20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for NeeharikaSingh

Hi der i want to download visual studio......i m facing trouble in downloading.........help me to find out link to get it

Member Avatar for NeeharikaSingh
Member Avatar for mikejs

Hi I have a form which populates a TextBox I want to use the textBox.text to then load a gridView with the results something like [CODE]Private Sub TextBoxId_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxIdSearchExist.TextChanged Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select * from pay Where t_id='" + tId.Text + …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for DriveU

My Application : Windows Form Application Language : C# I have a DataGridView which I populate with some custom data. Some of the cells are DropDowns that I populate by EnumTypes Some need to be populated by Objects which are multicolumn. On Selection I want to show the MultiColumn Lists …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for Kasraeian

Hi Everyone, I'm beginner and currently I'm working on simple application on VB Express 2010 and I want it to save some data in XML file. The XML file is going to look like this: [CODE] <XML> <Info> <X1>some data</X1> <X2>some data</X2> <X3>some data</X3> </Info> <Info> <X1>some data</X1> <X2>some data</X2> …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for twalton42

I can load my edit form withthe selected account from the datagridview on form1 I can update aany of my information but when I save the information it updates the first account in the database. How do I save to the selected account only? This is my save button:[code]'saves the …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Jason123

I would like to use schtasks commandline to create some scheduled jobs in .NET. However, the scheduled jobs created by ASPNET could not start. The command script works fine within cmd and the scheduled job runs. Any ideas on how to make it work?

Member Avatar for Jason123
Member Avatar for Trle94

Hey guys i need to make app that sends mail... so i want in subject to make text like "Report - dd/mm/yyyy - hour:minutes" do you have any idea how should i make that? :/

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for thing2

Hello, I am building a webbrowser using VB.Net 2010, and I am having trouble updating the url when I switch between open tabs using tabcontrol. I am also using a textbox for the address bar. Any help would be appreciated Thanks!

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for iampord

Good day Every one! I am having trouble with my application with shell32.dll. when i debug it in VS it runs well. but when I detach the .exe file and run it to other directory. I get errors. I hope someone could help me. So much of a thanks in …

Member Avatar for iampord
Member Avatar for Jaycee75

I have a several text files that get updated each month - when they are updated certain lines are missing that I always want adding back to the files - the text I want adding back needs to go into a specific part of the text file(its always the same …

Member Avatar for Jaycee75
Member Avatar for bbowsh54

Hello Everyone, New to VB.NET... Going through a bunch of tutorials currently. I need help checking if an application is open and then closing it if it is... For an example, I'll use paint or notepad... Does something like this work? [CODE]Dim myProcess As Process = New Process myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = …

Member Avatar for bbowsh54
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

i searched a bit but i cant find something useful. i need to take my files to filestream (i can do this with file paths) and i wanna save this files to somewhere else on my program. Is it possible that with the using FileStream? THX for Replys ^^

Member Avatar for Oneryavuz
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I have created a site in VB.Net and ASP.Net where a user types in a centre code and clicks on 2 buttons to retreive 2 GridView's of records from an SQL Server backend database. The records appear sucessfully, but when I go to sort the records in ascending/descending order, …

Member Avatar for rciprogrammer
Member Avatar for ismpk

Helo, I am a student. I have create a vb.net application with ms access. i am make it .exe. After that i am instal it my pc working but my friends pc not work. After i am cheking my friends system all. .net framework is intallaled 3.5 thats same as …

Member Avatar for rciprogrammer
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I was doing a little playing around with some scrollbar controls and I noticed an odd behaviour that I was hoping someone could explain. I create three horizontal scrollbar controls, one for each primary colour. Possible values for each R, G or B are 0 to 255. When I set …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for XEN0

I want to stick this [CODE] Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM 0 WHERE Id = 1", con) Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() If Not reader.HasRows Then MsgBox("Data does not exist") Else MsgBox("Data Exists") End If [/CODE] and this [CODE] If Inc <> -1 Then Dim …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Timroden

I'm currently working with the NotifyIcon, and ContextMenus in the notify icon, and was wondering if it is possible to call an event when something is dropped onto the icon. For instance, if I had document.docx, and I dragged it from explorer onto the icon, it would then save it …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for msrd

I have a label that displays information from my database and I need to format it. It displays a number format like so: (53389) and I just need it to display (53,389) it uses the SQL to COUNT or SUM the data from the datasource. My first question is, is …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Bamboozled

I am reading in a text file and displaying the data read in in textboxes. Some of the characters are accented French characters which are not displaying correctly in the form. This prob does not exist with VB6 on the same machine. What do I need to set/change in vb.net …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for tfj

I failed to ask my entire question on part 1. Although codeorder gave me the answer I needed I have one more part which I will put in bold. I have 3 forms: Form1, Form2 and Form99. Form1 and Form2 both call Form99. What statement(s) does Form99 use to determine …

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Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto

Hello guys! I want a simple app to crop a bit of some images. The fact is that all the codes I've found were too complicated, and I didn't understood a single letter of it. Can somebody help me with it? The codes I saw where using and start point …

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto
Member Avatar for ievolve

Im trying to download a photo from an rs232 camera.. but when I write the data to file it seems corrupted.. when I look in a hex editor every second value is 00.. I'm assuming Im messing something up with the encoding.. when I'm writing into a byte array.. Excuse …

Member Avatar for ievolve
Member Avatar for karthi050390
Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for DisasterPiece

[CODE]Dim Open As New OpenFileDialog() Dim myStreamReader As System.IO.StreamReader Open.Filter = "All Files [*.*]|*.*" Open.CheckFileExists = True Open.Title = "Open" Open.ShowDialog(Me) Try Open.OpenFile() myStreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(Open.FileName) Me.PictureBox1 = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for asdfgh@
Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

I would like to create a textbox (search engine) that can search for items in a database that contains text as that keyed in the textbox. I am already aware of this code: bindingsource.filter = "table Like '" & textbox & "%'" EX: what I want is that when I …

Member Avatar for markdean.expres
Member Avatar for DisasterPiece

[CODE]'Informs you forgot email. If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Forgot E-Mail") If TextBox1.Text = "" Then Me.(PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO PUT![/CODE]

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Paul Norris

I've seen a lot of posts over time relating to importing and exporting CSV. Most of the answers involve using TextReader.readline and String.split, [B]which will not work[/B] with any but the simplest data. When you are writing for users who have the expectation that your application will work with anything …

Member Avatar for Paul Norris
Member Avatar for NetJunkie

So I am creating an application that allows users to send basic keystrokes to end certain processes. But I am running into some issues. I know the code I have will work the problem is I do not know where to put the following code to execute the commands: [code] …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for tfj

I have 3 forms: Form1, Form2 and Form99. Form1 and Form2 both call Form99. What statement(s) does Form99 use to determine which form called it (Form1 or Form2). Form1 Form99.Show Form2 Form99.Show Form99 Which form called me? Thank You.

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The End.