10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for mitchell.schols

I want to have ONE picture on my home page (a poster) and when the date is done I want the new one to replace it and the old to go to a list of all the previous posters. if anyone has a snippet of code that would be amazing. …

Member Avatar for mitchell.schols
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hi, I would like to center two images. These two images must be next to each other and located in the center of the screen harizontally. This is what I've tried. header.php [CODE] <div id="banner"> <img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/images/banner.png" class="center"/> <img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/images/bannerside.png" class="center"/> </div> [/CODE] style.css …

Member Avatar for aaaaabeecd
Member Avatar for hilRunr

<body onresize="self.location.reload()"> This works in IE 8, Google Chrome, but will not reload upon resize in Firefox 24.0. How can I fix this? Should I switch to using CSS3 media queries?

Member Avatar for jahid32
Member Avatar for laura301019

I am creating a php page that allows users to add a new letter to a letter archive that is saved to an XML file. One of the form elements is recipient with a text box. I would like to add a button that when clicked it will bring up …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for markyeoj

I need a help in my css.., i am using an [Isotope](http://isotope.metafizzy.co) for my portfolio, I want my grid to be responsive but I have a problem with the grid look in 960px below size browser. here's the screenshot: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/LGvVPrQ.png[/IMG] it looks like after the first row, the divs are …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi I am beginning by final year project which is an appointment system. I had planned to use Visual Studio and SQL Server for this but at the end of the year I have to submit my system to the uni on a disc, I was just wanting to know …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for toxicandy

**EDIT I FOUND THE PROBLEM BUT I STILL WANT TO BE ABLE TO FIX IT. THE PROBLEM IS THAT AD BLOCK BLOCKS THE .INFO CLASS. WHY DOES IT DO THAT? DOES ANYONE KNOW THE FIX? ![65a1b0578a8f4238c26406ce91ff0577](/attachments/small/4/65a1b0578a8f4238c26406ce91ff0577.png "align-left") ** I recently downloaded a web template from http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/ and it seems to …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

Maybe this is on the site already, but I'm going to ask directly. How do you guys/gals test your scripts or websites on all browsers for compatibilty. I'm new to this and would like to know. For the most part I've found that Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera do alright. …

Member Avatar for HoverportMedia
Member Avatar for guest27

I have created a dropdown menu but the problem I'm having is that when I hover over the top navigation menu, the drop-down menu items are hidden behind the slider and content. I looked online and trying to figure out the problem but cannot fixed. Does anyone can help me? …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for valonesal

Does anyone know the safe tags to use on a website or know where I may be able to find a list of them? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Gaetane
Member Avatar for GrazerC0de

I think Big website like Daniweb should be responsive. So users can discuss in the mobile platform. Yeah,having a mobile app would increase use activity. So, is it build a responsive website is difficult ? putting @import media screen only codes can make website responsive

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for everton.retweets

Hi Everyone. Got a problem with a wp comment form plugin I am trying to design. I have created a wp comments form plugin that adds to additional fields to the main comment form in worpdress. This has been created using the default twentyeleven theme. The pluing consists of two …

Member Avatar for everton.retweets
Member Avatar for zobadof

Hello, So I've done it the old fashioned way with <font size="15">Blah Blah</font> as this is the easiest way I know of at current for doing select bits of text only. However, no matter how high I set the font size, whether it be 10000 or 10 it does not …

Member Avatar for GrazerC0de
Member Avatar for ACRDepos

Hello everyone again, I'm trying to do some web studies here and of course, digging deeper into responsive web design. Recently I came across this web page: http://kumanimedia.com/portfolio You will notice when you rescale your browser window, the boxes fluxuate based on it's size. On that, I inspected the element …

Member Avatar for GrazerC0de
Member Avatar for pardeepkhatri
Member Avatar for TheCodeCrimson

I'm new to these forums, but not to html and css. Currently learning Python, with PHP next on my to do list, and I'm looking for some advice from fellow web developers on what would be the best programming and scripting languages to learn. I come from the graphic design/web …

Member Avatar for GrazerC0de
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to create a navigation on a picture. How to do so? This is what I have: indonusa/cloud.php <img src="images/CloudS.jpg"> <div id="nav1"><a href="#"><img src="images/cloud-nav11.jpg"></a></div> <div id="nav2"><a href="#"><img src="images/cloud-nav21.jpg"></a></div> <div id="nav3"><a href="#"><img src="images/cloud-nav31.jpg"></a></div> <div id="nav4"><a href="#"><img src="images/cloud-nav41.jpg"></a></div> </div> indonusa/css/product.css #nav1{ background:url('../images/CloudNav.jpg') 0 0; margin: -325px 0 0 40px; …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, Cek my site: http://www.innovation.web.id/services.php I wonder why the article shift to the right. Not only in service menu but also in blog, portfolio & contact. Thanks before.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Kaone_1

Scenario AMY Networks is a consultancy business that designs, installs and operates networks for clients in the Higher Education Sector. As one their project leaders you have been asked to responding to an ITT (Invitation to Tender) for a network design, installation and operation for a new building in a …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for faisal6621

I'm working on a School's fee management module. The client's requirement is: 1. There are 6 types of fee to be paid: * Annual Fee * Tuition Fee * Exam Fee * Games Fee * Development Fee * Other Charges 2. Only tuition fee will be paid monthly and rest …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for kurianjoseph

Kindly suggest me some good books to set my foothold on html&css. Recently i got a book "Head first to html & css"but it contains lots of silly exercises and jokes and kinda repetative. Is the missing manual series good to go by? HTML4 or 5 ? There are a …

Member Avatar for naina125
Member Avatar for Dannyv79

I have an idea that has been growing and have been learning all of the necessary languages, methods, technologies etc. to get this idea put into reality. However there is so much out there that I don't know if I am going down the road that a rookie would take, …

Member Avatar for naina125
Member Avatar for praba_web

Hi, I am Freelance Web developer. i dont know How to Set Web Design and Web Development Prices? Recently i have done one web designing project.that project contains 16 pages with mysql. Please Tell me how much should i have to charge?

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I was just wondering what framework or any other libraries you use that contain a control similar to the datagridview in vb.net. It's basically a tabular control in which you can move in all direction and enter information. Structurally, I guess it's just a textbox that moves around in a …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for prnjn

Hi, I dont know javascript and i dont have time to learn it coz i have to submitt the dynamic web project which i am making using jsp,servlet, mysql database. I only need help in this part.Please help. I have a checkbox , i want to use three images in …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for lewashby

http://www.w3resource.com/javascript/form/string-length.php In the above link I see two different JS areas, Javascript function to restrict length of user input, & Javascript code. All I'm trying to do is validate that the users password of choice is at least x characters in length. Which one of these examples is what I'm …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello friends i'm trying to make my website compatible with all screen size (resolution) i use media query @media only screen and (max-width:x;) but it don't work change on diferent device on 7 inch tablet only half part of screen is shown and half go beleow on footer catastrophe on …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for devianleong

![2c251d4a3e3c6cecf9a0a7f4b5258c24](/attachments/large/3/2c251d4a3e3c6cecf9a0a7f4b5258c24.png "2c251d4a3e3c6cecf9a0a7f4b5258c24") Hi, I've a problem which is the screenshot above. If the product name too long will not going to next line. Please help me. And how can I make sure each box of product have a same width and height and same position ? This is my HTML: …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Tunnleram

I have one table with two columns and in each column another table. I am trying to align each table within the column to the top of the table and I'm having issues. I'm paraphrasing the code here: <table> <tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> <table> …

Member Avatar for Tunnleram
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everybody. I have a question related to database design: I am trying to make a database for my translation mini-company. I have two entities: translators and proofreaders. The problem is that some of our translators double as proofreaders, that is, they can work in both areas. The question is, …

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The End.