919 Topics

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Member Avatar for spunkywacko

Hey guys just joined.. So I'm learning C#, and kinda having trouble with finding the command prompt? Installed Vistual Studio 2008 Express with C# and visual basic. After that I installed XNA 3.1. It's supposedly in a folder in the start menu under 'Microsoft Visual Studio Tools', but I have …

Member Avatar for abhinavgoyal02
Member Avatar for ayan2

i created a crystal reprot in vs 2010, i hav about 18 fields but page can not hold all of them in 1 page, how to solve this issue kindly tell me as soon..

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Hello everyone! Quick survey, are you guys liking Visual Studio 2012? Comment below and say why you are, or aren't enjoying it!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for owenransen

I'm obviously typing in the wrong search terms, but I'm looking for a REST application in C# in Web API running on Azure, but with an example of calling that REST C# from a VS2010 C++ application. I have one half (the C# bit) but I can't find any examples …

Member Avatar for owenransen
Member Avatar for GregoryHouseMD

The MySQL database I want to use is using SSH tunneling and the MySQL connector provided from MySQL only allows normal connection. Can I somehow work around the SSH tunneling so I can connect Visual Studio with the database? Thank you :)

Member Avatar for ammonsutherland
Member Avatar for rexdon

On generating schema file for xml file using visual studio, i want to predefine datatype for xml schema. i.e if xml file is having an element <value>20<value> On generating schema, the datatype has to come'string' instead of default 'unsigned byte'

Member Avatar for Delnith

how do I set visual studio to read my C code by default instead of C# or whatever its doing?

Member Avatar for Delnith
Member Avatar for jeha0

Hi. I'm Jens from Sweden. I have been programmming mostly embedded (AVR) using C for a couple of years. Tried Java (for Windows and Linux on desktop PC) but discovered lots of problems with that. Also tried C++ with CodeBlocks or other IDE's. Struggled with QT4 designer for a while …

Member Avatar for jeha0
Member Avatar for shabi kuti

Hi I have a question in writing this code. it goes as follows: i have to 2dropdown lists , that is the start location and the end location . if the user selects a start and a end location the distance falls to a textbox called txtdistance. can anyone help …

Member Avatar for Sayfuddin
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello How do I write a C++ program targeting a x86 version of Windows CE in Visual Studio 2008? It doesnt show me Windows CE and more so, all it targets is ARM. Thanks

Member Avatar for linabeb

if im doing a dll in dev c++ ..... and doing a dll in c++ but using visual studio 2010 is both of them gonna be the same?? i mean..ermm..if the computer doesnt have the visual studio will they be able to run my dll project which using c++ language... …

Member Avatar for linabeb
Member Avatar for Shodow

![wqe](/attachments/small/3/wqe.jpg "align-left") Select CustomerID,SalesID,CustomerName,Num_Of_Bottles,Price,Status from sales,customer where Date = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%b %d, %Y') and CustomerID>0 Order by SalesID DESC

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ctechnology24

guys please help me,, Im using DevComponents office ribbon for the inteface of my application, every thing seems ok, but sometimes my IDE suddenly crashes until I get this error message when I open References section in project property: An error occurred trying to load the page. Exception has been …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Dev93

I have just started getting into SFML and Visual studio as well . I have always worked on turbo c++ . I am not sure I understand the very first code that I have come across while getting into SFML . Here is the program.. #include<iostream> #include<SFML\System.hpp> int main() { …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for Bob

*From the Visual C++ Team Blog:* Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop is now available for download. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/09/12/10348456.aspx Additional details and further discussion here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2012/09/12/visual-studio-express-2012-for-windows-desktop-is-here.aspx *ETA: post intended for the News Stories section -- if the Mods could kindly sort that for me?*

Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I created a UserControl that contains a custom ToolStrip Control. While using the UserControl throughout an application, the ToolStrip control cannot be accessed directly, as logically it's embedded in the UserControl. So, to access the items of the ToolStrip I defined a readonly property in the UserControl class that returns …

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Member Avatar for Dino000

Hello. When I click Add query on combo box for example, I edit the SQL statement by adding 'WHERE Club = @uClub'. Then I get the error: 'An error occured while trying to create parameterized query: Error in WHERE clause near @. Unable to parse query text' So how can …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I built a ClassLibrary where I have created my custom form component (let's say MyForm) that inherits from the Form class. I added the ClassLibrary to my actual WinForms project. Now when I add an inherited form based on MyForm to my project through the 'Add New Item' dialog box …

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Member Avatar for priyamtheone

Ensure ApplyVisualStyles is enabled in your system. Place a ToolStripProgressBar on a toolstrip, run your application and minimize the form. Now change the theme of your computer to Windows Classic and restore the form. See the interior of the ToolStripProgrssBar becomes black. It doesn't even change if you refresh the …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I am rendering a toolstrip with a CustomRenderer that inherits from ToolStripProfessionalRenderer. The concept is that I want the color of the arrow of the toolstrip items to be white in all cases except selection. When it is selected the color should be black. In my code below all arrows …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for khia02

Dim sqlconn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("data source=MCKAYLA\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=jhen_reg;Integrated Security=True") Dim sqlda As New SqlDataAdapter Dim sqlcmd As New SqlCommand Dim dt As New DataTable Dim sqlstr As String = "SELECT * FROM reg where Username=@Usernametextbox.text AND Password=@Passwordtextbox.text" With sqlcmd .CommandText = sqlstr .Connection = sqlconn .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", UsernameTextBox.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", PasswordTextBox.Text) …

Member Avatar for khia02
Member Avatar for daniel1977

I am just curios if someone else has found the same issues I am having when compiling and running a simple C++ program in "codeblocks" everything is perfect but not successful when compiling and run the same program on Microsoft Visual Studio express. Is there any logic explanation here? Thanks, …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for Carpetfizz

Hello, I've been using Code Blocks as an IDE for a while and decided to switch to VS2010 Professional as I had obtained it throuh Dreamspark. Anyway, I'm terribly confused at the files it gives me for a standard Win32 Console App for C++. Usually, I'm used to seeing: #include …

Member Avatar for Carpetfizz
Member Avatar for linabeb

please someone help me..im doing my final project and below is my code for the registration form..after i fill up all my form and it will appear a msg box that i can only register once...the data is not being inserted in the database..im using ms access...please2....do help me...i dont …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for f4fjks

Hey All! I have created a database application which read and write data in Ms Access. It works well on my computer but when i try to install the same application via installer package to another computer, and run it, it gives me error that i dont have the database. …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for triumphost

I keep getting "None of the 6 overloads could convert all arguments". I only get this problem in visual studio though. When I compile with g++ or codeblocks, it works perfectly fine. The code I'm calling my templates with is: `MemDeSerialize(ListOfItems, SerializedData, size_t(Data[2]));` The definitions: template<typename T> void MemDeSerialize(T& Destination, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sharath27

In my project I've 8 edit boxes and i need to set each box with different font. But my code is setting all the boxes single font.. So how can i modify it?? void CTrail3Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1() { UpdateData(TRUE); CFontDialog dlg; // get font for current dialog, just to fill in LOGFONT …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sujimon

Hi I want to install the following on my new laptop:- 1. VB6 2. Crystal Reports 8.5 3. Crystal Reports 9 4. SQL Server 2005 5. VS 2005 6. SQL Server 2008/SQL Server 2008 R2 7. VS 2008 8. Oracle Server 9. Microsoft Office 2007 What sequence should i follow …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for sridevi boya

C#: I have two folders first one containing various images of the tops and other containing various images of bottoms, now randomly a dress(top & bottom) should be selected such that if user inputs no of days the dresses should not be repeated, those dresses which are not worn should …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for rokokmalboro

hello forumerz .. i have some issue here about my visual studio 2008.. the problem happen when i want to change example like :: -change background picture for splash form then when i am debug the picture is still same -Also have error when is compile "Error debug target is …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell

The End.