10,650 Topics
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Hey, Pretty new to Dreamweaver, but have been developing sites for a few years. Been having problems laying out these AP divs (previously called layers). How do I keep my text from being misaligned when the browser window changes sizes? (view attached screenshot to see what I'm talking about) [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/dreamerjordyn/Screenshot2011-01-04at32900PM.png[/url] | |
What's the proper format? Also does anyone know where i can find a good CSS online reference besides W3Schools? Current Code. [code] .className td {border: 1px solid #CCC;} .className th {border: 1px solid #CCC;} [/code] i want to save some characters... would this be valid? [code] .className td th {border: … | |
I Like the way Rockstar games corporation has made their site. and I would like to know how can I fix a semitransparent slide which is scrollable over a background which is fixed(not scrollable) and wanna change the background weekly once. Can anybody help with code??????? | |
Hi, I am looking to make a div tags background invisible. I don't want the text to be invisible. If I use css opacity to get it done then the whole div tag disappears. I only want the background to go. I searched the net but there aren't any easy … | |
how do i make the textbox automatically scroll down all the way to the bottom? thanx in advance | |
I have a web page that I'm trying to place 3 div tags in and to make them center correctly. The page is a auto generated html from a psd file created with Photoshop. The html for the page is one table. I have the following code for my div … | |
I know other people have this problem, but the search results I see mention flash and Internet Explorer, neither of which I'm using right now. Why do the submenus appear behind the main page content as they do here [URL="http://www.ealantamagazine.com/"]http://www.ealantamagazine.com/[/URL] and here [URL="http://money.ealantamagazine.com/jobs/"]http://money.ealantamagazine.com/jobs/[/URL]? Here's the CSS for those two divs: … | |
I am rather fond of frames – a static navigation bar suits me fine. I wanted to put a frame on my homepage but not if it meant problems for browsers, etc. My solution was a combination – a standard frameless page but with an optional link to a frame. … | |
My images contained inside a tags have blue borders around them. How do I get rid of these borders? Here's what I've been trying and it doesn't work: [CODE]#gallery .a .img { border-style: none; }[/CODE] | |
If there's anyone that can help, I'd appreciate any suggestions with this issue: I created my site with an elastic layout, using all measurements in ems. However, the layout gets distorted when a user zooms in or out. The nav bar gets completely messed up, and on firefox when the … | |
Hi! I've just started with HTML and I'm creating my first page. Really simple. How can I print a tag? I mean, I'm trying to do this: [CODE]<p id="test">This is a test using the <p> tag</p>[/CODE] But it doesn't print the "<p>" in "using the <p> tag"... | |
I am trying to style two different forms on one page. I want to do so with out using frames I am not fond of them. Most of the pages I have done only require form per page. Please help I thank you in advance and hope you guys can … | |
Happy New Year Everyone! By the time you read this perhaps you have enjoyed a safe fun and fun New years celebration. I have been making the graphics for my deisgn in Photoshop and putting them together in Dreamweaver. While I will still use Dreamweaver I recently fired up Fireworks … | |
Hi ! i m a beginner , i made a website on dream weaver first time . Its nice but wen i see on browser it goes left . i want put it to center. one more thing . when i see on desktop browser it comes in center but … | |
Hey, this is my first post. i hope someone can help. [B]Backstory[/B]: i am putting up this web site, using a flash template: [url]http://jealousproductions.net/[/url] the publish settings are set to have 100% width & 100% height for the html file. Under the main title bar, there are 4 pages. The … | |
Hello, Yes, I've googled it, but want to check for confirmation (mire if a trust issue). If I make colored tabs for my navigation elements that are at least as large as the largest element if not larger and set them as background images for a:hover will the image put … | |
[url]http://www.creativedesignresolutions.com/projects/highway/bridges/i-35-corridor-widening-construction-project-1,-us77/39.html?headerbar=0[/url] Please see my issue on above page that I need to fix. I've got a Vimeo video and a wmv video on this page with two buttons: one for flash, one for wmv player. The issue is that when the wmv button is clicked the video tries to load … | |
Basically, I'm making my first website (I'm a programmer not a web developer) and I've ran into some trouble. Take a look at the picture and you'll see what I mean: [URL="http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/1994/helpk.jpg"]Here[/URL] Basically, I want to do it so that if the text extends far down the page, it will … | |
Hi all I am conducting a usability research for my MSc dissertation. If you could spare a few minutes and fill in my anonymous survey I would really appreciate it! If not , then thanks for taking time reading this, and I really hope this thread wasn't too much of … | |
I am developing an intranet website using flash. I have downloaded a free template which I modified; It is running correctly but there is one problem; when i run the swf file directly it displays all the images; but when i run it from webserver it does not display 3 … | |
Hi, I've just made a login script for my first website (I'm impressed with me). But it appears at the top left rather than centrally which to me looks unsightly. Is there a way to align this to centre both horizontally and vertically? I've listed my code below. Any help … | |
I want to make layout like this...(in attachment) please some one help me, the problem in [b]z-index[/B]...i can't edit [b]input text[/b]. thanks all. | |
I have used Core FTP for years and have never come upon this problem hope someone can help. I am trying to override index.html on my website but keep getting the message "550 index.html: Operation not permitted" and cannot even delete the index.html. I can upload any other file or … | |
I do not want to use a static image as a background. Instead I want to be able to use different images through out the website. How do I accomplish that in CSS? | |
hi guys, i am generating a certain element using javascript inside a table.. now, my problem is that, inside a cell, i will input a text and a textbox.. if the sequence is like this, text textbox both displays in the screen, if it's like this, textbox text only the … | |
I am finishing up the design of my website and I have one little issue. I am trying to put an image as a slide, however the image isn't appearing the correct place. You may view the image at [url]http://www.survator.com[/url]. It is the first slide. The code is: [CODE=html] <span … | |
I have a web page that I converted from a psd file to html with Photoshop and imported into Dreamweaver. The problem I'm having is that some viewers comment on the fact that the page is left justified. I inserted a div tag into the html with a wrap around … | |
i want to make a FAQ page ,, but i am facing a problem How to make an HTML flag so that when u click on the question the browser takes you down to the question, so that the user doesnt have to search for his question down.. PLAEse help … | |
Hi guys, I am having some problems with the navigation of this website I am involved with. The issue I have is on the left hand side navigation. I can't get the buttons to sit neatly on the top of each other, it looks like there is some space between … |
The End.