20,284 Topics
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Dear Experts I use following codes to select data in ListView1, given value in textbox1.text. That codes work fine. Textbox1 data is integer and DataGridView1 first Column Value is Integer. I want to locate this value in Grid. My question is how to select data in DataGridVeiw, given data in … | |
Can anyone help me out to have the code & steps to have the crystal report in my application... | |
Dear Sir, SQL Table employees has data as follows sno--name----img-----img_path 1-----A----Binary---D:\C2009\BITMAPS\PICT.JPG 2-----B----Binary---D:\C2009\BITMAPS\eric.JPG Now I want to display picture in picturebox1. To do this I use this codes, but it does not display picture on this line: Dim arrPicture() As Byte = CType(dt2.Rows(0)("img_path"), Byte()) it shows this message, please help Unable … | |
i have a ASCII file that contain 3 line of numbers as below: 307.1642127.1642334.3412154.3412[COLOR="red"]3[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]34[/COLOR][COLOR="red"].[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]3412[/COLOR]88.2652 271.330896.104 127.1642307.1642285.1534105.1530[COLOR="red"]285[/COLOR][COLOR="red"].[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]1532[/COLOR]87.3500 272.2500214.227 285.1532105.1532307.1642127.1642[COLOR="Red"]307[/COLOR][COLOR="red"].[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]1642[/COLOR]87.2001 272.395952.055 i just want to extract red number which is its stand for angle/azimuth ... so how can i do that in vb.net? the problem here is its not separated by any … | |
I use Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and I am begginer in computer networks. I want to make two PCs communicate via network using server/client I followed the example from this site: [url]http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20020323.asp[/url] (VB.NET TCP Client/Server Socket Commmunications) When I run the applications server and client in one computer … | |
Hi there, I'm just wondering if anyone can help me with this. As stated in the title, I need to simplify my code. Here's my sample code: [CODE=VB] textbox1.Text = name(1) textbox2.Text = name(2) textbox3.Text = name(3) textbox4.Text = name(4) textbox5.Text = name(5) [/CODE] I'm thinking about making it like … | |
Hello, I have made my program but I want to give users the option of choosing a custom color for text. I have an inputbox that works and then converts it to Color.whatever. But seeing as the user types in what they want and it is not done by the … | |
when i get system date and add some day or month or year then i want next date as per requirement.please give me some valuable suggestion. | |
I am using VS2005 version of VB.Net programmer. I wanted to use the user input but most people tell me to use console...but I cannot use this function since my version is different, it will not show any results. I found that using mask textbox can use to read the … | |
what is the code | |
I've used 3d control magic for VB.NET to create shaped forms. When I bulid my project to create an exe, I want to include 3d control magic.exe into it, to be installed automatically in the clients computer. How can I do that. plz help. thankx in advance | |
Hi, I have small application which shows an alert in every 45 mins....( to take a break from work :) )..... It is a normal windows form with a timer in it and in every 45 mins I am invoking a message box. I am able to make it work … | |
Hello, i want to make a program that that can email a message like you enter the recipient email address and then the message and then send. So i dont hav any idea on how that works or if its possible to make something like this so any help will … | |
I am working in vb.net, visual studio 2008, with the crystal reports that comes with it. I have a push model: creating a dataset, putting data into it, making that a report source, and putting the report source onto (or into) a crystal reports viewer control (not neccessarily in that … | |
I would like to know how to loop a connection or close an existing connection. heres the code i have to connect [CODE]Imports System.Net.Sockets Public Class Form1 Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient() Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Try clientSocket.Connect("ServerIp Goes Here", Server port … | |
I have a file that contain data structure as below: L,13206,11,02,06,000,3981.100 19,22,25,26,19 END L,13207,11,02,06,000,6561.000 22,24,7,8,9,25,22 END K,[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR],P [COLOR="red"]-18970.811,53728.643[/COLOR],BKL,,e-Coord,M END so how can i extract 1 and -18970.811,53728.643 and export it into a new output file with new structured as below: C [COLOR="red"]1 [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]-18970.811 53728.643[/COLOR] For your information, the value … | |
If I'm running a Do... Until or a For... Next loop in a button click event, is there a way I can allow the user to click the same button while the loop is running and escape the loop? | |
Hi guys, I'm a newbie in Visual Basic and I need some assistance. I have 2 tables in mysql: 1. stats (stats_id,statsno,statsName) 2.stats_det (stats_det_ID,stats_id,stat_DateAdd,stat_UserAdd,stat_DateModif,stat_UserModif) I have a form named status and from here I want to add a new record in the first table (stats). I've created the insert statement … | |
i need to display the webpage in webbrowser but which it fit the webbrowser there is no need to scroll it and it shows as thumbnail | |
Dear Experts How to display picturebox as oval shape. Please help | |
Please help me to creat advance login form and link to the MySQL database..Im a new software programmer and i don't have much idea on vb.net.. | |
I am using a Webbrowser control to sign into Hotmail. Then once it is signed in then I'll just use this navigate code to open the inbox: I think that the problem is that the actual inbox(mail window) is within an iframe. I have to figure out how to call … | |
Dear Sir, Datagridview1 has three columns as S.No-------Porducts--------Price When I enter s.no in column1 then product name and price must display in relevant columns as S.No-------Porducts--------Price 1------------Mango---------12 I wrote folloiwng codes as example Please help [CODE]str = "SELECT * FROM products where code =sno =" & Val(DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value) cmd = New … | |
I want to be able to click a button in Form1 so that it opens a new window with an about page and maybe some other things. How can I do this? | |
Hi, I need help. The thing is I’m developing this program and it is like a phone book. I made the interface with visual basic 2008 and the database with Microsoft access. I already made it to put new person’s address into the database and to show it on the … | |
Hello, I was wondering how you can copy information (from a webpage, for example) and store it in a string? Also, how would I take only one word of the string if there are spaces between words and I will always be removing the word with the same location in … | |
Dear Experts I developed a simple project. The attachment contains one form and a database. This work fine But I need source codes for NEXT and BACK buttons Please unzip and help | |
I use visual basic 8.0 en MySQL. I have a connection witho my MySQL database "test" with Myconn. I have two table's : Rental Articlenr Articledis Articlerent 100 beerclass 15 200 wineclass 10 Stock Articlenr Articledis stock 200 Wineclass 25 So far i have this : [code]Dim con As New … | |
I want to create a window in a different shape. Not rectangular or eclipse but lets say a window look like a panda.!!! How can I do that. |
The End.