10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for berserk

I have this dilemma where I need to make my sub-menus hover over the other content on my page but I cannot seem to do this, I have searched and searched but to no avail. I am to the point where I just need a little bit of guidance on …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for AQ

what is the code for the selection boxes in html?? is that code included in the form tag or not??

Member Avatar for AQ
Member Avatar for terryds

What does PDO::query actually do ? Does it query the SQL ? If it queries the SQL, I think the data must be in the PDOStatement object as the result of the query.. But, what I find is just the SQL statement itself. So, I think it does nothing but …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for protas

Hello Guys, I apologized if I may have misplaced this post as I cannot see CURL on any category. Here is my situation. I am trying to create a batch file which will pull up information from a fleet of devices via its web interface. I am using CURL to …

Member Avatar for BobMCT
Member Avatar for fantyfiz

I write a code in html and want to create button that upload a file.I use the following code but it show button name choose files but i want the button show browse as display name kindly guide Filename: <input type="file" name="uploadFile" value="Browse">

Member Avatar for Kumar_K_K
Member Avatar for london-G

Hello! As part of my unversity module, I need to create an ecommerce website. My only problem is that I need images for this website. Does anyone know a website where I can use images for free? Thanks!

Member Avatar for HappyCat
Member Avatar for richardham31

I want to learn web design. As far as I Know the first step is to learn HTML. I hope I will learn this in this community. Want to learn from all of my friends here. Thanks

Member Avatar for jenniferjudy2
Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

Hey guys, like I said before, im new to html and css and im having some trouble with the layout of my website. I basically have 2 problems/question. 1- I am trying to align the content of my page... but i am having a hard time. I've attached a picture …

Member Avatar for jenniferjudy2
Member Avatar for rosario1990

Hello all, I am thinking where to start. Basically I want to learn about HTML. But I don’t have basic HTML knowledge. Where should I start? Though I am following w3school. Do you think that it’s enough for basic knowledge? If so, how much should I devote for learning HTML. …

Member Avatar for fantyfiz
Member Avatar for enayat007
Member Avatar for manofprogram

In CSS, if a div in html were to have multiple CSS properties (be it the color red, animated, change color) why do I need to specify in a CSS file multiple CSS selectors to do so? Why can't I combine all those CSS properties into one selector?

Member Avatar for tdrosiadis
Member Avatar for Badhrish

Hi All, I am a unix script debeloper and I am very new to html coding with basic awarness of syntax. My question is how to add html attributes inside the paragraph which actually contains my XML data? <LIST> <ControlSegment TABLENAME="QueueGeneric" CLIENT="PST" DOCUMENTSTATUS="" PARTNERTYPE="TP" EDITXM="410" EDIVERSION="005010" EDIMESSAGETYPE="4100" EDIMESSAGECODE=""/> </LIST> When …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Rupinder_1

Hi Evryone. I'm new to this group , this being my first post. I have a query which if sorted out could benefit allot. I have searched bt couldnt come to a solution. I just need a direction and a say that "[B] whatever i'm proposing to do is FEASIBLE"[/B] …

Member Avatar for limingjin
Member Avatar for Elvi

Hello! I want to add some icons on my .html work. i tried to do like this, for example: <span class="icon-home"></span> (but nothing show) Anyone can help me please? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for pardeepkhatri
Member Avatar for muthu_kumar
Member Avatar for panjiasmara

I was asked this question month's ago to stackoverflow.com. is anyone here can solve this one ? I have a fixed element ( for logo , slogan , ect ) and a dynamic table . i give the distance it with <body style="padding-top: 25mm;"> but only the first page that …

Member Avatar for panjiasmara
Member Avatar for bikertz

I have the code below for a download file link on a web page I designed. It works fine in Firefox, but will not work in Internet Explorer nor Safari. In those instances, the file is displayed as text rather than opening the File Save As dialog box. How can …

Member Avatar for bikertz
Member Avatar for Simon_4

I have the problem, that in the instector say me: Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: http://www.member-diving.com/ I have 3 video's on Youtube. All of them not works. What could it be? Kindly

Member Avatar for london-G

Hi guys, I have my website [here](http://nowcommerce.co.uk/) and it is not centered for some reasons. I notice that they are a couple of things wrong but I can't tell what... Any advice?

Member Avatar for london-G
Member Avatar for Sorina_1

Hello :) I'm having a problem with my blog theme :( Here is my blog: http://shiwa-hime.tumblr.com/ and I what that tiny box called 'Cute Shops' to go up when I hover it. What do I have to add/remove in order to go up and not down? Here is the code …

Member Avatar for tdrosiadis
Member Avatar for safeer008

Hi, I want to know that is there any kind of copyright issue when you use child theme? As you know that you can modify child themes as you want. As the child theme is property of any other person can that person raise the copyright issue? Help me in …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for Dmitriy78

I want to have a box within a box within a box; a border within a border within a border using divs. If you can see what I'm doing wrong please help. It would really be appreciated. Here is my html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="divReference.css"> <body> <div …

Member Avatar for donz365
Member Avatar for methuselah90

What would be the best way of lining up the **Back** text with the **Booking** heading? **HTML** <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-brand">Booking</div> <div>Back</div> </div> </nav> **CSS** .navbar { background-color: #0088CC; padding-left: 0em !important; padding-right: 0em !important; } .navbar-brand { color: #fff !important; padding-left: 0em !important; padding-right: 0em …

Member Avatar for donz365
Member Avatar for rishisagar
Member Avatar for donz365
Member Avatar for Benjamin_4

Hello guys, am trying to make a drop down menu such that the droped element is static, meaning when i click on <li> the menu shouldnt old but rather remain droped. Currrently with what i have anytime i click on the droped menu item, the droped menu disappears, even when …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Kewne

Hi guys, I have a question related to Epesi,I wanna make an action once the save button is clicked but I couldn't figure out how I would be able to manipulate the save button.Is there a way on how I could make a callback for the save button? I am …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shammi.khan.73

Are there any good resources to get started with Node.JS? Any good tutorials, blogs or books? Of course, I have visited its official website http://nodejs.org/, but I didn't think the documentation they have is a good starting point.

Member Avatar for Squiva
Member Avatar for anupish
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

i have created an Open graph storie on my facebook app. I want to to integrate the code to my website... this is the meta tags i use <head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# rovespier: http://ogp.me/ns/fb/rovespier#"> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="349547121879416" /> <meta property="og:type" content="rovespier:art" /> <meta property="og:url" content="Put your own URL to …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for Kewne

Hi, I'm trying to run netbeans debugging tool but I always get a message "This webpage is not available". I tried following a configuration from youtube which says to uncomment the zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll" and xdebug.remote_enable = 1. But I can't still make the debug works. Can anyone help me …


The End.