Hi im really new to VB and am stuck on an IF statement, heres my code:

If TextBox12.Text >= 105.01 Then
TextBox16.Text = TextBox12.Text - 105.01 * 0.128
ElseIf TextBox12.Text < 105.01 Then
TextBox16.Text = "Not NI Eligible"

End If

When i debug it the error System.InvalidCastException is displayed four times for this bit of code.

textbox12.text is defined as a decimal within this Private sub buttonclick is that makes a difference

Any help on this would be appreciated

first u need to declare a variable of type decimal example:
dim number as deciamal
and then convert it to decimal as all textbox inputs are strings

and use try and catch to catch any exception such as invalid input

end try

Hi thanks for the quick reply

That seems to be working as it now displays the a number if the textbox12 is over 105.01 and the text if its not; but i still get the errors System.InvalidCastException any ideas?


The code is:

Dim number As Decimal
number = 105.01
[number] = Decimal.Parse(TextBox16.Text)
If TextBox12.Text >= 105.01 Then
TextBox16.Text = TextBox12.Text - 105.01 * 0.128
ElseIf TextBox12.Text < 105.01 Then
TextBox16.Text = "Not NI Eligible"

End If

Hi sorry im very new to VB. Thanks very much for your help its working now.

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