20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for kheijhei

hi there, can anyone please help me how to insert, search and delete a picture in vb.net and Microsoft access 2007? A picture that will be store in access is inserted in a form or a picture box. But it seems i have the wrong codes.. and when i click …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for anonymousi

i wanted know the vb.net code that checks the password strength on the basis of length ,special characters ,both combined ,numeric,alpha-numeric.... >>contents of form may include: >textbox for password >label or progress bar or trackbar to tell the user the strength(good ,very >good,excellent,poor) >button to execute commands...

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for suemaina

Hi pliz assist me, I need a code that can allow the login form to search for pin number stored in another form example when a customer enters the pin number and clicks ok button the login form searches if the pin number exists in the bank details form ..thanx …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for kheijhei

guys, when you log in a username and a password a msgbox will show that you are log in, and then when you enter the same username and password, the program will identify that the username and password is log out. no button will be use in here. what code …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

Hi to Everyone, i want to filter my record in datagridview w/o database like a search. Is it possible?? anybody can help me please ^_^

Member Avatar for shivya jain

Hello to all, I want to auto generate id that should be access from my sql database. I try this code- [CODE] Dim j As Integer = 0 Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select staff_id from staff ", c.con) Dim dr As SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() While (dr.Read()) txtstaff_id.Text = dr("staff_id").ToString() …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for kylelendo

Hii friends Well i am working on hex values of a file.Now to test it i delete single byte and then try to write the file using the remaining bytes.Well the file gets corrupted but still the file is constructed. So is there any code with which i can test …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for VBEpicNess

[B]To be clear, what I am trying to acheive is: [/B] Have my Paypal current balance show up in a textbox on VB.NET using the PayPal API [U]Not a VB.Net Webbrowser[/U] I have followed the guide on this page [url]http://www.blog-dotnet.com/post/Using-the-PayPal-API-via-the-SOAP-interface-%28getting-started%29.aspx[/url] But I keep getting the error Object reference not set …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings expert programmers, May i ask for a help on how to solve this error? " A network-related or instance specific error occured while establisihing a connection to sql server. The Server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQl server …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

did someone know Ms-Dos's dir command i need to take all contets of any folder for using my praggram how can i do that is any one knows? thx for replys

Member Avatar for Oneryavuz
Member Avatar for PurpleHeaven

I need help with this program where the program has a textbox that will allow you to input the strings, and then it will output how many letters, numbers, and special characters can be found on the given input. The design goes like this: [url]http://i.imgur.com/nwfDl.png[/url]

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for chowmein87

i got a large picture box sent to the back with a default image. i got a few picture boxes set to transparent and they are placed in front of that large picture box. these picture boxes have no images, just set to transparent in the properties. I use the …

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for PurpleHeaven

Hello~ I'm having a little problem on how to make a timer which include minutes and seconds. The design of the form goes like this: [url]http://i.imgur.com/lh1pk.png[/url] Another condition here is when the timer goes down, the interval gets faster. Please help me~

Member Avatar for shivya jain
Member Avatar for Vaikkundhnaair

Hi, Im developing a simple alarm clock application for smart device application. Can anyone help me on how to link a sound file to the app..that is to play the sound when the alarm is triggered? Thank you.

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for reiddwyer

Hi, I have to create this program for school to restart a bootcamped mac back onto mac from windows with an application made in visual basic. So I need my computer to restart which I have successfully completed. Now I just want to find out how to get the application …

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for mtelemko
Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

I need to export data from excel to datagrid and have done it..whole excel data is displayed in datagrid..coding but i got an error when Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid coz' i have some null data in my excel file

Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy
Member Avatar for rosstafarian

Ive wrote a small program to open at startup, but i want to give the user a chance to delete it from showing on startup by clicking a button. But it needs to be compatible on XP, Vista and Windows 7. Is there a line of code which will get …

Member Avatar for rosstafarian
Member Avatar for mikejs

Hi I am using the following to auto search db [CODE] Dim connString As String = My.Settings.strConn Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connString) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select firstName, existing from tenant Where (existing = 1)", conn) Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) Dim ds As New DataSet Try conn.Open() da.Fill(ds, "List") …

Member Avatar for mikejs
Member Avatar for shivya jain

hello, i want to calculate total salary according to attending days. please help me in coding.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for paps3535

I have two textboxes...on the textchanged event of one textbox, readonly property of other textbox gets defined...e.g. first textbox is retrieving data as add,update,delete...when the first textbox text is changed to update then & then only second textbox readonly property is set to false...Now the problem,I am facing is....whenevr first …

Member Avatar for tofu4616
Member Avatar for fhau013

is it possible that when you select the TAB1 you can't select the remaining tab???? thank you much!!!<3

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for coolsasuke

Well, i was wondering if this is possible . If it is possible, can somebody show me how or give me the code ? Im pretty newbie in coding as my only resource of learning Visualbasic is from the internet :/ And , I would like to disable some key …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for khentz

Hi, How can I point or target my access database in a safe way? Meaning, if I'm going to change my project to another computer, it will not cause any connection problem to my database. Thanks in advance. :)

Member Avatar for XEN0
Member Avatar for Sheryl99

I am using a PictureBox to display images. I have SizeMode set to StretchImage. While this does indeed show the whole image, it is of coure stretched. Is there a way to prepare the image to be displayed so it will fit correctly in the PictureBox? I just want it …

Member Avatar for aamirnikkiaadil
Member Avatar for coolsasuke

Hey , yeah. I was wondering if it is possible to hide all desktop icons EXCEPT my application's shortcut ? If it is possible, please tell me how . It is the best if you can provide the code for me. As im a very noob in coding cause im …

Member Avatar for coolsasuke
Member Avatar for suemaina

Hi plz help me with a code that can detect when a pin number is entered in reverse. and alerts the user that he has entered pin number in reverse ..thanx

Member Avatar for suemaina
Member Avatar for Pravin Rajput
Member Avatar for mikejs

Gi I have a DataGridView which populates from an SQL query just fine in default mode using these table names [CODE][firstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [rentpaid] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL, [datePaid] [date] NOT NULL, [propRef] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [rentDue] [decimal](18, 0) NULL,[/CODE] I have edited the column …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for khentz
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

The End.