20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for mannuvashishta

I am working on the project of cryptography and i have entered text in textbox and convert into hexadecimal numbers or binary numbers and store into the one array using the shift function. Shift each binary digit from their place and store it into array and vice-versa. how can i …

Member Avatar for Dukane

I have a project which I created a setup for in an MSI file. My computer crashed, and I lost all of my work. Fortunately, I had the MSI setup file out on the web. Now, I have my MSI file and I can install the program. But is there …

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Member Avatar for Dr_computer
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for AaronASterling

Hi, I am new to VB. I am trying to parse an html file. I would like not to use a WebBrowser control because it seems like overkill. The HtmlDocument class appears not to work outside of a WebBrowser control. If there is not a way to initialize it independantly, …

Member Avatar for AaronASterling
Member Avatar for Byron P

I am using Vb.net 2003 and would like some method for detecting when user has made any change to any data in a datagrid. I have a simple Windows form with a single datagrid with four columns. The first column is locked to prevent user from modifying it. All the …

Member Avatar for rhinocort23

hi, im kinda new, in fact i just signed up hoping you guys could help me. if i have multiple data grids connecting to multiple tables in access, one with all check boxes, can i make one of the data grids be affected by the other, like when i select …

Member Avatar for rhinocort23
Member Avatar for bcm

I am doing a projact in which I need help. I have created a data grid in which a database table is displayed. I have added CLEAR and CANCEL buttons. Now I want to insert buttons [COLOR="Red"]ADD[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]EDIT[/COLOR] to it [COLOR="Red"]EDIT[/COLOR] button to let you edit to that record …

Member Avatar for mildewyautumn

Im a noob in vb.net 2003 and oracle...and I desperately need the expert help regarding a problem that I face.... Im working on a web based system and the system is connected to oracle. In oracle there are 4 tables and Im facing problem with one of the tables. In …

Member Avatar for TEKKOLA
Member Avatar for Byron P

Just thought I'd introduce myself as requested. My name is Byron Polk. I have been a database application developer, using MS Access, building complete applications for the past 12 to 15 years. I designed a database application in MS Access for commercial distribution about 10 years ago, which, was re-designed …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for earthfriend

Hi there, My windows vista home premium dosent seem to have msaccess!!?? Can i download it somewhere for free? or any suggestions?? Irishman

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for earthfriend

Hi all, Im trying to connect my Emp.mdb database to my VB.net application. with this code. [CODE] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e as _ System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End …

Member Avatar for Chris147
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone. I have a program that will load project data according to the project number selected. One of the fields associated with the project number is the project manager. I have another table called Contact which is the contact information for the project mangers. I have a link setup …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Reliance

Hi, First of all sorry if my english is not so pure i'm Belgian After using vb6 for a while i'm now migrate to vb 2005 reading books and tutorials but now i'm strugling wit datagridview Ok here is it, AutosizeRow is set to allCells, WrapMode is set to true …

Member Avatar for Dr_computer

Hi, can you help me i want code that show a picture and another code to save picture finaly how can add flash on my programme please please give me answer quickly best wishes

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Cecilia_notes

I'm having this really annoying problem. I can't add new items to a existing project anymore. I have been adding new items to this project all the time, suddenly it won't allow me to do that. I add a new windows form to this existing project, will load this new …

Member Avatar for poonams

hi all thnaks for previous reply One more thing I want to ask u guys.it must be silly que.Actually I am working in vb.net2003 in my one application breakpoits works properly.but in another application ,when i debug application one quemark appear on break pt.& it does not work at all.I …

Member Avatar for raija09

anybody out there who can make a program that adds a user input... for example... if the user enters 123456... the program must add 1+2+3+4+5+6 and display its sum; thats all... please help me on this... really need it... tnx a lot...

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for huaso

Hi! I need help for somethig I guess is very simple: I have a file that needs to be replaced with the same name. I'm saving it with the following code: ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\GA\temp\AR.xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal, _ Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _ CreateBackup:=False But there is a file in that location with the …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for poonams

hi In my application i want to import table from Access to Excel.I have include Microsoft Web Browser to display the excel sheet .When i am running the application.It display the sheet.But One error is pop up"The file can not access,it being used by another process" Can anyone give the …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Sawamura

hi all, i want to make error handling but a complete ones. i was done with exception (ex) but i need a little bit more like error line,error number or other. does any one know how to do this? thx. best regards.

Member Avatar for Sawamura
Member Avatar for Run.[it]

Is there a way in Visual Basic .net to make textboxes uneditable? I have my program reading data from a file and displaying the contents in various textboxes but dont wish to allow the user to be able to edit the contents of said textboxes.

Member Avatar for Run.[it]
Member Avatar for jigry

"MS Development Environment has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application." when i start visual basic: may be this is because of soem windows update: is there any way to resolve this problem

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for rahuldravid

Can anyone tell me how can I set relative path to database in a crystal report? The crystal reports are created in Visual Studion 2005 with help of the wizard. Thanks,

Member Avatar for poonams

Hi friends Can anyone tell me how i transfer a data of Access table into Excel Sheet.I am using vb.net2003.I have to do this by coding.Plz help me

Member Avatar for emurf
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, which datatype we use for storing UInt64 type of value? I want to cast integer value into UInt64 type. How we can do that in vb.net ? Plz can anybody tell me . thanks in advance Regards Guest11

Member Avatar for emurf
Member Avatar for bajanpoet

I had created an application that worked, was deployed and used for a while before someone asked for an addition. When I tried to run the completed executeable file, I got a System.InvalidOperationException error immediately. When I opened the source code and tried to run it before making any changes, …

Member Avatar for bajanpoet
Member Avatar for bcm

Can any one please help me in following in [COLOR="Red"]VB.NET2005[/COLOR]: I want that whenever the word setting appears a textbox would be created during runtime i.e here it appears for 4 times so 4 textboxes should be created, if it appears for 5 times then 5 textboxes would be created...... …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for ahmed_mido

hi iam new to programming and i want to know how i tell vb.net if it was replied to a msgbox with (yes ) then do something please help me about that

Member Avatar for poonams
Member Avatar for jarojasp

Hi guys, I have been programming with vb since version 3 writing commercial applications. I have to write applications using the internet as the base block. I have never dealt with vb and internet controls, so I have no ideas as to how to write an internet app. with vb6. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for tb808kid

Hello! I'm trying to find out how to validate input from a textbox, I want to make sure it is an integer within a certain range and that the destination variable is big enough for it. Sorry if this is stupid question, I just can't find anything and it's starting …

Member Avatar for tb808kid

The End.