How can I read/write to a file? I don't mean on the local hard drive (C:// ect) I mean as in the files on the internet (Files from FTP).
Like in, you upload files or create new files. Now if I created a txt file on there, how can I write and read to it?

It easy to accomplish this using sever side language.


I can use JavaScript and PHP...
Sever Side Language? Time to look things up.

php is a server side, javascript is a client side. Coldfusion, asp and others are also server side languages. If you're familiar with php, then you should be able to do what you want. If you have issues though, the php forum will be a better place to get answers related to php coding questions.

I'd rather not use PHP, since my host ( doesn't allow it >.<
I'll try some ASP.

wow I didnt know many web hosting companies didnt support php. Its free. Anyway, gpood luck.

I use Webs... Free but doesn't support PHP.
I can't find anything that let's me write to a file on the server! ARRGGGHHH
Stupid threads with a question to write/read to a file on the local hard drive! >:|

Can I ask whats the reason you would want to write directly to your remote server? maybe I'm not understanding your question correctly.

Ideally you would never want to create new files directly on your remote server, but rather create and test them locally, then ftp them to your server.

Something like:
When a user enters the web page, goto and add 1 to the text on a text file.
That way you can see how many visitors you get.

I've successfully done this with PHP on a different host.
I plan to use this method for other things to like sending messages.

I'm still a little confused as to what you're wanting to do. But, do you really want anyone to be able to insert anything directly into a page on your remote server without some sort of security?

Maybe a blog would be a better option....again, if I am understanding you.

Hmm, if it's just text then maybe it's alright?

If its just text,,and its going into your page's content..maybe not....

Text in forms can be manipulated to wreak havoc on databases and I would bet servers as well given the right circumstance.

If its just text,,and its going into your page's content..maybe not....

Text in forms can be manipulated to wreak havoc on databases and I would bet servers as well given the right circumstance.

But what if it isn't going in my pages content ;)

And if it is, it won't really be in a form... Well not what i'm going to use it for.

Best way to make signing in and stuff is to use PHP and MySQL.
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