10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for gurupts

Hello sir , i am new to the web designing and i have developed a website using HTML and CSS ...it causes no problem in my system but after uploading the layout is not in proper arrangement in different system monitors...plz help me to solve this Thanks for any help

Member Avatar for abakinfotech
Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hi all, I'm having issues with two tables that are lined up side by side (a little complicated reason as to why I created two tables instead of having two columns in one table). They contain only one row each with a single td element. The first table contains only …

Member Avatar for f_atencia
Member Avatar for chiiqui

Why is it that the style is not working? why? [CODE]<html> <head> <title> Starbuzz Coffee</title> <style type=”text/css”> body { background-color: #d2b48c; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%; border: 1px dotted gray; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; font-family: sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>StarBuzz Coffee Beverages!</h1> <h2>House Blend , $1.49</h2> <p>A smooth, mild …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for peter20

Hi all, I would like to insert in my page something like messenger window for chat. Is there any css for that ? I don't know css and I dont want how can I search it. Something like [URL="http://multi-operator-asp-chat-script-software.smartcode.com/screenshot.html"]http://multi-operator-asp-chat-script-software.smartcode.com/screenshot.html[/URL] Thanks a lot

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for Onlineshade

I want to design and develop web pages. How can I start? I have run some Html pages. I want to learn Wordpress. Can you hep me to start it?

Member Avatar for louie540
Member Avatar for louie540

Hey. I spent the whole day redesigning the layout on my website, and I made it so that my main content and my sidebar stretches down 100%. I got the site the way I wanted so to finish it up before putting it on my actual website, I put the …

Member Avatar for louie540
Member Avatar for Matt__
Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys I have a question...First am amateur on web design and development. Didn't go to school for it so I kinda just learned it on my own. So I've been working with clients and building websites for people but this is my challenge: after I finish a website job, …

Member Avatar for ginG3R
Member Avatar for mombasageek
Member Avatar for irish luck
Member Avatar for Sunjay03

I created a form for my application and I am having trouble deciding where to place the submit button. Here is a picture of the form with my current submit button: [ATTACH]22108[/ATTACH] Here is a picture of the form without the submit button: [ATTACH]22109[/ATTACH] What do you think? Where is …

Member Avatar for davidborg
Member Avatar for angiewalkerblue

I want to build an adult website that will host forums, blogs, chat and story writing and publishing facilities. Can anyone recommend web templates/designs? Thanks

Member Avatar for davidborg
Member Avatar for cdudefire

For my internet programming class I have to create a XHTML file that has an image in it, among other things. The problem that I am having is that when I open up my file on other computers the image will not load. The file path is valid on my …

Member Avatar for cdudefire
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi my problem is that logo is showing but behing the header..i want to show logo ofcourse in front of header... my css is [CODE] #Container { width:1024px; margin-left:10%; margin-right:10%; } #Header { } #Top_Menu { margin-top:-160px; } #Logo { float:left; margin-top:-120px; margin-left:5px; } [/CODE] my html code is [CODE] …

Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for Infame

Hello people! :D I have run into a small problem on my website. I decided to create a javascript/ajax/mysql search bar that gives you a list depending on the result... Now, my problem is that the div element just drags the website down... Is there a way to 'overlap', instead …

Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for asif49

Is using -100px or minus however many pixels considered as bad coding practise, should it be avoided? Do employers look down upon this? Example Use: [CODE] <div style="margin-left:500px; margin-top:-85px;"> <p>Home | About | Contact</p> </div> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for Noob_Programmer
Member Avatar for Noob_Programmer
Member Avatar for stbuchok

Ok, this is going to seem odd but I have a need for the following scenario: You have 2 pages, let's assume that they both have a control on the page call txtTextBox. Let's also assume that they need different styling and that you must do the CSS based on …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hey Guys, i am having trouble placing this image over a youtube video, I want the .youtube_hat to be displayed over the youtube video in the top corner. So could anyone please help me!! The HTML [CODE]<div class="youtube_area"> <div class="youtube_hat"></div> <div class="youtube"> <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="450" height="258" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/B-1Xqnx-KCw?rel=0" frameborder="0" …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for jemz

Hi, Please help how can i fixed my page if i am going to resize my window,my element and my image will not be destroy that it will be remain in the position when i scroll the horizontal bar.please help me Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for tinker

Hello, i'm new to wordpress, and i create my own theme based on my mock up. I followed the wordpress article for developers on how to create a custom theme. After creating, i thought all things are set and OK, but i figured out that when i add a content …

Member Avatar for DiggleNamer

If you want to have a different template for certain sections of your web site, that use different templates is the best way to use Wordpress MU? I did that for: [url]http://example.com/[/url] [url]http://example.com/spas/[/url] [url]http://example.com/massage/[/url] But I have a feeling this is not good for SEO as the three sites have …

Member Avatar for Joe34

Hello, I'm trying to edit my Wordpress widgets via the editor in Wordpress. Here is how it looks in Google Chrome (It should work this way)... [url]http://www.diigo.com/item/image/sd6o/ic51[/url] This is how it looks in Safari (It shouldn't look this way) [url]http://whosyourblogger.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Wordpress_widgets.png[/url] Here is my code... The first li is the email …

Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for sunny124

Hi, I know how to include header.shtml file using ssi command but don't know how to include header.ssi file. I tried using same command but it doesn't work. For my assignment we have to use header.ssi file Thanks

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for kaosjon

Hi, i have been learning to build websites for the past year and mainly focus on server side coding, however for my next website i want to concentrate on the client side usability and search engines. I was wondering what the best way is to design a website before adding …

Member Avatar for SiberForum
Member Avatar for dean8710

I have problem with text area where, after loading a page which contains TEXT AREA, the text area auto tab in the field. Its looks ugly because I have put a watermark on the field to lets user know what is text area for. The css: textarea { font-size:12px; width:500px; …

Member Avatar for dean8710
Member Avatar for herms14

Hi there, Im basically new in web development and Im trying to design a simple login menu. the problem is when I resize my Chrome window the input textboxes does not adjust and is left out. How could I make them adjust based on the size and resolution of my …

Member Avatar for herms14
Member Avatar for m2z

hey hi, u r doing great..! i want to have a fixed top-bar like facebook/twitter on my site which will have logo of my site, sign in, sign out, register, search torrents( as my site is a torrent site)... my site link, [url]http://www.amartorrent.tk/index.php[/url] screenshot: [img]http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5281/43302730.png[/img] [img]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/6782/88339144.png[/img] If you don't get …

Member Avatar for agorainfo

Hello My Dear Friend's, I'm doing a Web Designing Course & I don't know how to make a website in Photoshop. And How to choose width & Height of website page.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Which is best to use to layout a website? I know that ideally both are used together but recently i have came across many examples where html tables are used and arranged to contain elements and control layout. Just wondered if using html tables for website layout is effective in …

Member Avatar for brainfo
Member Avatar for penguino138

Hello! I'm doing a website project for English class and am having trouble with my interactive menu. I've attached the menu pictures so you can hopefully help. Below is the HTML code. What I would like to do is be able to run this in Internet Explorer because that's what …

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The End.