919 Topics

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Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hi Guys, At my work I been provided a QAAWS that will provide me with certain. For privacy reason I cannot give you the actual QAAWS but it is simila to [this one](https://liveoffice.etosoftware.com/dswsbobje/qaawsservices/biws?WSDL=1&cuid=Afg7hriNfChBslO9TDgBqLc). I know how to create a web service and pulled the data using my own SQl queries …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for scomx

i have done a project is a web browser uses a sql server 2008 as a back end so i want make setup file for that project to work in a computer that has'nt sql server , in onother word i want bind my database with the project and make …

Member Avatar for mikeybware
Member Avatar for gcardonav

I created a sample webservice that will ask the user for some information and return in JSON form all the information required. I have two issues here 1. I don't want to make it required that the user enter bot the new dates and renewal dates, I want to make …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi all :) Before i'm starting futher more about my problem. lets me tell a short description about my program. user will choose path ID (retrieve all this data from table TPATH of database SDO) that they want to delete. before the path ID would be delete, it will compare …

Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi all. As mention on the title above, i got an error `Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized` Anyone here have any idea or suggestion on how to solve this error? My code (.aspx.vb) for this program Protected Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click …

Member Avatar for nimz143
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

Hello All, I have created a new windows form application in Visual studio Express 2013. How would I get .NET framwork added to Windows Form application so I can use both? I have also got visual express web 2013 and .NET framworkdapppears on there. I am getting annoyed. Can I …

Member Avatar for lithium112
Member Avatar for Ananthoju

Actually i need to use the Developer command prompt for my project. Iam doing project in java. Without entire visual studio shall i use only dumpbin.exe file to execute commands.

Member Avatar for DistantGalaxy
Member Avatar for AlixGokai

im making a program that i can use as a game library. im totally new to scriping and software making. i want to make a picturebox that takes the position of the program from a textbox(that i have already gotten to show the path) and inserts it, so that when …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for akuikhwan94

My tables in MS Access doesn't have any change which it did not update the record that I entered in Visual Studio.. This is my code. Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click On Error GoTo saveErr RequestSoftwareBindingSource.EndEdit() RequestSoftwareTableAdapter.Update(FYPDataSet.RequestSoftware) MessageBox.Show("Your request has been submitted.", "Thank you", MessageBoxButtons.OK, …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I thought I'd install the newest Visual Studio (2013) but all that happens is this (see below). I have all available updates installed plus the latest C++ runtimes. Does anyone have any suggestions? Attempts to get the referenced update result in downloading Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 and when I …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for adnan_6

Dear programmers, I have downloaded the program from here http://www.tightvnc.com/download/2.7.10/tightvnc-2.7.10-src.zip and want to compile with the vs2013 ultimate edition and get the following error. Thanks

Member Avatar for adnan_6
Member Avatar for Suzie999

When I add a particular form to my project (AdminConfirmForm.cs) I can no longer access design view of Form1. It appears to run a particular section of the code from a static class (Init()), but since the part of the code it runs should only occur if the folder it …

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for necrovore

Hi, I am trying to explore PoDoFo for parsing PDF files. So I tried to build it on Visual studio following the procedure in the ReadMe.html that came with the package. So i used the following cmake command: cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\ft245\freetype-2.4.5\include;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build\include;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\zlib\build\include" -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\ft245\freetype-2.4.5\objs\win32\vc2013;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build\lib;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\zlib\build\lib" -DPODOFO_BUILD_SHARED:BOOL=FALSE -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG=freetype245MT_D -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_RELEASE=freetype245MT .. …

Member Avatar for necrovore
Member Avatar for Sonny_2

Hello everyone! Can anyone help me? I wanted to create a custom prerequisites for my installer. I'm using Visual Studio 2013. To do this, it seems I need to use Bootstrapper Manifest Generator tool(BMG), but it doesn't exist anymore. I tried to create my own xml file to include the …

Member Avatar for negru

I have a C code written in Visual C++ 2010 environment and it compiles without errors. When I try to debug it, after the line with scanf() function it goes to unknown scope and stops the process of debugging. How to fix this? Thanks for replies.

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Jace_1

HELP:How to transmit data with ZIGBEE using visual studio c++ Two xbee series 2: XBEE 1-connected to a pc(which transmits data to my other xbee) XBEE 2-receives data;connected to a LCD. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

People who know me know that Python has always been one of my favorite languages. And over the years, I've been pleased with the array of development tools that have been created for it, including the different IDEs. I also do a lot of work in .NET, primarily with C#. …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Nicolei

I Dont Know How To Add The Login Code And The Poll Code This Is My Layout Created In Visual Studio 2013 Login [Click Here](http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn4/Nicolei_Esperida/Screenshot%2016_zpscdvryyx0.png?t=1425394848) Poll/Voting [Click Here](http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn4/Nicolei_Esperida/Screenshot%2018_zpsqjyvn3pk.png?t=1425394868)

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for humorousone

I've got a program with (you guessed it) a .properties file. I've saved new values for properties while running the program through visual studio's debugging system. The changed properties are persistent when running the program (they appear in text boxes, as per my code), but when I view the settings …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Every year or so for the past couple of decades I've seen new products appear that claim to let you create software without having to know how to code. And every time the next one comes out, I roll my eyes, because they always fail to deliver as promised. Usually …

Member Avatar for Jerry_10
Member Avatar for complete

How do I edit a project template used in Visual Studio? I am using Visual Studio 2008 with C# and C++ I am doing some development on some code. The project uses an SDK that was put together by a 3rd party company that, when run, adds content to the …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for markdean1989

My main issue here actually is Visual Studio installer (just could not find a specific category above). So here is my poblem. Visual Studio won't progress installing. Once it reaches the Visual Studio C++ Runtime version (and some numbers), it does not progress any further. I even tried leaving my …

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for alucard06

hi there..i made a private character by using windows private character editor but when i try to paste it in visual studio codepage, it turn into [?] symbol or square symbol..would you please help me how can i get ride of this??

Member Avatar for eliamck

As a begginner in C++ i'm having problems to use microsoft visual studio 2010. How do i go about it?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for sergio_pb

Hello guys, I create a software in vb.net to consulte my database (mysql) with table adapter and connections string, normal and simple application. Now I need to make a publishing, but when I install the aplication in another intranet pc, this pc cant connect my database. I know i need …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for coder91

Hi, recently started a new job where I will creating .net applications, however there is one person who designs the html and css in notepad++ and then puts it onto the local server which I can then pull down onto my own machine. I was just wondering how I link …

Member Avatar for coder91
Member Avatar for mark261511
Member Avatar for coder91

Hi, I have an SQL database with data stored in it but I'd like to create reports that will allow the user to enter two dates and return the data in an excel spreadsheet. Not sure how to accomplish this in .net with C#. I've created PDF reports using ITextSharp …

Member Avatar for coder91
Member Avatar for sergio_pb

Hello guys, I create a software in vb.net to consulte my database (mysql) with table adapter and connections string, normal and simple application. Now I need to make a publishing, but when I install the aplication in another intranet pc, this pc cant connect my database. I know i need …

Member Avatar for sergio_pb
Member Avatar for sergio_pb

Hello guys, I create a software in vb.net to consulte my database (mysql) with table adapter and connections string, normal and simple application. Now I need to make a publishing, but when I install the aplication in another intranet pc, this pc cant connect my database. I know i need …


The End.