10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for kpnprakash

hi, i am developing a vb application to print a bill using printer object.i have developed the whole application but while executing it showns an error(runtime error '380': invalid property value.please help me to do it. my codes are: [code=vb]Private Sub Command1_Click() MousePointer = 11 'mouse pointer busy while printing …

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Member Avatar for doggyx5

Hi, I am new to VB6. Currently I am suppose to write a programme for checking book stock.whenever if there is any insufficient books in the data i will have to gather all the insufficient name of any book in a msg and send out to the user. For my …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dendic

I'm looking for a method to scroll a form when the mouse reaches a certain position. I can identify the position but don't know of any code to start a scroll. I'm created a gui method to drag and drop labels but need the ability to reach the outer columns …

Member Avatar for fujilec

hi..i put a datagrid into my main form, and i put 2 buttons for show and hide it. How cn i implement it? I know if for the form is using the command below: Form5.show However DataGrid cant use tht...hw can i implement it? thanks

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for rrocket

Is there something else I have to do to get a message with an error occurs other than this: [code=vb] On Error GoTo Handler 'Code that will cause an error Handler: msgBox(Err.Description) [/code] The Handler gets thrown but it is empty.... Just a message box comes up with no text.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for ITech

i have typed this code within my form.. [CODE=vb]Private Sub Command1_Click() SQL = "select * from cusinfo" Call connrecordset(CustomerInfo, SQL) With CustomerInfo CustomerInfo.MoveLast !Name = txtName.Text !Address = txtAddress.Text !DOB = DTDOB.Value !Age = DateDiff("yyyy", DTDOB.Value, Now()) + Int(Format(Now(), "mmdd") < Format(DTDOB.Value, "mmdd")) !Sex = cmbSex.Text !PassportNo = txtPassport.Text !Country …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

i have the things listed below dim col_values as new collection dim var_list(100) as variant i want to add var_list1 to col_values under a key say"k" i try using this col_values.add var_list1,"k" but this is throwing up an error. Please help me........

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for ITech

hello i am doing a project in vb n ms access, i have an issue..its simple i think but i dont no.. in my form i have intime text box which has the computer time,and there is a duration textbox where i have to type in a number..and one more …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for INFANT

How to design using crystal report with a particular record and the coding in vb

Member Avatar for apollo13suicide
Member Avatar for evios

hi....i create a command button using the code shown below: [code] Private Sub Command3_Click() Form5.Show 'sum action needed here to detect user's action Command3.Caption = "Unhide History" Unload Form5 End Sub [/code] I need to change the caption to unhide history once the user had pressed unhide button

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Church

how do i make a string variable into an integer variable. something like: number = String i've always only converted it from a textbox now i'm having trouble using variables.. not sure why it's different.. [CODE] monthtxt = Mid(CardLength, 1, countnum) yeartxt = Mid(CardLength, i + 1, Yearstart) isvalid = …

Member Avatar for Church
Member Avatar for tree100

Hello, this is my first post. I'm learning VB6 at home, with online tutorials. So far ok, but I can't find the right info on making a dual-paned app. Sort of like in webpages, where a 'frame' acts differently than the rest of the page. I guess it's like a …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for afan_ell
Member Avatar for ventrica

this is my simple program and i need to save or write the info that i key in in a notepad and also have the function to displat the info in the notepad. Can any one help me?TQ this is my simple program in VB. how can i write the …

Member Avatar for techtix
Member Avatar for andy999

Hi all, Iam newbe to this forum and seeks some help. I am using a msflexgrid in vb6 which uploads data from the net. What I want the uploaded data in msflexgrid having 10 cols and 10 rows to be saved in access database and also want to save the …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for janel98

how can i connect crystal report 10 to vb6.0? is it possible? i really need to know how,,, thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for techtix
Member Avatar for afan_ell

can anyone help me i wanna calculate the total of electrical bill this is my situation... Rate 1 = 0.218 for first 0 – 200 KWh usage Rate 2 = 0.289 for 201-1000 KWh usage Electrical usage (KWh) = Latest Meter Reading - Previous Meter Reading If electrical usage between …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for sham
Member Avatar for sadeghit

Hi I have written a piece of program to connect to the parallel port and it works properly with Desktop. but now I have laptop and my laptop doesn't have parallel port and I have to use USB to Parallel cable. and this cable after connecting to the laptop goes …

Member Avatar for jpachar
Member Avatar for fujilec

hi....i had used mouse API to emulate the mouse.....without using mouse, just using ascii code. However when there is a message box pop up, it seems like malfunction...it cant move. How can i solve this problem? Thanks.....

Member Avatar for evios

hi to all the experts here, i am facing a minor problem..... i ady established the connection from VB6 via ODBC to MySQL and all the data needed has been passed to MySQL perfectly. But then how do i actualli retrieve the date from MySQL and show in VB 6.0? …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bornok15

Guys i want to make a system that can access a mysql database through the internet. Does this mean that i going to assign the IP address of my database server to the IP given by the provider? like for example is this valid as the ip address that …

Member Avatar for bornok15
Member Avatar for reddaisy

Hello, I am new here so Hi to everyone. My name is Debbie and need help writing a pseudocode for the following program as Im a little confused, heres the program for code: write a program that can be used to calculate the cost of a phone call. a call …

Member Avatar for reddaisy
Member Avatar for rrocket

I am trying to get the current date in a tdbdate textbox and am having no luck. I am currently using: [code=vb]TDBDate1.Text = Now()[/code] But it is still only showing what is in the Properties Text box. Is their something within the properties menu that I need to change in …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for afan_ell

can anyone give me some guidance: i'm using VB6 as GUI on my project which is print the data that i received from wavecom modem.my only prob now is how can i extract the data from hyperterminal and save it to my microsoft access database before i process it using …

Member Avatar for fujilec

problems for the mouse API...i declared this : [code] Dim Position As POINTAPI Dim Mystring As String Private Type POINTAPI X As Long Y As Long End Type Dim PosX As Long Dim PosY As Long Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, …

Member Avatar for evios

hi...i am working on visual basic 6 and i need to pass the value to the database MySQL via ODBC, it is working fine juz leaving a small bug here, the code shown below: If player X wins, data below will be stored at MySQL: [code] blnAddMode = True rs.AddNew …

Member Avatar for fujilec
Member Avatar for fujilec

hi....i got one simple question...how to make the caption background transparent? and, is it possible to have animation GIF on message box? hihi thank ya

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for chipo

Im new to Vb. I have created a simple database and its working fine. I want to implement a search function to my database. Iam also receiving an error when itry to edit a record. The error message reads you changes were not effected becaus ethey would create duplicate records. …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

The End.