10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tengu

I am making a VB.NET web application in VS.NET 2003. I am using streamreader to access a text file for reading. I am able to access it without any problems using the full path (ie. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\<projectname>\bin\file.txt). But I want to use a relative path (ie. .\file.txt). If I use something …

Member Avatar for Tengu
Member Avatar for mikewut

I have this photo printing problem. I tell VB to print by this method: printer.print Printer.PaintPicture LoadPicture(Text19) printer.enddoc It does print. However, the picture has a very low quality to it. How can I change the way it's printed so that I can add more DPI to the photo? Do …

Member Avatar for seevo

While maintaining a legacy web app, we found what appears to be a case sensitivity "issue" with the "Select Case" statement in VB6. Is the "Select Case" statement case sensitive? It appears to be to us, but we are somewhat surprised and wanted some additional feedback. Thanks PS

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for yni420

Hi This is my first post. I have lately into the field of video. I need to create a program in Visual Basic where the user can select the program and ad and duration for both and then see a preview of it. I created a .asx file for the …

Member Avatar for kelly devon

hi all, i am creating forms and tables in access using vb code. when i click on ok in one of the forms i want it to open up one of the tables(in acess) and compare certain values. i tried using open "table" for random as #1 .......... but it …

Member Avatar for Chris S

Hi all Im new to programming and was trying to read/write/add/edit records in an access db. I have managed to read the data into a recordset(using adodb)but can i edit/add records to the recordset before writing back to the db if so how? a pointer in the right direction would …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for pAiNtBaLlEr06

I have Windows XP and I downloaded the version before QBASIC 4.5. The QBASIC folder containing QBASIC.exe is in the C:\ drive. Here's my problem: I want the window be the full scree3b and not a partial window, so I change the properties, but when I run the compiler, the …

Member Avatar for Buff
Member Avatar for sexytom

Hello all, i hope you can help me as my VB skills are proving not to be as good as i thought!! I've got an ActiveX user control that im using 10 times in my app. I've got an array with ten values and i want to send one value …

Member Avatar for sexytom
Member Avatar for james_cse

Hi, I want to modify the remote machine's Internet explorer favorites. Can anyone help me to do this ? Thanks James :lol:

Member Avatar for BeyerCorpuz

[FONT=Times New Roman]Formatting Currency[/FONT] :lol: I would simply like to format a variable(WallboardCost) as currency. What is the easiest way to to this in Visual Basic 6. Thanks a lot. Chris B

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for sameerupare

Hi Everyone, We are trying to set up our application in VB6 which has some user controls. When we are trying to load project and add the .OCX controls thru components options it gives error [B]"filemovecontrol.ocx could not be loaded"[/B]. We tried to unregister and again register a copy of …

Member Avatar for dantut
Member Avatar for smarkles

HI, I need to add multiple InputBoxes in my form. I'm stuck. I'm thinking I either need to add another sub or use Projects, add to project. I don't know. The book doesn't give you any instructions except how to add one iput box which wasn't a problem. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for smarkles
Member Avatar for rational611

I would like to know how to load an run a program before windows explorer loads during the booting of Windows 98. This is similar to the loading and running of anti virus software such as Norton which load and run before the loading of windows explorer. I know this …

Member Avatar for ibcoda3
Member Avatar for spartanNE

Hello This is my first posting...and the next will be my second ...lol I need to show the entire contents of a field in an access table, so that you can choose one item. i can then input data for the other equations. this is for a project and the …

Member Avatar for clartsonly
Member Avatar for spartanNE

My second. I was told that it is possible to create a button on a vb form that will either print out or display the entire contents of an access table... saved in access97. if this is true how? please :eek:

Member Avatar for Ivan Ruiz

I Am A Vb On Excell User, I Am Trying To Make A Macro In Visual Basic But I Do Not Know How To Run A Msdos Comand Over Vb In Specific I Want To Excecute A "ping" Command Over A Macro That Help Me To Se If A Computer …

Member Avatar for HokSun
Member Avatar for XxMinionxX

Runtime Error 424 object required happens when I attempt to open my program I made,It does it everytime, and it says the defragments are Private Sub Form_Load() and CS1.Scan_On in the code. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Heres the code if anyone can help.. Private Sub CS1_ChatScan(ScreenName …

Member Avatar for Lokinta
Member Avatar for chock

Hai All, To run the program we use F5 Key and for Pause we use the Ctrl + Break and for Debug we use F8 , is there any key like this to Stop the program running. Thank you, Chock.

Member Avatar for Deno
Member Avatar for nn_tiwari

Hi all I need my project working on LAN For this i need Locking technique in VB through DAO Concept Via MS Access For Example, When i am trying to update a table, then another should not able to update record in same table. thanks Tiwari

Member Avatar for vbperson101

Could someone tell me how to play multiple sounds with Visual Basic 6 at the same time? I know there is a way to, I just have no idea what it is. Thanks :!:

Member Avatar for bigpoppapumpg

I have taken a few programming courses and really want to master an IDE and vastly improve my programming skills so that I oneday may be able to develop commerical quality software products and work as a programmar. I am also learning *nix right now and noticed KDE comes with …

Member Avatar for 8route
Member Avatar for DeeJay_Bamse

I have programed at thats takes times on cars running 402m... And I want 2 send a SMS with the result 2 the driver.... Have anyone conted with a mobilefone from VB and sent a SMS? I NEEEED HELP!!! I would prefer a Funktion like this... err=SendSMS("07541315564","Text that I will …

Member Avatar for LIMS2LIMS

[color=black]Hi All,[/color] [color=black]Here's the scenario. I have VB6, yet I haven't got a clue, but I would like some input as to where/what is the best manual/reference/learning tool for VB6? I thought about taking a class, but, I'm better at the self taught, self pace kind of thing. I have …

Member Avatar for Mr Gates

I'm really scared and etchy about getting VB. NET, as I've just started out in VB 6 and I've gotten pretty used to it. But I wanted to know from experts that used VB 6 before....is it a big change? Will it be hard to get used to after just …

Member Avatar for dmohanty
Member Avatar for spot

Some time ago I had a play list for audio files but this has now been mislaid, writien in VB.I am now trying to put together a play list for video files.I have noticed that NEROVISION EXPRESS has nearly something what I am looking for.I wonder if there is any …

Member Avatar for Sue K

I have had programming, but I have not done much in VB. I am working in Excel. I want to take input data on sheet ENTRY and add it to the next available blank line on the sheet DATA.(already did one infinite LOOP!! with a ISBLANK function) This is probably …

Member Avatar for The Beholder

I'm having a dilema with bsave, my graphic array is 32x32 pixels in screen mode 7 and I'm using this formula to get the amount of bytes for the DIM statement bytes= (4 + int(((width)*(bitsperpixel/bitplanes)+7)/8)*bitplanes*height) /2 (4+int((32)*(4/4)+7)/8)*4*32)/2=258 if I use this amount for the dim statement and if I use …

Member Avatar for frozenvillage

Hi All, I am new to this forum. I hope all of you can help me. I have a problem with my VB application. Whenever I change the language option in the regional setting of the windows other than English (United States), it mess up my zip file so that …

Member Avatar for LenderRep

I am trying to develop a rate calculator for a fee schedule although "calculator" may not be the best term to use. I have an Excel file containing 7 different fees that correspond to a single loan amount. LOan amounts run in $1,000 increments from $50,000 to $1,000,000. I am …

Member Avatar for Buff
Member Avatar for The Beholder
Member Avatar for The Beholder

The End.