10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for 612wharfavenue

I got transitions to work using a simple hover, but how do i make them respond to onclick? [CODE] <html> <head> <style> #trans { opacity:100; transition: all 1st ease-in-out; } #trans:hover { opacity:0; } </style> </head> <body> <img src="myimage.jpg" id="trans" /> </body> </html> [/CODE]

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Member Avatar for mangopearapples

How can I read/write to a file? I don't mean on the local hard drive (C:// ect) I mean as in the files on the internet (Files from FTP). Like in webs.com, you upload files or create new files. Now if I created a txt file on there, how can …

Member Avatar for mangopearapples
Member Avatar for nospryexpert

I've been working on a website for a friend of mine and would like to do either a HTML or XML Spry data set instead of an straight html table. It's nothing real complicated but am looking to learn how to do this with DW CS3 (my version). I can …

Member Avatar for TLCJohn

hi there, happy New Year to everyone. I have a problem, and wondered if you guys could help? I am using lightbox 2.0 which has the usual CSS and Java components, but what I am trying to do is add a magnifying glass to the original picture, so that when …

Member Avatar for nospryexpert
Member Avatar for Muazam

I've seen a lot of sites like these; [url]http://www.kumby.com/[/url] [url]http://animetoplist.org/out/site/animepalm[/url] [url]http://www.gamesradar.com/uk[/url] [url]http://www.newgrounds.com/[/url] They have static image/ ad BG. How to I make a layout like that?

Member Avatar for Veneficae
Member Avatar for Reliable

I've instantiated my movie clips and set visible to false. I even set up the linkage properties, assigned variables, and set alpha to 0, but I can still see them. they are on the stage in frame 1 but I want them invisible until told otherwise. Overall, instead of using …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for Robinaofloxley

I have an image that got sent to me for a logo... I need to change the text to something else. It is a jpeg image and am not sure how to go about it.

Member Avatar for annemendez
Member Avatar for DarkDot

Hey, so on my website which can be found here [CODE]hxxp://leaguespirit.com/[/CODE] (change the x's to t's) my footer loads at the bottom but then you can scroll down and I'm not sure why. you can view the source code and hopefully let me know why thats happening its so frustration. …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for Elihu5991

My friends and I are building a site and are going to use Joomla. But before I delve into Joomla, I was wondering there are better alternatives. I would like Free and Commercial versions with comparisons and pricing (if it costs). The sort of site we're going to make are …

Member Avatar for ecmcircle
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I seem to have a problem with the margins in the website I am developing. The spacing looks different in IE and Firefox and I don't understand why. here is the CSS code: [CODE]h1 { text-align:left; font-size: 1.7em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } #banner { background:#81A594 url(typewriter.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Jhonte

Hello! I've recently let out my evening project which helps you sync your FireBug css changes back to your original css files. So your workflow will now be * Edit your css * Hit the "Sync now" button in FireBug * Reload the page to see that the layout is …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK

Hi there, This may be a daft question but I know absolutely nothing about Dreamweaver and how it can be used. I have been asked if I could look at transfering some archaeological data which will be a mix of text/images/maps/illustrations etc., that has been saved in Dreamweaver presumeably as …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for Balasooriya

I need to use a password box on html page. then i used <input name="pass" type="password"/> But when i submit the form firefox ask to remember the password. But this password box used in registration form. So i need to create a password box without asking for remember password.

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for cssdoll

Hello folks,i have recently generated css with Adobe Fireworks Cs5 and the css and the webpage generated are very good,however i would like to have my divs for the header,footer and any other div i may want to be full width.I have tried and doing many things but i dont …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for overwise

Hi there I am a web developer, kind a newbie, and I work with html, css, js, php, mysql technologies. Often I run into a trouble with using special chars, and I’m pretty confused with this issue. I work in Serbia, Serbian language uses some special chars, and sometimes when …

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Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Hello! I've made a drop-down menu using the hover sub-class in CSS: [CODE].ddmenu{ display:none; } .box:hover .ddmenu{ padding:0px; display:block; }[/CODE] Is it possible to make the "ddmenu" object appear when the user clicks on the object with the "box" class instead of when he hovers the mouse over it using …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for jpknoob

HI i'm having issues with my css in Safari, it works fine in IE and FF. The problem is the thumbnail gallery in the code below, it is supposed to display in the bootom right of the page, but in Safari, the images are out of place, some are displayed …

Member Avatar for jpknoob
Member Avatar for danny5514

hi all all i want to do is create a simple html form and submit it direct to a forum thread i have created can anyone help or is it not possible the idea is that someone can post a result of a game they have played without going to …

Member Avatar for danny5514
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi, how could i change the color of the cell in a table using this code?? [CODE] <script language="javascript"> function addRow(tableID) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); var cella = row.insertCell(0); var element1 = document.createElement("input"); element1.type = "text"; element1.name = "txtManufacturer[]"; element1.size = …

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for vedro-compota

Hi mates)) Please tell me - is div-block displacement by margin-top, margin-left...etc equivalent to div-block displacement by top= left= ....etc? (I mean - for relative-placed blocks) Thanks for your answers!))

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for whitshade

I guess this is really a question of professional etiquette for web developers. I have been designing a pro bono web site for a local non-profit. Recently I was sent a document announcing an event that the rep for the organization wanted to have added to the site. This document …

Member Avatar for whitshade
Member Avatar for kevindougans

Hi guys, I'm at my wits end. What am I doing wrong with the "position: xxx" stuff thats making this page have the center containter aligned to the left? If I remove left: 0 and right: 0 it makes the main container disappear (which i assume is away miles away …

Member Avatar for kevindougans
Member Avatar for fuston05

I am spacing out some text in my "footer". What I am wondering is... is there a better/more efficient way to add spaces than using 35"&nbsp;"'s?? seems to me like there has to a better way... haha thanks in advance for your input :)

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Member Avatar for crunkie

So we all know it's easy to put text over an image - you just set the image as a background. If you then open it in your browser, do 'select all' and 'copy', it won't copy the background image,just the text. What I would like to be able to …

Member Avatar for fuston05
Member Avatar for sanjeevkr
Member Avatar for ellimist14

I'm a freelance web designer and I've always done pretty cheap, straight forward sites. Well I got a client today who wants to pull out all the stops so to speak. Because of a non-disclosure agreement I can't divulge too many details, but suficed to say I need to design …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for Julietta

hello. I just started learning html, xhtml and css 2 months ago. I am learning with the head first html, xhtml and css book and so far everything is fine, yet I don't get certain things concerning css. so I created a css file in my notepad in order to …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for replax

Hello, I made a website and embedded a flash gallery to display images. In dreamweaver, to flash gallery shows up perfectly fine and beautiful. However, in any browser, it does not. Does not matter if the file is local or on a server, either. It is however (discovered through firebug) …

Member Avatar for replax
Member Avatar for joshdecore

hi, I need to create a joomla ecommerce template for myself. Can you give me an easy method to biuld my site, I meam template.

Member Avatar for maryparker
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hey everyone, Quick question..why would I use the text transform property when I could just type it how I want it? Thanks for your time.

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The End.