20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nattynooster

Hello, I have made my program but I want to give users the option of choosing a custom color for text. I have an inputbox that works and then converts it to Color.whatever. But seeing as the user types in what they want and it is not done by the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for anurag06

when i get system date and add some day or month or year then i want next date as per requirement.please give me some valuable suggestion.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pysdex

I am using VS2005 version of VB.Net programmer. I wanted to use the user input but most people tell me to use console...but I cannot use this function since my version is different, it will not show any results. I found that using mask textbox can use to read the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pisces20
Member Avatar for jrosh

I've used 3d control magic for VB.NET to create shaped forms. When I bulid my project to create an exe, I want to include 3d control magic.exe into it, to be installed automatically in the clients computer. How can I do that. plz help. thankx in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for anoop4real

Hi, I have small application which shows an alert in every 45 mins....( to take a break from work :) )..... It is a normal windows form with a timer in it and in every 45 mins I am invoking a message box. I am able to make it work …

Member Avatar for anoop4real
Member Avatar for manutd4life

Hello, i want to make a program that that can email a message like you enter the recipient email address and then the message and then send. So i dont hav any idea on how that works or if its possible to make something like this so any help will …

Member Avatar for muzzy1000
Member Avatar for pisces20
Member Avatar for rcook

I am working in vb.net, visual studio 2008, with the crystal reports that comes with it. I have a push model: creating a dataset, putting data into it, making that a report source, and putting the report source onto (or into) a crystal reports viewer control (not neccessarily in that …

Member Avatar for rcook
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

I would like to know how to loop a connection or close an existing connection. heres the code i have to connect [CODE]Imports System.Net.Sockets Public Class Form1 Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient() Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Try clientSocket.Connect("ServerIp Goes Here", Server port …

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for wasyazwan

I have a file that contain data structure as below: L,13206,11,02,06,000,3981.100 19,22,25,26,19 END L,13207,11,02,06,000,6561.000 22,24,7,8,9,25,22 END K,[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR],P [COLOR="red"]-18970.811,53728.643[/COLOR],BKL,,e-Coord,M END so how can i extract 1 and -18970.811,53728.643 and export it into a new output file with new structured as below: C [COLOR="red"]1 [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]-18970.811 53728.643[/COLOR] For your information, the value …

Member Avatar for wasyazwan
Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

If I'm running a Do... Until or a For... Next loop in a button click event, is there a way I can allow the user to click the same button while the loop is running and escape the loop?

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for venom80

Hi guys, I'm a newbie in Visual Basic and I need some assistance. I have 2 tables in mysql: 1. stats (stats_id,statsno,statsName) 2.stats_det (stats_det_ID,stats_id,stat_DateAdd,stat_UserAdd,stat_DateModif,stat_UserModif) I have a form named status and from here I want to add a new record in the first table (stats). I've created the insert statement …

Member Avatar for venom80
Member Avatar for silambharasan

i need to display the webpage in webbrowser but which it fit the webbrowser there is no need to scroll it and it shows as thumbnail

Member Avatar for silambharasan
Member Avatar for tqmd1
Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Saran Gurung

Please help me to creat advance login form and link to the MySQL database..Im a new software programmer and i don't have much idea on vb.net..

Member Avatar for tqmd1
Member Avatar for ludamizleeto

I am using a Webbrowser control to sign into Hotmail. Then once it is signed in then I'll just use this navigate code to open the inbox: I think that the problem is that the actual inbox(mail window) is within an iframe. I have to figure out how to call …

Member Avatar for ludamizleeto
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Sir, Datagridview1 has three columns as S.No-------Porducts--------Price When I enter s.no in column1 then product name and price must display in relevant columns as S.No-------Porducts--------Price 1------------Mango---------12 I wrote folloiwng codes as example Please help [CODE]str = "SELECT * FROM products where code =sno =" & Val(DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value) cmd = New …

Member Avatar for Joomla12

I want to be able to click a button in Form1 so that it opens a new window with an about page and maybe some other things. How can I do this?

Member Avatar for Nattynooster
Member Avatar for meba k

Hi, I need help. The thing is I’m developing this program and it is like a phone book. I made the interface with visual basic 2008 and the database with Microsoft access. I already made it to put new person’s address into the database and to show it on the …

Member Avatar for snarb

Hello, I was wondering how you can copy information (from a webpage, for example) and store it in a string? Also, how would I take only one word of the string if there are spaces between words and I will always be removing the word with the same location in …

Member Avatar for snarb
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Experts I developed a simple project. The attachment contains one form and a database. This work fine But I need source codes for NEXT and BACK buttons Please unzip and help

Member Avatar for tqmd1
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use visual basic 8.0 en MySQL. I have a connection witho my MySQL database "test" with Myconn. I have two table's : Rental Articlenr Articledis Articlerent 100 beerclass 15 200 wineclass 10 Stock Articlenr Articledis stock 200 Wineclass 25 So far i have this : [code]Dim con As New …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for jrosh

I want to create a window in a different shape. Not rectangular or eclipse but lets say a window look like a panda.!!! How can I do that.

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Experts I use following codes to display image from sql server. On this line of codes [CODE]Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(CType(row("user_img"), Byte()))[/CODE] this error messages appears [CODE]Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.Byte[]'.[/CODE] How to get rid of this error message. This message appears because image …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for snarb

Hello, I only have a very crude understanding of vb, im wanting to make a program and... I was wondering can you get a program made w/ vb to click on a certain part of the screen outside of the program? and also, can you copy information from outside the …

Member Avatar for snarb
Member Avatar for bluem1

There has to be an easy answer for this, I hope! I basically need the grandchildren of the below xml tree to show up in a vb.net gridview. I have the data getting pulled but all values are getting put into a single cell. Here is the xml tree. [CODE]<?xml …

Member Avatar for sinnerFA
Member Avatar for samehsenosi

Hi Everyone hi was trying to call a different and Anonymous objects into my form but i can't reach to the right method tyo do that my matter here is falls under calling a tree view.... i mean any tree view !!! i was trying to handle this code but …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for spxChrome

Hi, Trying to retreive the background color of a row in a listview but not having much luck. I have tried [code]if lsv.Items(i).BackColor = Color.White then if lsv.Items(i).BackColor.ToString = "Color[window]" then if lsv.Items(i).BackColor.ToString = Name=White,ARGB=(255,255,255,255)} then[/code] I do this because on load I set the background color depending on a …

Member Avatar for davidlewing

I am trying to build a pacman game. Currently I am in the process of building the AI for the ghosts. The way I have the AI working is whenever a ghost enters an intersection, it will check where the player is relative to its position, then it will move …

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The End.