on a project in which am trying to make it possible that when the first letter/alphabet of a name is keyed into a textbox linked to a search button and when the search button is pressed, all the names/rows begining with that first letter will appear …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hey, I am trying to create the sum of my values contained in MyArray variable simultaneously while assigning the values in the same loop. Afterwards, I want to find the average of the numbers after the loop finishes. Problem: When I compute the numbers, I keep getting the same sum …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for sacarias40

ok i have a few textboxes and they have a "default" text. when you put your cursor into the textbox how can i delete the text automaticaly. see my picture to understand more

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for onlyvidya

Hello friends, I want to update the record in my database in MS-Access.What code should I write to update it?? What is the syntax for update statement?? plzz suggest me if u hv any idea...

Member Avatar for onlyvidya
Member Avatar for Unrealx_

Hi.am working on a project but the damn thing is that i dnt knw how to design good UI.is there any FREE softwares Or UI libraries that work in vb.net.pls help me.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hello, I need help with a few things. Most of these things, I tried to do, but I need to know if I did them correctly, if not, how do I fix my problem? Thanks. 1) How do I make my MessageBox.Show say [B]"The Sum of Array Numbers is ____ …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink
Member Avatar for deepukng

Dear Friend , I am Using Vb.NET for creating windows application. I have attched MS SQL database to my application and project is over. I dont know how to create setup file. please someone help me regarding this. Thank you,

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Alexpap

Hello all, i have a problem and im in need of your help... I have a treeview with 2 parent Nodes and in the parent nodes there are some node: [ICODE]Members New Search Administration Groups Photo Location[/ICODE] In all nodes there is a checkbox for a spesific reason, like this: …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

i have a web browser control which i have added a status strip. I can get the status strip to display the clicked link fine but i would like it to display the link target when the mouse is hover over the link but i cannot get it to work! …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp

i have a datagrid which show values in a dataset. I can add new values fine with the below code, but when i delete one of the rows (highlighting a row and using the delete key) i get the error: 'Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp

I trying to create some, what i thought, simple rollover buttons. everything works fine except that the background colour on the mouse enter is always different to what i set. I have tried all the different flat settings on if set to 'flat' the background colour allways appears different despite …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp
Member Avatar for reena12

Hi, I want to Convert 1. HTML file into PDF file and 2. PDF file into HTML file through code in vb.net or c#.net without using third party component

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for harrybern

Hi All I am trying to convert xml file to a text file. But my program creates an empty text file and does not copy any text from the xml file. Please help Thanks My code: Dim Doc As New XmlDocument Dim NodeList As XmlNodeList Doc.Load("C:\Temp\MyXml.xml") NodeList = Doc.SelectNodes("/response/TAG") Dim …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for kapil.tandon

Private Sub PrintToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintToolStripMenuItem.Click Try Dim streamToPrint As StreamReader Dim printFont As Font Dim screencapturer As New ScreenshotCapture.ScreenCapture Dim randomGenerator As New System.Random(2000) Dim filePath As String = Application.StartupPath + "\tempScreenShoot" + randomGenerator.Next().ToString + ".jpg" screencapturer.CaptureWindowToFile(Me.Handle, filePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg) streamToPrint = New StreamReader(filePath) …

Member Avatar for harrybern

Hi All I am getting this error message when i run my pocket pc application using active sync on my PDA. i get this message when I am using threading in my application otherwise the code works but application crashes when i am trying to access the menus while the …

Member Avatar for KosalKauv

Dear Sir/ Madam I would like you to help me as below: I want to create a project for manage student information and i have one table store student information in the table have student ID, Student Name, Address, Photo.... and i want to insert student information with photo and …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ksanthoshmail
Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, I have so many forms but i want to load a form in place of current form but i am unable to do. Please help me. Just like visual basic 6.0 go to project ->properties->startup objects but i am not found in VB.NET Thank you

Member Avatar for reena12
Member Avatar for arunkp

friends i have a problem. i want to find out tcp statistics(bytes recieved&bytes send). for this i used this code [CODE]dim a as system.net.networkinformation.tcpstatistics dim aa as long aa= a.bytesreceived() [/CODE] this code shows a warning as [QUOTE]Variable ‘a’ is used before it has been assigned a value. A null …

Member Avatar for arunkp
Member Avatar for tyserman5674

Hi All, I have a problem with displaying items in a list box. I have inserted a radio button to display 15 lines of calculations, press the OK button and then display another 15 and so on. [code] intCounter1 += 1 'add one to counter intPaymentNum += 1 'add one …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi I have a form which adds data to a dataset, which can be viewed in a datagrid as it happens and then they finish and this adds it to the database - but after a short while the data that was added seems to rdissapear ffrom the database! Wondered …

Member Avatar for mbroadway

I am creating an application in VB.NET that has multiple pages. It's turned out to be a four page application as it took 4 forms for me to get all of the information for this application. My question: Is there a way for me to somehow link these forms as …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for zinashamaa
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

i just got too bored and want to write another program so that i have something to do. But because i am out of ideas i thought i could make a thread and ask all of you for ideas about programs that could be used in everyday life by an …

Member Avatar for cpopham

I am trying to learn VB .NET again. Have not used in a long time. I have bound my controls to my datatable and then I put values into the controls, I then have a button that I am trying to get to add/update the rows to the database. It …

Member Avatar for WaterboyVB
Member Avatar for jpsharma6

I have a running vb.net setup. I want to provide incremental modification to the set and I do not want to recompile or prepare the set up again.

Member Avatar for Tekito

I'm trying to write a program in VB2008 that uses a 2003 Excel spreadsheet as the interface. To help with this I am trying to pass data to and from macros inside the spreadsheet. I call a macro from VB with this line: [CODE] Call gXLApp.Run(gwbTB.Name & "!ArrGather", gArr) [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for mailtosridar

The End.