919 Topics

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Member Avatar for rela

I am a beginner, and want to know how can run the code in notepad with visual studio. I tried with a simple code by --<<All Program -->microsoft Visual --> visual Studio tools --> visual Studio command prompmt. The error is: ''fatal error C1083: cannot open source file: filename.cpp: No …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Sarkurd

Hi i tried to test some new features of C++ 11 but how come Visual Studio doesn't support `constexpr`? i tried this simple function but it won't compile constexpr int multiply(int x, int y) { return x * y; }

Member Avatar for Sarkurd
Member Avatar for spyros.lois

Hello How can i maka a ppt viewer within a form application in c sharp? what is the control that will contain the presentation? i tried webrowser control but i gave up.

Member Avatar for du_1
Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for bmufaris
Member Avatar for Praveen_10

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- For more information on using web.config transformation visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=125889 --> <configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform"> <!-- In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of "connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" only when the "Match" locator finds an attribute "name" that has a value of "MyDB". <connectionStrings> <add …

Member Avatar for Praveen_10
Member Avatar for anonymous0318

![7b04c3154f13608d13b3b499dd4ac92d](/attachments/large/4/7b04c3154f13608d13b3b499dd4ac92d.PNG "7b04c3154f13608d13b3b499dd4ac92d") Hello, I'm beggining to learn C# and am writing an application for myself that will help me lose weight. I just noticed that when I start the application in visual studio, the application appears extremely blurry compared to the design form in visual studio. Does anyone know of …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for lincoln0988
Member Avatar for Sumith Asanka

Hi Guys I have my Asp.net 4.0 application,it has crystal report viewer, that viewer object is not visible at run time on win 8.1 beta version and microsoft windows 2008 server, but it works fine on my persoanl pc which runs windows 8 , any idea on what is the …

Member Avatar for mrkm1188

I have a Visual Studio form that is linked to a SQL database table. I am adding a query via a tool strip to search the database and I have the following text boxes the user can enter information into: Client, Project Number, Project Manager, ServerArchived, PaperArchived. The user does …

Member Avatar for Alxprog

There are tips on how to install Boost with Visual Studio, there are tips on how to install Boost with Qt , so my questions is : is it possible to install and later work with Boost with the two IDE's mentioned above ( I have them both on my …

Member Avatar for Alxprog
Member Avatar for ravi_14

i am developing a project in c++ and i need database to save details.i googled but so far have bot come across a good tutorial for c++ database . most of the articles i have found are obsolete. please suggest what are APIs for database in c++?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for CreatorZeus

So decided I should switch to VS13 for the added benefits. Copied the cold, transfered the files, alls good right? Wrong. Actually its not that bad. Just one main problem. `ltm` See this fella? This is the one guy that is standing in the way of me and the debachury …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for claretakum

Hie guys! I'm a new user of SQL. I'm kindly asking you on how to create a database and then link it with VB.Net forms? Thanks to you all guys in advance

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

How do I detect left mouse button down and up events on the 'Close' option of the system menu that appears when the mouse is clicked on the top left corner of a form?

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for ignnniter

Hello Im trying to display a label when my program starts, to check the server status.. For example if the user is successfully connected to the server it should say on the label "Connected" and if not the label should say "Not Connected" , my Database is located on a …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for frontier6444

I am trying to figure out how when a name typed in textbox1 on Form2 and a date is selected in the DateTimePicker box on Form2 that the name will show in textbox3 on Form1 when the date in MonthCalendar is pressed. I.E. Form2 opens and I enter the name …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for xn hunk
Member Avatar for dre-logics

Dear developers, I develop for years in visual studio 2008, but I want to switch to Visual Stuido 2012. But I discovered there is no setup projects exist anymore. I now choose from InstallShield or WIX. Which should I use and what version? Thanks, André

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for humorousone

In the application i'm working on, information will be saved to a database file which is located in the same directory as the executable application. In order for this file to be accessable for the executable while in a visual studio project, i would usually place it in the debug …

Member Avatar for humorousone
Member Avatar for boris90

Hi! I've had this problem for a couple of days now, and I don't know what it is. My Visual Studio 2012 project worked perfectly before, but now it just hangs at the "Generating code..." part. It *litteraly* takes forever. I once left it for more than 30 minutes, and …

Member Avatar for dreslough
Member Avatar for sanus

I am a beginner in visual studio and i don't have any experience in programming .I want to create a DTMF generator using visual studio . I already made the GUI using drag and drop function . So i want add functions to that button . Button work's like a …

Member Avatar for asarchit65
Member Avatar for asarchit65
Member Avatar for DavidB

I am trying to use Visual Studio's debugging features more effectively; I certainly do not know all its ins and outs. At the moment, I would like to quickly see the values of an array. See the attached screenshot of the Watch Window. The variable **k** is a global array …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for vodkasoda

I am am experience Mainframe programmer, but new to SQL-Server & learning vb.net so I realise that this is probably very basic ... I have a DataTable called MailTypes which contains 2 Columns, the ID & the Name. I have a DataTable called Leagues which contains a lot of Columns, …

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Member Avatar for sanu kaji

Program 'C:\Users\johnpal\Desktop\SMSapplication\SMSapplication\obj\Debug\SMSapplication.exe' has more than one entry point defined: 'SMSapplication.Program.Main()'. Compile with /main to specify the type that contains the entry point. C:\Users\johnpal\Desktop\SMSapplication\SMSapplication\Program.cs 13 21 SMSapplication... while compiling visual studio how to solve this problem

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for wildplace

i need to create a project that able to run both under linux and windows(visual studio)... i pretty much finish all coding and able to run both windows and linux in separate files the problem i deal with is the header file which visual studio required #include "StdAfx.h" and not …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for dandrews517

Hi all, I found a great VoIP application for WP7 that prevents the service providers to block SIP: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/722556/How-to-build-a-VoIP-application-for-Windows-Phone. The core of the solution is the following: as it is known, SIP protocol is used in VoIP technology, but its port (5060) is blocked by many mobile service providers. That's …

Member Avatar for Justin_9

Im developing a windows form application is Visual Studio Express 2013 I made a New Project -> Empty CLR Project then i added the windows form UI and i coded the (myprojectname).cpp this code #include "MyForm.h" using namespace winformapp; [STAThreadAttribute] int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) { // Enabling Windows XP visual …

Member Avatar for Zilphia

So I'm new to C++ and I am doing a project that requires the creation of a menu for a simple game. The project instructions are: Write a program that will ask the user to purchase a vehicle for their character in a racing game. Tell them how much their …

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The End.