20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Djanvk

What is the best way to go about making a program that will have to save information like a database, but I don't want it to have to use a outside database, I would like the information to be embedded in the program possible. Or are there any other ideas? …

Member Avatar for Alexpap

Hello all, i would like you to answer me a question: I have a Select case statement: [code]Select Case textbox1.text[/code] and i want to add more than one case,for example: [code]Select Case textbox1.text and checkbox1.checked[/code] is it possible in any way to do this with VB.NET??? Thanks in advance, Alex

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for Devin

Okay heres the dilemna.... I have a Dataset("LineItems") that Stores information about so many records. To source to this DataSet("LineItems") is not its intended ouput. Meaning I pull this info in from one database and output to another. My problem is i have no idea on how to write an …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for laks_samy

i have developed vb.net 2005 application. how to create installation file, which method is best? any one help me or give me correct link.

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for onlyvidya

Hi frnds,, i hv a form in which i want to calculate balance.I wrote code for this as follows. But its giving me an error as "Datatype mismatch error". I hv declared bal & amt in database as Currency.Is this proper??If not suggest me some other code plzzzz. what datatype …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for tyserman5674

Hi All, Can anyone please help me out here? I have been trying now for about 6 hours on trying to convert this code from vb.net to asp.net [code] MessageBox.Show("Press OK To Continue..", "Mortgage Amortization Table", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question) [/code] All I want to do is after displaying 20 lines of …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for bajanpoet

How do I stop a combo box from firing the SelectedValueChanged event when the DataSource property is added?

Member Avatar for bajanpoet
Member Avatar for homs
Member Avatar for muhammad ismail
Member Avatar for dkstevens

I'm new to vb.net[COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] though I've done a fair bit of work in vb6. My problem is this. I have a form with two tab[COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000]controls[/COLOR][/COLOR] and on the tab pages are text boxes, group boxes, check boxes, etc. for entering parameters. While I'm developing using [COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#000000]debug[/COLOR][/COLOR]gging in vb.net 2005, each …

Member Avatar for rmblefsh
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! I have the following code- [code=vb.net] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim x As String = """" Dim cs As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\sbi\mm.xls;Extended Properties=" & x & "Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES" & x & ";" Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim cn …

Member Avatar for trooper01

I'm working on an assignment and when I run the application I get the message Build Successful, but the Form doesn't show up on my screen. How do I make the Form appear?

Member Avatar for Grimmic

I need to make an array using the following info. Salesperson January February March 1 2400 3500 2000 2 1500 7000 1000 3 600 450 2100 4 790 240 500 5 1000 1000 1000 6 6300 7000 8000 7 1300 450 700 8 2700 5500 6000 9 4700 4800 4900 …

Member Avatar for Sheryl99
Member Avatar for shuey79

A project that I have been working on requires multiple users to access a ms access db. I understand that I can split them and create a front end and back end. The backend would contain all my tables and I could place anywhere on a local network. My question …

Member Avatar for shuey79
Member Avatar for dougfalk

Hi, i have been wasting to much time i don't have trying to figure this thing out and hope somebody can help. I am making a project for school in VB.NET. I have SQL SERVER 2005 installed on my machine. I can access the database just fine thru Visual Studio …

Member Avatar for barclays82

I've been given this work to do for uni, can somebody give me some hints how to start it? 1. In order to demonstrate your understanding of Object Oriented Programming within a visual environment you are required to create an object oriented graphical program to simulate a simple telephone network. …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Sheryl99

I've written a UserControl, and within that control the user is able to change some properties on a form. I can't figure out how to display the changes in the property grid. The only time I've been able to update these properties, is in the UserControl's Load event. This won't …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Steffi
Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for cassie_sanford

I am trying to work on this work in the VB.NET book in this chapter called " Accessing Database Files." the instructions call for a DataGridView control on the form and to click the smart tab arrow. When selecting add project data source from the drop down, it activates the …

Member Avatar for corteplaneta

Hello, Basically, here's my problem. I would like to have a multi-column listview (with objects created from an arraylist) store information about what object is related to what listview item. I'm sure there's better ways to do this, but I can't figure it out, so I want to add a …

Member Avatar for sourav bansal
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Djanvk

I am writing a program using the MS Sql compact edition that get embedded in the program for my database so I would like any tips for using that if anyone has any good ones, I'm a VB novice yet. What I am wondering with this question is I would …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for mistyfy_t

I had a form with 5 tab page, and each tab page got a button that link to another sub-form. What i want is how i gonna make the sub-form display in the MDI too? Coz now i maximize all my form once the sub form loaded it had covered …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for sacarias40

ok i am making a simple HTML editor and i added a small feature that allows the user to click a preview button which opens up another form window that has a webpage object in it. the problem is, how do i get the html text to show converted into …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for sacarias40

can somebody help me with this?? i need to insert some text into a textbox, but it needs to go where i want it just not the very end every time. here is what i got so far Code: textbox1.text = textbox1.text & combobox1.text

Member Avatar for sourav bansal
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I have made two resource files,named 1)Form1.en-US.resx Name Value Button1.Text English 2)Form1.fr-FR.resx Name Value Button1.Text France My Code is as Under- [code]Imports System.Globalization Imports System.Threading Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim ci As CultureInfo Dim aL As New ArrayList() For …

Member Avatar for sourav bansal
Member Avatar for spick

basically I have a form with 3 fields, ID, NAME and ADDRESS. What I want to do is after I enter my ID it will fetch the NAME and ADDRESS data from my access database. I want it to fetch the data after I finish entering the ID, but the …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Sally123

I was wondering if it was possible to bound 2 combo boxes to each other. the first combo box with a set of information. Based on what the user selects, the second combo box changes. this involves 2 tables. table 1 ProductID Descritption table 2 Id FK_ProductID Category example: the …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Tellie

Hi All I have a select statement: [size=2]Select PERMISSION_BUTTON_ID from ALC_SECURITY_PERMISSION where ROLE_ID = 1 Now I want to store / retrieve the values of the field that I am querying without using dataset. Is this possible? If yes how can I do this? Is it possible that I declare …

Member Avatar for bruce2424
Member Avatar for robee31

I am getting the above error from the following code and I a not understanding why. [CODE]fileWriter.WriteLine( _ record.strFirstName & "," & record.strLastName & "," & _ record.strStudentId & "," & record.strCourseName & "," & _ record.strGrade)[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Renukavani

The End.