20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for -Anat-

hi there, this is my first post and i hope to contribute to this community in any way that i can. scenario: I have a database table with columns-> name, address, zipcode. each row contains the address of a person. desired result: i need to generate letters in crystal reports, …

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for the_poet

Hi all, this is my very first post into this ng. I'm searching a way to resize external window app from whitin my vb.Net application, for example click on command button, this one starts iexplorer and set that window to a predefined size and position.

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, When i click on a Button, i want it to search in database what string or integer Textbox has in it, and list that into datagridview. Thanks. VB.NET please

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for shawn mohan

Hi, i'm a new programmer and i'm learning VS 2005 VB by myself and I've loads of questions to ask. My question is to how to auto increment my reference number with char(9). I'm creating a web request form where users will enter all their information on the form and …

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for Embeza

Hi guys, I am a new programmer. While running ASP.NET on my PC, it says "localhost/.......500 errors..." What is the problem and the solution for this? thank you with regards

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for static

Hi , I have a project about server. The server monitor the clients . Moreover , server can lock as well as unlock to the clients, control program usage. Plz tell me where can i get some references about my project ? plz help Thank you very much. :)

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

hi, how can i find out that what number of record(row) my cursor focused on in database? thanks label1.text= active row`s number ????? example : [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] baglanti [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] SqlClient.SqlConnection()[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] command [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlCommand() [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] kisiler [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlDataReader [COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR]baglanti.ConnectionString = [COLOR=#800000]"data source=instance2000;"[/COLOR] & [COLOR=#800000]"initial catalog=dbf;"[/COLOR] & [COLOR=#800000]"integrated security= …

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for edu.quest

Hello guys, I am creating a parental filter like application in vb.net as my final year project. Now I want to create a client side web redirector so that i can redirect my browser to a user defined site on encountering a specific object. Can this type of redirector be …

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for Preetha

Hello, i need to generate dynamic report. so that how to pass crystal report8.5 parameter values to vb.net2003. give some sample codings. Thanks .

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for ohohling

i hv create a table into the datagrid but how i going to resize the column size.... [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] Table1 [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] DataTable("Customer") [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] Row [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] DataRow [COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Try [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] column1 [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] DataColumn = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] DataColum("Customer Name") column1.DataType = System.Type.GetTyp("System.String") Table1.Columns.Add(column1) [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] column2 [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] DataColumn = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] DataColum("Customer Phone") column2.DataType = …

Member Avatar for Amit007
Member Avatar for cpopham

I am building a website. I have a database table that contains tips. The tips table is simple, it contains an ID column and a Tip column. I have a datareader to read the table and fill a datatable, however, I would rather have the datareader create a cached xml …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for TurboFreak

Okay, first I must say I am new to this but I am a quick study. I have a project that works as coded except for in one instance of validation. I am accepting numeric input from the user and anytime the input is not numeric or no entry is …

Member Avatar for TurboFreak
Member Avatar for arjunsasidharan

im jus into basic.. i need to create a login form containing the fields Username, UserID and Password. It has to be connected to the MS Access Database and when the login button event is clicked i want it to check t database whether the details are all correct n …

Member Avatar for Tanvir
Member Avatar for chepps

Hi, I would like to know how can we place the textbox dynamically over a datagrid. My requirement is ; I have a datagrid , with filles datas.And when i click on a particular cell, then a tectbox, with multline ability, should be displayed exactly in the same position as …

Member Avatar for chepps
Member Avatar for mesamb1

I am trying to install visuall basic express edition on my Dell Latitude, it has all the tech specs nescary for the instalation and plenty of memory. the instalation apears to go fine until it finishes and then i am unable to find a run the files i now have …

Member Avatar for Mikecool509

Hi, I am trying to run a start process command. I want the command prompt process tasklist, to write the output to a file. Normally, in command prrompt, you would type tasklist >> "[I]path[/I]" I got one of my other commands, taskkill to work by typing the following: [code]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("taskkill.exe", "-im …

Member Avatar for kittooek1

Hi I m new to the VB.NET world. Please guide me with complete code as how can i connect to ms access database to VB.net form

Member Avatar for Exelio
Member Avatar for peer mohamed

Hi Pls tell me how to create a Crystal Report in VB 2003 Thanks in advance Peer:rolleyes:

Member Avatar for Exelio
Member Avatar for saxenapankaj

we are facing one prob with vb .net Enterprise edition. we have installed vb .net on 2000 server machine and xp now the problem is when we are creating any form and adding list or combo box it is not showing the added items at run time where can be …

Member Avatar for Mihir3000
Member Avatar for johnangxun

Hi All, I now creating the login page. So I have using the [code]ForumsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(UserName.Text,False)[/code] So by default it will redirect to the default.aspx So this part is ok. [B]Can I redirect to the another file name?[/B] Another problem is, I will do the checking wheter the user is login. If …

Member Avatar for Bharati Krishna
Member Avatar for David Super

How do I communicate with my mysql database using VB.Net. I am trying to create an application for my employees to use. They will enter calls made, support requests, replies to those requests, and client data for our clients.

Member Avatar for Bharati Krishna
Member Avatar for peer mohamed

I am a beginer for VB NET. If any body helps me connect MS Access database through script and using Oledb Thanks

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Member Avatar for Vickyy

Good Day one and all, I am final year MCA student. I want to do one mini project in this semester. I know VB, VB.NET. I already done a student management system for a school. Now i need a good project title to do in this semester. can anyone give …

Member Avatar for Bharati Krishna
Member Avatar for Exelio

Hi, I am developing a windows service which will monitor the mail server and reads the mail contents and updates in a database. My mail server uses Outlook Express. I am using Outlook Express 6.0.My problem is I need to set my Outlook Express as my default Mapi Client.In the …

Member Avatar for chepps

Hi, Iam a new comer.Joined today.Would like to clear one of my doubts. I have a doubt regarding the columns in datagrid. Iam using vb.net2005 (win application) I have a typed dataset, with the column names as that of the database(sql) table fields.i had set a datagrid's datasource to this …

Member Avatar for chepps
Member Avatar for BlurStar
Member Avatar for NewVBguy

Hi, A newbie to vb.net and I am trying to learn this datagrid. Here are my questions: 1. How can I populate a datagrid with selected column of a table without using a query. 2. How can I put a variable column width 3. Can someone show me a code …

Member Avatar for NewVBguy
Member Avatar for raviss_03

I have created an Excel file through Cognos Reportnet SDK. This Excel file has a reference to another htmlfile which has the data. So when I open the Excel File, I get this message: Some of the files in this web page aren't in the expected location. DO you want …

Member Avatar for raviss_03
Member Avatar for Embeza

Hi everyone, While reading an VB.Net book I came across with a question that says: "Develop an application that runs office appointment schedule" What key features should the proposed system contain? I mean what and what things should the system full fill to fully help the office workers? Thanks

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for Mikecool509

Hello, I am trying to write a program to display system information. I have that part down. I am using a listbox, so that I can have different lines, for example: [code]ListBox1.Items.Add("Computer Name: " & My.User.Name) ListBox1.Items.Add("OS Version:" & My.Computer.Info.OSVersion) [/code] I am running into problems when I try to …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth

The End.