20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sheryl99

I am studying VB.NET in a VB 2005 book, but using VB 2008. What is wrong with this code? I am using ASP.NET to write a web page. For each reference to: ResultFahrenheit.Text ResultCelsius.Text ResultKelvin.Text I get errors that say: Name 'ResultFahrenheit' is not declared. Name 'ResultCelsius' is not declared. …

Member Avatar for 4advanced
Member Avatar for Ugochukwu

Please fellow programmers am relatively new in programming and am currently working on a Library Maintainance and Administration software and am finding it hard inserting pictures with other data's into the database The picture insertion should be optional.Please i need to know the codes i need to achieve this Please …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for venkat554

[QUOTE=quansah;202627]i want to upload files into a folder and store the relative loaction of that file in a database using php and mysql. help[/QUOTE] how to upload image in vb.net.i need coding so please somebudy help me. thank you

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for trivedimca2005

E-mail in vb.net I am using following code to send e-mail. Below code is working fine in my server ( but when I am using it my client machine it gives proxy error. Server has proxy setting and user-name and password for proxy are user-name=user and password=user and main login …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for hunnyz

i have already created a toolstrip however do anyone know how can i make the toolbar dockable?

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Kartikey

hello sir , i am getting problem with crystal report VB.net and SQL Server i want selected values to be printed in crystal report so i have written sql query for that . dataset shows selected values but crystal report shows all data in database Please help me . following …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for hkinser

Hello everyone. I've read several articles on the internet in trying to figure this out; however, those article seem a bit over my head apparently and I can't seem to find a code example that is simple and to the point to implement. I'm coding a password manager program in …

Member Avatar for arbalu
Member Avatar for sravankolla

Hi all, I am working with a project which includes Crystal Reports in Vb.Net and SQL Server2000 as Back end. The code in button click is [code] str5 = "D:\AttendanceReport.rpt" If Not IO.File.Exists(str5) Then Throw (New Exception("Unable to locate report file:" & vbCrLf & str5)) End If str6 = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for harrybern

Hi all I am working on application which displays text on the screen as one word of a line at a time. Now words are changing at a set speed of 240ms using ( system.threading.thread.sleep).But i want change words on the screen using left and right arrow key so that …

Member Avatar for harrybern
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

I have made a game for pocket pc and want to make an installation file(.cab) for this program but do not know how. I used VS2008 to create this game... any ideas?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for bpacheco1227

I need to add student name and grade to a file. This is my section of code so far [code=VB] Private Sub addStudentNameGrade_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addStudentNameGrade.Click Dim swrStreamWriter As IO.StreamWriter swrStreamWriter = IO.File.AppendText(path & "studentgrade.txt") swrStreamWriter.WriteLine(Me.textStudent.Text, " ", Me.textGrade.Text) 'swrStreamWriter.WriteLine(Me.textGrade.Text) swrStreamWriter.Close() End Sub [/code] …

Member Avatar for bpacheco1227
Member Avatar for deepukng

Hi friends, Please someone how to create a dll in vb. net class library , how to register it and how to call it using sp_oacreate. Pls provide some sample codes.

Member Avatar for CornerAnalyst
Member Avatar for VINITSONI

Dear Friends. Q:The problem in my coding is: I want to remove items from the string array if if does match with datareader field called time1 whose number in the Sql database is 4. Would u pls tell me whats wrong with my coding .? Its urgent.. With Regards, Vinit. …

Member Avatar for CornerAnalyst
Member Avatar for deepukng

Dear Friends, I have created a dll in VB 6.0 and i am calling this dll using a trigger which is for INSERT record. But when my application inserts a record to the table i am getiing this Error: Description: Receipt. Database error (operation=INSERT, error=0). [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Connection is busy …

Member Avatar for the_swan

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii every body:) I going to design a page the will save image from upload file (web server control) in a data table object . I save this image as byte array and save it in the data table object How to display this using the repeater ( I [B]don't[/B] …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai I am Rajeesh. New to Vb.net. I am developing a simple program. I want to run my application automatically when windows start. Please tell me how can I do this adding Windows Registry key..... Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for bpacheco1227

I always have a problem with this. I get an error when trying to build the program "argument exception unhandled". Any help would be appreciated, thanks. [code=VB] Private Sub addBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addBtn.Click Dim newLineIndex As Integer = 0 If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(path & "stocks.txt") Then …

Member Avatar for bpacheco1227
Member Avatar for vibhashin

Private Sub frmtourmaster1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim ds As DataSet Dim i As Integer objConn = New connctionclass1 ds = New DataSet ds = objConn.funFillTourLocation() For i = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 cmbindiantourcode.Items.Add(ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("tour_location")) Next cmbindiantourcode.SelectedIndex = 0 End sub [B]My connection to the …

Member Avatar for gomathinayagam
Member Avatar for mstester

Hi all, (First Post...YEEERROOO) Quick question for ya all, I have an MySQL server with three databases created on it, lets say test, test_1 and test_2. Is there a way that I can display what ever databases are stored on the server in a combo box? I want to allow …

Member Avatar for Sem Shah
Member Avatar for lich

hey im trying to implement a calculator. i need to append values to label. like when i hit 1 button label should show 1 and when i hit 2 button it should show 12.. not just 2 can anyone help me out

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Pareshja

Is it possible to call a sql view in vb.net? I can call stored procs, but when I change the code to read a view it says that "request for procedure failed because it is a view object"

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

I need in some way to generate maze because I want to create a maze game. If anybody has any idea on how to do this... please help

Member Avatar for Dell XPS
Member Avatar for the_swan

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii I’m beginner in vb.net And I’m going to build a page that contains a file up loaded (web server control) How to insert a submitted item from file up loaded and save it in a data table object??? I need the VB code thanks

Member Avatar for the_swan
Member Avatar for blossomus

Hi all.. dis is kinda urgent case though coz i dun have much time to complete my final project.:'( I've installed sql server 5.0 and the connection is on.I have also created the tables related to my interfaces As for vb.net, i've finished with all my interfaces. Now, the problem …

Member Avatar for blossomus
Member Avatar for isaackhazi

Doing a small project in which data from warranty cards are entered into a database ie. warranty card number, salesman name and ID, etc etc......after all the data has been entered into the database I need to check and see if there are any duplicate warranty card numbers in the …

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Member Avatar for Panithuli

The class should support a function named Profiles which takes a ID as an Integer parameter and returns the name corresponding to that ID as a String. If the name is NULL, then the function should simply return an empty string (String.Empty). If the ID does not exist in the …

Member Avatar for Rogachev
Member Avatar for shuey79

Hey, I wanted to know how I could create custom forms in VB.NET such as: [URL="http://www.oobox.com/music/graphics/InstrumentTunerV2.gif"]http://www.oobox.com/music/graphics/InstrumentTunerV2.gif[/URL] It seems like all the programming I've done in .Net has the typical square edged forms. Is this even possible in .Net or is it some other language? Thanks

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

i have made a tic-tac-toe game for my HTC touch and it runs pretty well. now i only need to figure out a way to add it in the pda's games(so that i can have it on start menu) instead of opening the explorer to find the exe each time... …

Member Avatar for Dell XPS
Member Avatar for Ugochukwu

Please how can i code a combobox in my software to be able to update itself whenever a new item is keyed in so that it automatically becomes a member of the combobox dropdown list.the combobox should be able to update itself with new items so that users will be …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mails4vijay

i need to execute one insert query and two update query, in one single button click. how can i start write code in vb.net windows application.....

Member Avatar for Jx_Man

The End.