20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for praveenb

how to get key down event ina datagrid so that when i press enterkey in a cell of a datagrid the focus has set for next cell in the row. i written the code for this but the datagrid didn't fire for keydownevent when i pressed any key. i can't …

Member Avatar for amarnatheee

how to write the code for displaying tables in the form of rows and columns.the no.of rows and columns that is required will be given in the form design.also the labels we enter should be displayed as the headings for rows and columns

Member Avatar for muthu

hai, hello friends, i am doing project "Firewall". i want to know how to monitor the packet in LAN or internet. Plz help me. thank you, muthu

Member Avatar for amarnatheee

can anyone send me the details of writting a code for games in vb.net with an example

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for amarnatheee
Member Avatar for SethR

Why can't I get the changes in my grid to update the data base? Here's the code.............. Public Class frmAddChangeDelete Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim currpath As String = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory Dim connService As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= " & currpath & "\ServiceCalls.mdb") Private daCustomers Private daCalls Private daStatus Private serviceDS As New …

Member Avatar for SethR
Member Avatar for alashtur

hi every body.. i need to write a vb programm which i can take the user input and calculate the summution of it .. the input must be charachters .. i'll give every one a value .. i know how to do this part .. i have a problem just …

Member Avatar for alashtur
Member Avatar for jimclark1947

Hello, I am brand new to Visual Basic, having done some programming in Basic many years ago, so this environment is all new to me. I am creating my first project that involves solving a simple math expression. When I attempt to debug I get the following warning message, and …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for TOastfromheaven

Hey ive been attempting to use this for skool work but i am stuck i need help just displaying the number in a text box of which Date is currently Selected ive gone through all the options i don't know really where to start.. =\ help would be nice

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for adeva12

hai, I am trying to get informations about how to create web editor project using VB.NET. If your having any detail reply to me immediately. I am expecting your reply. Thank you

Member Avatar for TammyTang

Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a small application which can connection an Access 2000 database and wanting to save couple of tables from it into the second database in order to resize the size of the database. I'm using OpenFileDialog to open the original database and using SaveFileDialog for …

Member Avatar for williamrojas78
Member Avatar for static

Hi again, I want my program to control client from server, such as enabling button to press and keep record of what client used what program. plz help :) Thank you.

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Member Avatar for sunilr

Hi guys, Can anyone explain how I can create & use a webservice?? Thanx in advance Sunil

Member Avatar for Exelio
Member Avatar for Artie

Hi everyone: I am Artie Brown - a new member. I am a web designer and i am new in software development. However, i am using visual basic express 2005

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Member Avatar for static

Hi I am writing a program about client-server. The problem is ,Do i need to connect two computers to test client's program and server's program ? Thanks for reading my msg.

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for Xcoder

Im having a little problem with the CR9 bundled into VB.NET 03, I want to filter out some data, here is my selectionformula: CRViewer1.SelectionFormula = "{client.name}>='Albert Hall ' and {client.name}<='Roger Jones' But I want to filter out client: "Bernard Smith", how I do this?

Member Avatar for Xcoder
Member Avatar for sunilr

Hi Guys,:) I am Sunil, new member to this gr8 group. Wat I want basically is a listview where I can display data of a column (basically a column containing [B]Names[/B]) from an SQL table. Also I have a textbox in the form where a user can type any name …

Member Avatar for Artie

Hi: I need some assistance in creating my media playlist. how do i create a playlist for my media player using visual basic express 2005 Thanks! Artie

Member Avatar for paulie

Hi Folks, I have a VB 2005 app (2.0 Framework) that I've published out to one of our fileservers in our company, so users can download/install and run it. It published fine, but when I go to install it on another PC (which I'm logged into with Admin rights), I …

Member Avatar for paulie
Member Avatar for khwo

Hi, The following code is use ADODB to connect the database. By this way I would like to change the following coding by using "OleDbConnection", how can I change it? RstBoa = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] ADODB.Recordset BoaSQL = "Select * From QtyVar ORDER BY QtyVarID" RstBoa = ConnBoa.Execute(BoaSQL) [COLOR=#0000ff]With[/COLOR] RstBoa [COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Not[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for paulie
Member Avatar for thekaushik

[B]friends, am new to Vb and i am working with VB.net (2005). recently am working with my project. i saw the MSN live and the WMP 11. i was really impressed by there so attractive designe. i tried to make such buttons using photoshop image ready but was unable to …

Member Avatar for SeekAnswers

Good day, I have been developing a simple application that teaches programming languages, I was hoping to store the necessary lecture slides in the Database, and retrieve them for later use, but I have problems displaying them onto the application forms, can anyone guide me on that area, or direct …

Member Avatar for rzszs

i have a data file in text format , i want to convert this text file into mysql database. For this i want coding in vb.net 2003 such that to calculte from this byte to that byte should be update in particular field etc. pls help me? the text file …

Member Avatar for SeekAnswers

Good day, I have been trying to add a new record to the Access Database that has already been connected to the Visual Basic Application (Using Visual Studio 2005) that I have been developing, using the DataSource and the DataAdapter objects, though I'm able to add an Insert query and …

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Member Avatar for jaay

I want to incorporate fields from 2 tables in a single crystal report. I have no problems in incorporating from a single table. But when it comes to >1 table fields in a single report, I am stuck up.. For eg.: Table 1 :"GENINFO" ---------------------- custno | mail id ----------------------- …

Member Avatar for sarathcbit
Member Avatar for sarathcbit

guys help with creating an assembly . i have created a .snk thing and build the project .. after that i tried to add references but can find the dll cud u plez help me

Member Avatar for Xcoder

I have a mdb file and I access it through ADO.NET, from time to time I have to update an existing record, so I do this: [code] Dim dsDataGen As New DataSet Dim daDataGen As OleDbDataAdapter Dim cbDataGen As OleDbCommandBuilder Private Sub Data_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) …

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Member Avatar for jaay

Listen, I 've 2 tables of the following nature : Table 1 --------- col1 | col2 | col3 | -------------------------------------------------------- 1 name1 xxxxxxxxxx 1 name1 ssssssssssss 1 name1 rrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2 name1 qqqqqqqqqq 2 name1 eeeeeeeeee and so on........ Table 2 ======= col1 | col2 | col3 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 name1 1111111111 …

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for B.H

Hi, My problem is Am using SQL SERVER as database with VB.NET as Front End. I do have a database Known as Trackers with a Table known as Emp In Emp,I have the fields as Name,Surname,Emp_ID,Address. Here I have made the Emp_ID in the database..its Identity to "Yes"..so that the …

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The End.