20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for pardesi

how can i set that it will count also from the label that "how many rentals are overdue"[CODE=vbnet]Structure rental Dim rentalid As Integer Dim familyname As String Dim Firstname As String Dim dateborrowed As Date Dim duedate As Date Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return " " & rentalid.ToString() …

Member Avatar for Amir Ali

Dear All, In VB.net, (1) Place a textbox on the form with bigger size and multiline property TRUE (2) Allow AutoScroll of the form TRUE (3) Run the application (4) Resize the form in such a way that there should be vertical scrollBar along the form (5) Now click on …

Member Avatar for koolkeran
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Hi..out der... I want to do attendance marking appl...in dat when i select a date and click ok....all the selected colms frm my database should be visible in my LISTVIEW... Besides these columns i want check box so that i can check dem to mark present.... and when i click …

Member Avatar for laghaterohan
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Does ne one knw how to create an uneditable text file ? plz tell me.....n also about check box in datagrid....

Member Avatar for laghaterohan
Member Avatar for aditya_amb

I want to delete the text file output.txt ,but I get error message. File cannot be deleted used by another process. Can you please help me..I tried close nad flush commands for filestream and stream readers..but did not help.. Here is my code. [code=vbnet] Dim chkstr As String chkstr = …

Member Avatar for Lee_Sonnenburg

Hey, I'm writing an application that requires a login procedure. My problem is I don't know how I can compare the Username field to make sure it doesn't already exist in the table. I'm using VB.Net 2005 and Access 2007 and my database is stored as a .mdb file. thanks,

Member Avatar for Balanta

Hi all, I am trying to extract some records from a SQL Server 2005 database and insert into a MySQL database. The extract from SQL Server must also be captured as an XML file. I want to call this from a button. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do …

Member Avatar for danny1405

hi friends i need a good tutorial for learning creating macros in excel using visual basic. i have never programmed in vb.so i dont know how much it will take me to learn. i serched online but most of them were available only after registeration. can someone suggest me some …

Member Avatar for danny1405
Member Avatar for buffdaemon_live

I have two OUs OU=Student and OU=Teachers and my root OU is LDAP://dc=test,dc=labs,dc=edu in the Student OU i have three computers named Std1,Std2,Std3 and three computers in Teachers OU named Tea1,Tea2,Tea3 I am writing a VBA script in Excel in which i want to display my Computers in that OU …

Member Avatar for yun_e

hi everyone, i m a university student. currently i m doing a project dealing with 2 Serial Port IrModem. i have successfully construct d sending and receiving part.but is jus a string. what should i try out for sending a file or compress a big file and send to each …

Member Avatar for lukechris

I am currently writing a Poker Clock program in VB 2008. I have got everything working up until I try and type this (on a button) Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Timer1.Interval = 120000 End Sub End Class 120000 being 2 minutes, I …

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Member Avatar for Anticipation

I'm drawing onto a PictureBox, using the code [code=VB.NET] Dim XPrev, YPrev, XCur, YCur As Integer Private Sub picCanvas_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles picCanvas.MouseDown 'Setting the previous points for line drawing XPrev = e.X YPrev = e.Y End Sub Private Sub picCanvas_MouseUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for cellus205

Hows it going everyone. Im pretty sure theres a simple way to do this, but cant figure it out right now. Im still relatively new to vb .net, and have a function that reads a csv file into a datatable and fills a datagrid. But what I want to do …

Member Avatar for cellus205
Member Avatar for mymuji

I have created a small application for mobile device using vs2008. i can retrieve the data . But i cant insert the data's into the database. These are methods i used to insert. But no work Any one can help to solve this issue. [B]Method - 1 ---------[/B] Dim conn …

Member Avatar for tekgrl

:confused: I have to modify a hangman game to open a sequential file, read thru the file and count the no. of words, generate a random no. from the file and read the word from the file corresponding to the random no. and use it in the game, as well …

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Member Avatar for Maffyx

Ok I've search around and can't find a solution to it. I'm making a program to manage DKP for a game (World of Warcraft) and I need to import the roster from a website. The website is [url]http://www.wowarmory.com/[/url]. The link a guild roster will look like [url]http://www.wowarmory.com/guild-info.xml?r=Skullcrusher&n=Dark+Depths&p=1[/url]. I will have …

Member Avatar for kevinsjones

Ok , I'm new here and looking for help already. I am working through Sams teach yourself VB.net and I've lost a form! Well not quite but i am trying to get to my form in design view and I just cant seem to get to it. It opens when …

Member Avatar for kevinsjones
Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone

Hey I got a form which has no form border style. The problem is, when I run my maximise code the form covers the whole screen including the start bar. Is there anyway around this? Obviously when you click the form border's maximise button it fits nicely with the start …

Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone
Member Avatar for melodopolis

Hi all, first of all I'm totally new to this programming thing. I've just started a degree course in IT and struggle a bit with getting the right code to do stuff. Are there any books anyone would recommend to someone who thinks "Dim" is what lights do? Oh yeah …

Member Avatar for asnider
Member Avatar for gouki2005

Hi..look this mi module [CODE] Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim nume As New numeros Console.WriteLine("Numeros aleatorios") Console.WriteLine("Escriba numero 1") nume.setnumero1(Console.ReadLine) Console.WriteLine("Escriba numero 2") nume.setnumero2(Console.ReadLine) Console.WriteLine("Escriba numero 3") nume.setnumero3(Console.ReadLine) Console.WriteLine("El menor numero es {0}", nume.numeromenor) End Sub End Module [/CODE] this mi class [CODE] Public Class numeros Private numero1, numero2, numero3 …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone

Hey Guys, I am currently making a VB.net version of the Classic Ski Free at the moment. (which is going really well) But I got a issue where I got a panel on the main form (the player movement area) and when I full screen the application obviously the panel …

Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone
Member Avatar for Kecy

Please I need help urgently in summing up several numbers in a list box using VB.NET. I,ve stayed too long tring to figure it out, but it all proved abortive. Looking forward to a reply soon.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, In VB.NET which is most popular visual C#,Visual Basic,Visual J#,Visual C++ Thanking you

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sniper1983

I have an if sentence in my vb.net windows form [CODE] 'If StrComp(WindowState.ToString, FormWindowState.Minimized.ToString) = 0 Then If Me.WindowState <> System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal Then '[Object].ReferenceEquals(WindowState, FormWindowState.Minimized) Then ' System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Minimized Then ' FormWindowState.Minimized Then ... [/CODE] The evaluation, as you can se I have tried in different ways, evaluates to true even it …

Member Avatar for sniper1983
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi friends, I am new to vb.net but i know vb 6.0 very well. Please tell me how can i start my programming in vb.net. At this time i have vb.net installed on my system. Thanking you

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Anticipation

I'm working on a program, in which on the click of the button a new PictureBox is declared. The problem is, that i'm checking if the PictureBox exists first, using the code [code=VB.NET] If picCanvas2 Is Nothing Then Dim picCanvas2 As New PictureBox AddHandler picCanvas2.MouseDown, AddressOf picCanvas2_MouseDown Else End If …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for jpc0tte

Hi everyone...did anyone know any genetic algorithm in Vb.net syntax for the generation of time tables. It is meant for a secondary schools.

Member Avatar for jpc0tte
Member Avatar for MarieRaye

Hello, I have a web application that connects to a webservice. Usually I can step through the webservice and my start page loads up just fine. But starting yesterday this was not the case. Now I am getting the message "Unable to connect to the remote server." As an inner …

Member Avatar for asnider
Member Avatar for Gerhardt

VB 2005 .net 2.0 I have a folder which has about 5 inherited permissions. I want to remove or change one of these permissions. In vb 6, I was able to do this through API but would like to do this in .net. It seems I can only do this …

Member Avatar for mstiles_ky
Member Avatar for scrypt3r

I was making a app to store music in a libary and get mp3 ID3 tags but all the code snippets ive found are really complicated, i tried using the my.computer.filesystem.getfileinfo to add the tags to a box [CODE]Dim tags As ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileinfo(my.computer.filesystem.getfiles("C:\Program files\TuNeAgE music")) Dim Foundtags(tags.Count - …

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The End.