20,284 Topics
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Dear Experts I use following codes to display image from sql server. On this line of codes [CODE]Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(CType(row("user_img"), Byte()))[/CODE] this error messages appears [CODE]Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.Byte[]'.[/CODE] How to get rid of this error message. This message appears because image … | |
Hello, I only have a very crude understanding of vb, im wanting to make a program and... I was wondering can you get a program made w/ vb to click on a certain part of the screen outside of the program? and also, can you copy information from outside the … | |
There has to be an easy answer for this, I hope! I basically need the grandchildren of the below xml tree to show up in a vb.net gridview. I have the data getting pulled but all values are getting put into a single cell. Here is the xml tree. [CODE]<?xml … | |
Hi Everyone hi was trying to call a different and Anonymous objects into my form but i can't reach to the right method tyo do that my matter here is falls under calling a tree view.... i mean any tree view !!! i was trying to handle this code but … | |
Hi, Trying to retreive the background color of a row in a listview but not having much luck. I have tried [code]if lsv.Items(i).BackColor = Color.White then if lsv.Items(i).BackColor.ToString = "Color[window]" then if lsv.Items(i).BackColor.ToString = Name=White,ARGB=(255,255,255,255)} then[/code] I do this because on load I set the background color depending on a … | |
I am trying to build a pacman game. Currently I am in the process of building the AI for the ghosts. The way I have the AI working is whenever a ghost enters an intersection, it will check where the player is relative to its position, then it will move … | |
help me to get a small project for VB.NET that can be completed in 25 days | |
Dear Programmers What are the possible alternative codes against following codes [CODE]If Len(PasswordTextBox.Text) > 0 And Len(PasswordTextBox.Text) > 0 Then MsgBox("ok", MsgBoxStyle.Information) else MsgBox("Enter User Name and Password", MsgBoxStyle.Information) End if [/CODE] | |
Just to say hi to all the .NET helpers out there. I have made the dreaded (but forced) change from vb6 to .NET. I will rely a lot on your expertise in this forum, and thanks to those that will be prepared to sort all my questions. I have been … | |
I have an application to make a server and clients to read/ send text to it but i want a program i can run from a remote computer that you enter the ip and port and it crashes the server | |
In a textbox i can see when RETURN is pressed , but when i check on the TAB key it does not work Help me Plzzz. [CODE] Dim handler As KeyEventHandler Private Sub Orderinvoer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AddHandler werkorderTB.KeyDown, handler end sub Private Sub werkorder_KeyDown(ByVal … | |
Hi I need to reference a .net .dll file at runtime of my program. Does anyone know the code to do it? | |
Dear Experts How to findout computer / server name with vb.net codes. I want to use it in connection string [CODE] con = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=noor;" & _ "Initial Catalog=accounts;Integrated Security=True")[/CODE] Please help | |
Hi, I m using a datagrid in my project , it is just like a report but it is created with many queries so i m unable to create it with crystal report, so i created it with in loop with 10 datasets each for separate column. Now i want … | |
I have been given a project and i need to create a button to calculate N!. I've been trying to figure it out for a while now and I can't. Any help would be nice. | |
I've created a recordset in VB Express 2008 as follows [code] rsmembers = New ADODB.Recordset with rsmembers .Source = cn.Execute("SELECT * FROM members") .ActiveConnection = cn .CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic .LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer .Open("members", Options:=ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdTableDirect) .movefirst .Fields("Active").Value = vbFalse [/code] but the error window tells me that .fields("active") … | |
Hi, I'm binding data table to datagrid but i'm not sure how to delete the empty cells in that data table Plz find the below image could anyone suggest the best way to delete the empty cells as marked in black pen Thanks | |
I am trying to use the validation event for all my validating on a form. However, if I try to exit the form before entering data the validation event will not allow it to exit. Does anyone know how to override this? | |
I have a combobox that pulls a list of values from a database. When a new entry is entered I want an entry in the combobox to read "New record". However, from what I have seen I can only insert and object, such as a DataRow, into the combobox. Is … | |
with the vb.net default color dialogbox how can you handle the cancel buttons click event ? if the cancel button is clicked, i dont want it to make any changes with the selected color. as of now if i click cancel it still edits the colors. thanks | |
I am useing the OpenFileDialog component with a Button Sub to use the text file that the user selects (it can change everyday) in the next part of my program that will read that file and then covert it into an xml format. How do I get the second part … | |
| I know how to create shortcuts on desktop and program files but i want to make an option with checkboxes...so that you can select if you want those two shortcuts or if you don't them. I've tried this with checkboxes (in User Interface), i've set checkboxes properties and changed "User's … |
I use Visual Basic 8.0 and MySQL 5.0 [COLOR="Green"]Articles are listed in table rental places in table stock if articles not exists in table stock[/COLOR] first check with article are not in listed stock table and wel in listed stock table rental select * from rental,stock where rental.Article<>stock.Article ; This … | |
Hey all, Hope ye are all are enjoying christmas, I was just wondering if someone could help me out I am having a small problem with insterting a Date into Access 2007. I am Using the Now() Function in VB.NET and have change the format to General date In Access … | |
Hi.. could everyone help me how to send qdcode (barcode 2d) to mobile via sms using vb.net? and how to send sms with pdu format? thanx | |
I am currently working on a program that edits txt files but it's for a game. There is a file that contains information that the client uses. This is what the file looks like: |piece of code here|another piece|and another piece| |piece of code here|another piece|and another piece| |piece of … | |
I use Visual Basic 8.0 and MySQL 5.0 select * from rental,stock where rental.Article=stock.Article ; This gives the following result: stock.article stock.stock rental.article rental.rent 1000 100 1000 15 2000 150 2000 25 Update stock set stock.stock=stock.stock-rental.rent where rental.Article=stock.Article ; This gives the following result: [COLOR="Red"]Unknown column rental.Article lin 'where clause' … | |
Hello, i wanted to know how to write a file path for every computer For example: [code]objwrite = New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\Users\EVGA\Desktop\VB.Net Example\myfile.txt", False)[/code] this code work only on my pc cause of its path so i wanted to know how to write it so i can use it in another pc … | |
Hi There, In VB6 I used ADP to confirm record existence by using this script IF ADO.EOF OR ADO.BOF then ado.addnew End if but in VB.NET 2003, How before using SQL String to Insert the record how do I confirm it's existence in the Table to prevent duplication. Please help … | |
Hi , members this code show error in vb.net 2008 [CODE] If Con.State = 1 Then Con.Close() Con.Open() Dim strSQL As String Dim dt As DataTable strSQL = "select count(EntryNo) from(Select distinct(EntryNo) from Cash where year(Cash.PmtDat)= '" & yyyy & "')" dt = GetmyTable(strSQL) Rc = dt.Rows(0).Item("EntryNo")[/CODE] please guild me … |
The End.