20,284 Topics
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when trying to update a sql database i get the following error message on Update Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information the column UserID is the PrimaryKey any ideas would be appreciated Thanks Peter example code: … | |
I have two pictureBoxes & two Panels. On PictureBox1_Click, I want that Panel2 is Fadeout & Panel2 is Fadein. & on vice-versa on PictureBox2_Click. I write the foll. code-- But with that code form is also fade in & fade out. [code] Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e … | |
hello every1, I am a college student and a new user on this forum just like I'm new to VB, please take it as if I know NOTHING about VB, I have VB 6.0 on my system, and I av a mini project to submit b4 February 20, 2009. I … | |
Alright folks...I'm new to this visual basic stuff, and to the site. I am working on an assignment for a class...it'll probably look pretty easy to the rest of you, but I just can't figure it out. What I need to do is take the information from the input box, … | |
strAthleteToken = strRecord.Split((",")) the statement above gives an Error message -Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'String' to 'Char'. (BC30512) ..... can someone help mi correct this ..... strAthlete and strRecord were declares as Strings....... .....thanks | |
Hi, I could do with some help please, worked on this all week and still do not know where to start. i need to wirte a program starting with a one dim array in one vb project then use a two dim array to do the same in a new … | |
k guys i have a text file that has a record of passwords, i am trying to read from that file if the guys username and passwords match access granted if not there denied. [CODE=vb] read = System.IO.File.OpenText("password records.txt") username = txtUsername.Text For a = 1 To 10 txtOutput.Text = … | |
I need to use at least one array in the tic tac toe code shown below and I am not sure how to do it. I am new at this which explains my question. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Public Class MainForm Dim p As Integer Dim pic As … | |
How to output this VB code in Console? Get the numbers from a txt file: 1 4 7 15 1000 This is the output: 1 * 4 **** 7 ******* 100 (not largeat than 20) Please help, I'm new in VB. | |
I'm currently writing a program in vb.net 2008, that is split into the main program and several DLLs (of which the user can select 1 to use). In the DLL, I have a function that reads data from a filestream into a structure, then returns the structure. While trying to … | |
Hi All, I have 3 text boxes that have user input to preform calculations. What I would like to do is if the user inputs improper values to share the error code messages with out having to define the messages in each one of the text boxes using the same … | |
Hello, I am facing a problem in my project as i m trying to clear the old data from the datagridview but not been successful. I have tried 1. Me.dgv1.Rows.Clear(), 2. Me.dgv1.DataSource=Nothing 3. Cleared the dataset, but none of them is working properly. If any1 has any clue then do … | |
Hiiiiiiiiii can any one help me plz :) i want to send date and another variables from form to another when click btn... how can i do it????? | |
Hi, I am using VB.Net 2005, VS 2005, and an Access Database. I have a datagridview on a form that gets populated from a table in the Access DB. What I'm needing to do is take the data from the DGV and put it into a table, "not the original … | |
I'm a VB newbie with a mammoth task. Well probably not for the Pros. I have been given the task of creating a programme that will allow the user to send SMS messages from their PC to a cellphone and Visual Studios 2005 was the tool given to use. I'd … | |
OK so I have a datagridview I get information from a stored proceudre this will have duplicates How can I tidy up the code below which deletes duplciates? [code] 'Ensure there are no duplicate SchoolChilds icountcount = dgvRegionalGrid.Rows.Count - 1 iWaitTime = 10 For icount = 1 To icountcount 'Check … | |
Hi Everyone! I have the following problem: I'm trying to create a web shop (now just the sample of it), using Visual Web Developer 2008 (Express). I've added an SQL database, and a ButtonColumn, where the button selects the line and add the datas to another database. My only problem … | |
Hi, I am pretty new to vb.net and I am having a bit of trouble placing a table in Word through automation. I am adding a table at a Bookmark. The bookmark is outside the margins of the page, but when the table gets placed, it starts at the margin, … | |
hi.. can anybody help me in passing date parameters into crystal report? i wanna do something like the user types in the date and clicks on OK button to view the crystal report according to the date typed by the user.. below is my codings.. but there's this error "Invalid … | |
Hi, It has been days that I have been working a simple wizard where users can add nodes as typed in BOLD in a treeview control : When the user has finished entering data my treview looks like this : [B]Is this the first time you are visiting DANIWEB ? … | |
Hi Friends, I'm new to daniweb as well as to the world of programming. I'm creating one project using visual basic 2008 and oracle 10g. Now I want to create some reports using crystal report. But when I run the report. No data comes up. Only the heading. Can any … | |
Hi All How create Setup using VB.Net 2005 and MySQL ... Help me.. Thank You | |
Hey everyone, I'm working with a login form in my application. The easiest way I can see to do the authentication is to query a user/pass database for any rows that match the given username and password. How can I send a query when the user clicks OK? Am I … | |
Hi, I am doing a project in VB.net i wanted to ask you how can i retieve data from multiple tables in a single form. Plz help me with a code to solve my problem. Thank you | |
I want to access an MS Access database using IP Address on internet using a desktop application. Please let me know as to what has to be done using VB.net Please reply in this or email me the solution at [email]abatechcal@yahoo.co.in[/email]. Thanks. | |
[CODE=VB.NET] Dim dr As DataRow Dim dt As DataTable Dim ds As DataSet ds = DataSet2 dt = ds.Tables("firm") dr = dt.NewRow() dr.Item("f_num") = 9999 dr.Item("f_name") = "samir" 'txt_FarmName.Text dr.Item("f_floor") = 10 'Val(txt_FloorCnt.Text) dr.Item("f_type") = "C" ' Left (com_CusType.Text, 1) ds.Tables("firm").Rows.Add(dr) [/CODE] as I am reading from an example? there … | |
I have a datagridview on a form I want to conditionally insert a seperator between rows. [code] For iRow = 1 To dgvUserlist.rowcount If dgvUSERLIST.Item("USER", iRow).Value <> dgvUserlist.Item("USER", iRow - 1).Value Then dgvUserlist.Rows.Add(iRow) [b] DO STUFF HERE[ /B] End If Next [/code] So I want to compare the value of … | |
Hello, I'm currently developing a Chat Application in VB.NET which is similar to MSN Messenger. I need to know the control to use for the message area of the chat window in which the messages sent and recieved will be shown. I tried using the rich text box but it … | |
Can someone help me convert this to vb.net I can't read this whatsoever, i can barely read it XD [CODE]const int buflen = 10240; static char readbuf[buflen+1]; static int last = 0; static int next = 0; typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo; // NSS Library functions typedef SECStatus (*NSS_Init) (const char … | |
please help me to find the details of a network connection such as bytes send,recieved,duration and the control to disconnect the network connection. |
The End.