20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for jedimaster100

Hi guys! There's something that's been bugging me for a while. I have an application which contains many windows forms and each have one or more connections to the database. All connections have been made using the Data Source Configuration Wizard which ends up adding three important data objects to …

Member Avatar for kshrini

Hi All, I've developed an application which I've made localized (English & Chinese(simplified)) using resource files (resx). One of the form contains MSFlexgrid. I've given strings in resource files for rows of MSFlexgrid, but it shows '???' for these strings. Any solution for this? Regards, Shrini

Member Avatar for omgdork

Hi. I need help in vb.net. We have a page that opens a pop-up modal dialog with a form via JavaScript. The pop-up opens when a button from the parent window is clicked. The pop-up contains a textarea that has a required field validator. Once the user clicks the OK …

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Member Avatar for Gayan Wijeratne

Hi Friends We have already completed POS with VB.NET 2003. I want to know how to get printing line by line by using crystal report . Also i want to know what type of printer I should used to achived this. Thanks

Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! This is the code I have for sending mail- [code=vb.net] Imports System.Web.Mail Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Mailmsg As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage() SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "mysmtpserver" …

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Member Avatar for sainik

I am new to vb.net crystal report. I have created a dataset,a report and a vb page. I am running a view for the month of jan. so my report looks like project name jan aaa 01 bbb 20 ccc 30 but i want a report like the below project …

Member Avatar for gomathinayagam
Member Avatar for -Flipz-

Hey, Im having a problem with sorting numbers. I want to sort 4 numbers in orders of size i.e. if the order is 5,8,9,2 I would like it to distinguish the highest number (which in this case would be 9) and lowest (2). Could someone suggest how i would go …

Member Avatar for isaackhazi
Member Avatar for sbv

Hi Friends!! I have done a task of Importing excel in SQL server 2000 using Vb.Net 2003. I have provided Import/Overwrite facility to the User here. For this i used a Combobox. I have inserted values in Combo at design time. From the Property, Items (Collection). In Code i checked …

Member Avatar for sbv
Member Avatar for sbv

Hi i want to send a mail from vb.net 1.0. I have done some code for that as follows. [code] Try myMessage = New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage With myMessage .To = sendTo .From = From .Subject = Subject .Body = Body .BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Text SMTPServer = "smtp.rediffmailpro.com" If CC <> "" Then …

Member Avatar for sbv
Member Avatar for Tekito

I'm not quite sure how to tackle this problem. I have a form that displays the properties of a class. I have events for all the properties so the form gets updated automatically when the properties change. However, upon initializing a class, these events do not get called, and so …

Member Avatar for Tekito
Member Avatar for bajanpoet

I realize that the response time of my GUI is extremely slow! I have three combo boxes - I want the user to select a template from one drop down list, which will populate the second drop down list with customers related to that template. When a customer is selected, …

Member Avatar for bpacheco1227

I'm having problems with if statements present value (PV) should be no larger than $10000 interest rate is not higher than 10 and no less than 2 and number of years at least 3 I've tried the if statements with error messageboxs but I was getting confused with all the …

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Member Avatar for patelb

Im trying to dynamically add controls such as text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc to a user control(ascx page). Im basically trying to build a very simple faceted search. Here is the scenario the user defines a string that specifies what is to appear on the page, some thing …

Member Avatar for gbertoli3
Member Avatar for bajanpoet

How do I get a textbox to automatically update with information when I select an item from a combobox? [icode] txtCustID.Text = Custds.Tables(0).Rows(cboCustomer.SelectedIndex).Item("custno")[/icode] is what I came up with, and it populates properly when the combobox is first loaded up, but if I select another item, the text boxes don't …

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Member Avatar for scottjo

I'm curious as to how you would go about programming your own tutorial and presentation software. It's important that is has interactive features similar to Adobe's Captivate. Any ideas anyone?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for atv161

how can I select which data I want on a report from code in vb.net? I've been trying to use a dataset but that isnt working.

Member Avatar for gomathinayagam
Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi all i need one help. i have a text file something like this date time employee name Department id Employee id Jan 2007 12 pm abc 001 676666 ''''' ''''''''' '''''' '''''''''' ''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' '''''' '''''''''' '''''''''' '''''''''' Feb 2007 9am xyz 005 434367 all are tab delimited and …

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Member Avatar for mails4vijay

i have customer details in my sql database. then i have a textbox, combobox & button. if i type customer name in a textbox i should get his id in combobox. if there is more than one customer with same name that id also should fill in combobox. i need …

Member Avatar for reena12
Member Avatar for Sally123

I am using VB.Net express edition 2008. Please help on how to insert into two separate tables from one form? this two tables have one to many relationship thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for brokencalc

Ive been trying for a while to make a calculator in Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express but cant figure it out or come close. I have all the buttons set up and ID as Button1, Button2,etc. Same with the add,minus,divide,multiply buttons. The tricky part is theres 4 labels and …

Member Avatar for brokencalc
Member Avatar for FaMu

hi please help me finding what's wrong with this code [code=vb] Dim i, j, x As Integer Dim n As Integer = 7 Dim str As String = "" For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To n str = str & " " Next For x …

Member Avatar for FaMu
Member Avatar for bpacheco1227
Member Avatar for bpacheco1227
Member Avatar for mot1on

Hi I'm trying to extract certain parts of each line of a text file. An example of the lines is as such: [text] [number] [text] [number] [text] [number] ...And so on. I would like the text and number from each line as a separate element in an array of strings. …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for mails4vijay

in one single button click i need to execute one insert query and two update query in three tables. i tried this query but i got error as [B]"There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."[/B] here is my code please help me! …

Member Avatar for hbmichael

Hey All, Does anyone know, or have a link to an article, that would tell me how to distibute a .net MONO application? The full package of Mono is like 75 MB but I know al lot of that is the compiler and libraries that I don't need. I just …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for muhammad ismail

Hi everybody If I can Store The database accessed information in DataTable object then what is the purpose of DataSet, Similarly if i can use DataAdopter object with dataSet , then what is Command Object?

Member Avatar for arufafa
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

hi I have a system color value stored in a variable e.g. (Color [A=255, R=255, G=128, B=128]) and i would like to assign that to the back color of a form but i keep getting the error: " Control does not support transparent background colors. " my code: [CODE] formcolor …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for atplerry

i have a problem inserting record into the sql server databases. but i could not get the corret sytax i have read a lot of book but i am getting a lot of bug in the code pls i need you help to help me get code that i could …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for laks_samy

i am working in vb.net application, .net 2005 and sql server2005 i am doing multi user application, my doubt is how to restore database in my server system without interrupt client systems?

Member Avatar for Rhenzy

The End.