20,278 Topics

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does anyone know the game about saddam being shot in miniclip in flash? I have been working on a game but I dont know How to make saddam apper on the screen...example...on a desk he will rise up then will go down...then he will rise again beside a computer then …

Member Avatar for Gigo

Hello guys, I have been working for a long time a project in vb.net using a database which is in SQL Server 2000.I am currently trying to upload an image!The file i want to upload is not type image but nvarchar.I have made save it inthe database as ID of …

Member Avatar for shiny123
Member Avatar for echocpt

Hi, I have a project that I’ve been trying to do for months and months on my own, but it has got to the point where I can’t carry on because I’m so stuck, and all the tuts I try to follow don’t work for what I need. I am …

Member Avatar for echocpt
Member Avatar for bcm

I got it but my problem is that I want a text should scroll at the bottom of the form from right side of the screen to the left side of the screen want the text to scroll at the bottom of form from rightmost end of the screen to …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for Bobby_999

Hi all, Thanks for the support u have given till now.I had a confusion in sending email like I have created a button for email and i want to send the text which is in a textbox iam using " Me.mapiSession.SignOn() " code for sending but i have missed some …

Member Avatar for bcm
Member Avatar for bcm
Member Avatar for bcm
Member Avatar for mwanahamis

i have a problem linking access with vb by using Ado the photo from access isnt displaying in vb,also i inserted time in visual basic and set to display at certain time but i think i used the wrong codes plse help me

Member Avatar for dnk
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I am creating one function named "ToUInt16" in this function i am converting the int value into Uint16 as Public Function ToUInt16(ByVal provider As IFormatProvider) As UInt16 Return Convert.ToUInt16(m_iPercent) End Function m_iPercent is of type integer. I am getting an warning on this function as "Ruturn type of …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi- I haven't really used the TreeView before, and I am hoping someone can answer this question. Let's suppose I have a treeview called "TreeView1" Let's also suppose that I want to add some items to it in my code. so here is what i am thinking... Dim TreeItem as …

Member Avatar for Bobby_999

Hi I have created three text boxes and a datagrid. Now if i select a row in the datagrid i want those cell values to be displayed in the corresponding textboxes. Can any body help me in this ascept.

Member Avatar for Alekhan
Member Avatar for mongoose_r286

I'm trying to connect to Oracle Dbase using VB.net and I don't know how. I'm more familiar with Visual Foxpro 9.0 which is a lot easier. I did not find a way to connect VF to Oracle so I'll try VB.Net . 5 years ago, I am a little familiar …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

Hello, Does anybody know of a tutorial on download specific data from a web server sql db and inserting this into a local access db?

Member Avatar for Alekhan
Member Avatar for Sawamura

Hi all, i want to show report from date to certain date. so like 1/1/2008 to 1/7/2008. anyone know how to do this?? any help will be appreciated. thx.. Best Regards..

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Member Avatar for omotoyosi

Hello all, I am here for help again. Any time i run my application, it gives me this error. "An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\techno-wise consortium\techno-wise consortium\Database1.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on …

Member Avatar for sheenaW

:-/ I am trying to validate the values of the gridview before it is being written to a sql database, on a asp.net page. When ever I code in validation for the grid I loose all the functionality of the update and Delete function on the gridview. i also have …

Member Avatar for anansiva

hi can anyone know about dallas key and how to use these dallas key function in .net.....please it s very urgent ..if anyone know help me.......thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi- I have a doosie... I think. Maybe it's easy and I am just an idiot, I am not sure. Here's how it goes... On my web form, I have a GridView. I pull selected values from cells on the GridView. Sometimes I change a dropdownlist.selected value, which causes the …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for jimmer12

hi i have 7 textboxes and 2 drop down boxes i need to write a while loop statement to validate them. thanxs

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for mohanvamsi_18

Please tell me .. how can i Initialise 2 dimentional integer array in visual basic 6.0 ..... if i am giving like this .. it returns error .. at ([B],[/B]) Dim intScores(,) As Integer = {{75, 90}, {9, 25}, {23, 56}, {6, 12}}

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Member Avatar for arunsolanki31
Member Avatar for rhinocort23

how can i make it so you can type a paragram in one textbox then press a button and it codes all the letters to another thing that you preset so it shows in another textbox? also how can i make a list of names randomize and have a certain …

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Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I want to know how we display image on button control instead of text? I want to show image on button Plz can anybody help me thanks in advance Regards Guest11

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for mariyana

have a xml file as follows <par def="1"> - <field type="keyword" name="ListBox_1" > <keywords ui="listbox" readingorder="lefttoright" /> </field> - <field type="keyword" name="ListBox_2" > <keywords ui="listbox" readingorder="lefttoright" /> </field> </par> - <par> - <field type="keyword" name="Combox_1" > <keywords ui="combobox" /> </field> - <field type="keyword" name="Combox_2" > <keywords ui="combobox" /> </field> </par> …

Member Avatar for hanes84

Hi, thx to jax_man that i converted my code to vb.net but the problem now is that the program don't seem to work. The button when i clicked on don't work. sorry i'm new to programming.

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Member Avatar for Kartikey

hello , i want to add new record ino database ,but getting some problem pl help me front end :- VB.net2003 back end :- SQL Server 2000 my efforts : Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Dim conn As SqlConnection = _ New SqlConnection("server=;database=tempdb;uid=;pwd=") Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for Kosmatik

Lets say we have frmOne and frmTwo. frmOne loads up and when in the main menu the user clicks something frmTwo opens. frmTwo has a bunch of check boxes, ok and cancel buttons. User checks/unchecks the check boxes and clicks ok. frmOne now needs to know what check boxes were …

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Member Avatar for Bobby_999

Hi, Any one please help me working with forms. I have created two forms frist one form1 then i have created a login in form. Now when i debug form1 is comming but i need the login form to come first the if i click on ok then the form1 …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for bcm

Hi freinds I want to send an email using [COLOR="Red"]VB.NET2005[/COLOR]. Can any one help me in it any :icon_redface: code??????

Member Avatar for emurf
Member Avatar for rhinocort23

i just reacently had a thread, and it helped for the question i asked and i was looking through other thread and was wondering, where do you guys learn all of this about vb? i was taking a class(was because it ended yesterday) and it was a quarter class, im …

Member Avatar for rhinocort23
Member Avatar for juniorprogramme

Hi, I need help in coding a splash screen in VB.NET, it contains two traingles the first one varies the color green from 255 to 0, and the other varies the color blue 0 to 255, I tried different ideas but it didn't work, I'v been stuck with this for …

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The End.