10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for CarpKing

I am developing an excel solution and so need a little help with VBA. I have developed 2 macros that run on the spreadsheet "Sheet1" and have linked them to buttons on the "Menu" Sheet. The macros run with no errors on the "sheet1" sheet however have no effect if …

Member Avatar for CarpKing
Member Avatar for Jhakda

Hi All I'm fetching lot of records from a central DB and i have to insert/ update these records in my local Access DB. Right now, i'm opening and closing 1 connection per record i insert/update in Access. I know this is wrong. In Java(which i'm more used to) i …

Member Avatar for Jhakda
Member Avatar for mukund_Sadrani

can i open passward protect mbd file from vb 6 with shell commad or any othe commad i tried with opencurentdatabase but my aceess window dose not maximize autometicaly any help plz......

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for tardis1234

okay, i'm making a kind of role playing game just for fun, on powerpoint, i'm not very good at visual basic, so i thought it would also help me to learn. anyway, i'm trying to make a counter for money and this is what i've got so far: [code] Dim …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a, b As Integer a = 10 b = 20 sum1(a,b) End Sub Private Sub sum1(a, b) Dim c As Integer c = a + b Print c End Sub i have called the procedure bu simply the procedure name & arguments within the parentheses as …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for dks1383

Hi I need some information about working with memory by vb6: 1-How can I directly read a byte with special address in memery? 2-How can I find the start address of an exe file (that run) in memory? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I'm developing a software in vb 6.0 with MS Access as backend. This software requires to save the text files in the table. Now the problem is the text will be formatted (Bold, Underline, it may even have MS Word Tables). I have on the form a RTF …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for hasmiza

hello..please help me i need to edit data using form(user fill in details)..but after editing the record in database.nothing changes happen otherwise it create new row of date [ICODE][/ICODE] databook.Recordset.Edit databook.Recordset("name") = txtname.Text databook.Recordset("ic_num") = txtIc.Text databook.Recordset("room_type") = cboroom.Text databook.Recordset("check_in") = cbocheckin.Text databook.Recordset("check_out") = cbocheckout.Text databook.Recordset("Month") = cbomonth.Text databook.Recordset("Year") = …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for mar1

Are there several ways to call from a VB program a VB subroutine in another file? Of course I can open and read any data file and interpret its contents, but I'd like to find some more elegant approach, the commands in the called file being interpreted directly by VB …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for turquito

Hi all I would like to know how i can obtain the address from intent radio staion for download music. The program RadioTracker do it, but what is the base for to do that?, first to have the web address where is the file (mp3, wmv, ...) and second according …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for ITech

hello ..this problem i am posting 3rd time still not resolved i aam trying to develop a project using vb and access i have got a problem i have 3 tables in access 1.Cust info table(fields are listed below) cust id,name,age,sex,country...etcxc(primary key cust id) 2,indate(fields are listed below) custid ,packageid,date,intime,outime(no …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for buzincarl

HI, I am having a few problems, I want to make a simple login that will read a text file where the "username","password" will be, it will be displayed like this: "username1","password1" "username2","password2" etc, I would like it so that the login form will read the data, if a user …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for ruchika beddy

I do not find Commnon Dialog Control in the toolbox,Can somebody plz tell me from where to drag the control? I have just General Tab in my toolbox????

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for rrocket

I have a bunch of print statements in a SP that tell me exactly what went wrong in the SP (if anything), but I cannot figure out how to capture the text in the [code=sql]PRINT 'Receiver and Customer don''t match'[/code] statements... I pretty much want to get the info with …

Member Avatar for rrocket
Member Avatar for mukund_Sadrani

any one help me to create datarepeater with combo and text field like sub-form in access

Member Avatar for mukund_Sadrani
Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for Iken

Hi I have a huge list with staff numbers in the workbook sheet1 range from column A 3 to a (unknown the maximum). Which data around 1500 named list (just a numeric the staff no I need to validating who when attendance the general meeting in the main hall, who’s …

Member Avatar for manoshailu
Member Avatar for ITech

hi i aam trying to develop a project using vb and access i have got a problem i have 3 tables in access 1.Cust info table(fields are listed below) cust id,name,age,sex,country...etcxc(primary key cust id) 2,indate(fields are listed below) custid ,packageid,date,intime,outime(no primary key) 3.package info table(fields are listed below package id, …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for arunpawar

I'm working on VB.net(2005 studio) application that stores values.i'm using SQL server 2005 express.I dont know how to connect both of them.Is there any tutorial on the web for that? I have tried but most of the result are points to the pages of SQL server configuration,manipulation related information. One …

Member Avatar for arunpawar
Member Avatar for masakii

hi. i wonder to know is it possible to create a project which working with RTP in VB 6.0? i just discover and learning to make a file transfer project using TCP (using VB).. i hope anyone could give me more info about working with RTP in VB.

Member Avatar for Hollygolightly

Hey all I have no idea how to write this in VB. I have printers set up as default named "KM250_2" and "KM250_1" respectively. These printers just print single sided. I need to be able to print duplex, so I have set up the same printers, but with slightly different …

Member Avatar for saurabh.verma

hi i am working on a project and i have to make this form which tells which other forms have opened i have a menustrip which has a menu now what i need to do is this: everytime a new form has opened i want my menustrip add a new …

Member Avatar for ladyjade

Im working on a visual basic project and i am making a web browser which i am using IE web browser component. I want my web browser to be able to add tabs like Internet Explorer 7,using the tabstrip control...Please can [B][COLOR="Red"]ANYONE H-E-L-P[/COLOR][/B] :icon_eek: me with this. Ive been searching …

Member Avatar for ladyjade
Member Avatar for irshadAhmed

Please can anybody help me in reading the ms-word file in vb and storing the data in grids thanks

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for sree_rekharaj

hi! unable to get DATA ENVIORNMENT 1.0 check box under referances in project menu in vb6. i would like to know which DLL file i have to download in order to be able to check this option. i require this information urgently. thanks rekha

Member Avatar for msantosh18

can any one help me in the following problem i have created a exe file in visual basic. in my application if i click a command box a excel file will open. the excel file is accessible in my system. but if the exe file is executed in any other …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for AndrewE

Hi This VB code below runs fine in Excel 2003 under an object in a form and the file browser window opens nicely, allowing the navigation to and selection of a file. However, I need to have the same functionality running in an Excel 2000 environment. The problem is that …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Can somebody send me the basic book of Visual Basic if they have??? & if its possible to send on net...Send me on the below given Id-> [email]sonia.sardana@yahoo.co.in[/email]

Member Avatar for ladyjade
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

HI, I have made a menu with two menu Items Colors Size. Colors will further have the submenu Items--> FillColor Exit FillColor will further have-->Red,Green,Blue Size --> Small , Large If i write the foll. code--> [B]Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for mike4

I made a hotel software and connected it to a access database created using the visual data manager. The software runs very well but when records in a table for daily stock taking reaches around 2000 the software starts messing up with my table. I am suspecting that the table …

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The End.