10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for The Beholder

I'm having a dilema with bsave, my graphic array is 32x32 pixels in screen mode 7 and I'm using this formula to get the amount of bytes for the DIM statement bytes= (4 + int(((width)*(bitsperpixel/bitplanes)+7)/8)*bitplanes*height) /2 (4+int((32)*(4/4)+7)/8)*4*32)/2=258 if I use this amount for the dim statement and if I use …

Member Avatar for frozenvillage

Hi All, I am new to this forum. I hope all of you can help me. I have a problem with my VB application. Whenever I change the language option in the regional setting of the windows other than English (United States), it mess up my zip file so that …

Member Avatar for LenderRep

I am trying to develop a rate calculator for a fee schedule although "calculator" may not be the best term to use. I have an Excel file containing 7 different fees that correspond to a single loan amount. LOan amounts run in $1,000 increments from $50,000 to $1,000,000. I am …

Member Avatar for Buff
Member Avatar for The Beholder
Member Avatar for The Beholder
Member Avatar for morgan drutchas

I have a yext box in a form. The text box has two columns, an ID column and a name column. The ID column is bound to a table, but only the name column is shown because the ID column has a width of zero. I want to be able …

Member Avatar for red_evolve

I am almost done with my project and I'd like to obtain some advice on this. How do I go about packaging (if this is the right word to use) the whole application? As such, I have some extra active-x components which I'd have to add into the System32 folder …

Member Avatar for red_evolve
Member Avatar for MSUMichelle

Is it possible to switch the view of a subform to datasheet when a command button on the mainform is selected? I know it is something involving acFormDS...but I cant figure out the rest of the code! I appreciate your help in advance! (P.S. I know you can right click …

Member Avatar for Slade

hey guys... I want to be able to auto sort rows ascending in a worksheet according to the first column... I want to make a visual basic macro for this... any ideas? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for MSUMichelle

Does anyone know if there is code you can use to set a field width to zero in a form? I would like to use a radio button and when it is selected that field width turns to zero.

Member Avatar for MSUMichelle
Member Avatar for The Beholder

I'm stuck on retrieving bytes from a register using qbasic, specifically how do they get the Low byte and High byte from this: 'al%=lowbyte of ax, al%=highbyte of ax, al%=outregs.ax and &hff ah%=outregs.ax \ 256 I can understand that with call interrupt you can read or write to general registers …

Member Avatar for The Beholder
Member Avatar for morgan drutchas

In Microsoft Access 2000, I have a form that is for adding a new record and contains 2 subforms that each link to different tables. The subforms are connected by a user ID. I do not want the user to type his user ID twice, so when the user types …

Member Avatar for ecashwell

I would like to know if it is possible to communicate Queries using XML from an application written in VB6 to a website written in ASP.NET. I would need to send and receive everything from a small integer to a medium blob. Also, the database backend is MySQL. This is …

Member Avatar for Tekmaven
Member Avatar for MSUMichelle

:?: Is there a way to skip part of the VBA code after a certain command button is selected? I have a message box that pops up saying "Please press the edit button to make changes." After the button is selected I do not want these message boxes to be …

Member Avatar for MSUMichelle
Member Avatar for MSUMichelle

I am working in MS Access 2000 and trying to have the computer continue an ID pattern I have. Right now I have a table with a field "Customer Program ID". There are currently 5 of them...CP001, CP002, CP003, CP004 and CP005. When the user selects new record I would …

Member Avatar for MSUMichelle
Member Avatar for chock

Hai , i am getting the correct result for the below query rs.Open "SELECT DISTINCT RepTL From PEList WHERE RepFL='" & CriteriaName & "'", Cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText but the thing is i need to display the record in the Order by RepId, but when i add RepId in the …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for leeegglestone

Im starting to design some software/system for work even though its not in my job description, and learned a little of it at college so thought id speed the process up rather than waiting for the IT monkeys downstairs to get their act together. I will be including a database …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I was just wondering whether this is normal or not:- When I hit the Print button, it takes a while before the printer starts printing. The printer spools for a few minutes before printing. :-|

Member Avatar for red_evolve
Member Avatar for chound

I'm a newb 2 VB. How can I use my printer to print out some message I have written in a textbox. Mine is a USB printer.

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for twodollarbill
Member Avatar for soundlesslove

hello frnds i have developed a spying software in vb 6.0 with stealth capabilities just like any other commeriacl software. i would like to connet it through internet so that it can send log files by emails. i have tried smtp server for that ..it works but it is not …

Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I have a form loaded and in this form, I have a listbox plus a button. When the button is clicked, a dialog box will appear alongside with the form. In the dialog box, there is a combo box, in which the user must select something from. Once the …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for seankleyn

Hi. Im having difficulty finding work in south africa in the IT field so I was hoping their was maybe another way to start making money from doing freelance coding and projects in both Visual Basic and C/C++. Can anyone tell me where there are such places or opportunities where …

Member Avatar for basementcoder
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I'm sort of on the en-route to project completion except for some small problems here and there. One more major step is report generation. I'm totally new in this area. Nothing in the old threads are related except for one: [url=http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread410.html]Vb report generation[/url] but this thread is still left …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for siraj

hello can any body there tell me that i have a database named [B]watershed1.mdb [/B] which contains three tables such as "watershed_tb1,watershed_tb2 and watershed_tb3". now what i want to do is create a List box in VB6.0 and take the appropriate text boxes required.so when i select watershed_tb1 from the …

Member Avatar for lkexpert
Member Avatar for fishcakes28

Hi, I created a couple VERY small programs in VB. When I have built the program to become an executible, it works on my original computer, however when I try and use it on my office computer (without VB), it comes up with an error "The application failed to initiate …

Member Avatar for lkexpert
Member Avatar for ALAN 007

i am doing a write up and it says in the Spec: appropriate use of sequence, selection, selection and repition in your program. plz post a definition of what this exactly means [email]kamran_bashir786@hotmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for lkexpert
Member Avatar for WaltFales

Greetings! I currently have 5 very similar but seperate macros in 5 seperate .xls files. As one finishes I currently open the next .xls file and run that respective macro. And so on and so forth. I am attempting to figure out how I can write code that will require …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for Steel9561

I created a DHTML proyect using Visual Basic 6. It is a webcalculator. You can look the calculator at this address: [url]www.cssaudit.com/TestCSS/index.htm[/url] When you compile a VB6 proyect a dll file is generated which takes care of performing the calculations. The webpage and the dll was uploaded manually to the …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000
Member Avatar for WaltFales

Greetings! I am a relative newbie to VB programming and have built a macro that performs multiple functions within excel but am now trying to link ShowCase STRATEGY 4.1 to it. I am attempting to figure out how to have an excel file run a ShowCase Query--an application I have …

Member Avatar for Cobrab

Hi all!!! This is possibile on VBB to accsess Hardwere ? I mean if there is any command that i can read or write data from i/p port , like on c that i can use the "outport" Command. Thank's

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The End.