10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for inspire_all

Suppose i have a 4 queens problem then i know what state space tree means but i am not able to get what does** solution space** mean?Also what is** difference between brute force and backtracking technique**s.I know that in backtracking if you don't get to a state whose bounded function …

Member Avatar for inspire_all
Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi there, what the best way to add a layout, simply to manage, to my web site asp.net? Are masterpages the best solution? Can i get some example of simple editable layout? Thanks for you help

Member Avatar for harsh9
Member Avatar for strongard63

I found , in the past , a website . In this the website page there are two links link1 link2 when I click on the first link (link1) a red sentence appears , in the web page , saying that the link is desactivated . then , when I …

Member Avatar for Nutan_1
Member Avatar for hayatuzair_1

Okay so I just made an html navigation with up to 5 sub navs. Im going to paste the code here along with a jsfiddle link. HTML: <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">About 1</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Sub Menu 2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Sub Menu 2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Sub Menu 2</a></li> …

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Member Avatar for suavedesign

My url is []( Can anyone help me figure this out: I am trying to get the nav bar to appear on top of the image. I dont know why there is a space between the image and the top of the screen, which is where the nav is now. …

Member Avatar for suavedesign
Member Avatar for shuvobd71

Hi guys, today i will start a new tutorial about a very easy and simple programming language named HTML.Any body can make a static website by using this language. So,lets start . Tutorial-1 At first we have to learn the difference between static and dynamic website. Static website is a …

Member Avatar for usamaasghar.asghar
Member Avatar for douglas.shrader.1

I can not get this web form to align left on a landing page That I am in the middle of creating ( its no where near complete but, IO cant get the webform in the corrct spot): http://dsninformation.com/nov11/moneygirl3.php Here is the code I am trying to left align. <td …

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Member Avatar for ashley9210_1

I have a flex slider and I want to place a div over the top so I can put a nav bar on there. It's not co-operating with me. Any help will be apreccatied. Thanks in advance. HTML <body><div class="container"> <div id="logo-nav" class="sixteen colums"> <img src="img/logo-white.png" class="logo"> </div> <div class="flexslider" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for WebCat999

Hello I been very grateful if someone could help me. I try to make a 3 columns structure but can not get it. It must be header, top navigation, left navigation, main content, banners, and footer. Can anyone help please?

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello dear friends i'm trying to insert picture in form subtmit bouton but it don't show anything on navigator this is the way i do it <input name="adcart" type="submit" src="product/images/shopping-cart-icons.png" class="boutonaddto" id="adcart" value="ADD TO BASKET">

Member Avatar for João_5
Member Avatar for christin_1

So will someone help me this my website Please so i wanted it set out like this http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag71/TheIronDoorProject/Untitled_zps5d81f4e3.png but when i go do this the main column pushes the other two columns down, this is my css http://pastebin.com/85b6ttTx

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Member Avatar for rouse

I am playing with LESS and Bootstrap again, and was having lots of fun making it work with the Netbeans 7.4 IDE. When I set about some practical work, like changeing the background color of the site I realize I could not do this even after some web research. So …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for <M/>

So, i am going to be using a php framework to create a blog and i am curious to know what you guys think is the best framework. I, so far, am most satisfied with codeigniter (mostly) and zend. What do you guys think is the best and tell me …

Member Avatar for ashutosh08
Member Avatar for wenbnet

hi, We are a small new firm. we have website developed in word press but our developer left remaining work incomplete n left the job now we have a button on our first page as live chat and we want to add chat support to it. how to solve this …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for PulsarScript

Hi to all,can anyone please explain how to move tables around,for instance i have for small tables of 2 rows each,how can i place them in the middle of the screen ,like 2 on the top and 2 below? i tried to use #my_table{margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:1500px; margin-right:700px; margin-left:1200px;width:100px;} but even if …

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Member Avatar for Violet_82

HI guys, I wonder if any could help with this. In my daily job I often find myself picking up code written by other developers and making additions to it. Now, this is often a problem because if I change a css rule I might end up breaking the layout …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I'm trying to add spacing between the <option> tags by padding, height and margin - yet none have worked. Does anyone have any ideas? It's the simple things that stop me in my tracks haha. All of the options look cramped up and untidy, I'd like to give …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hi Guys and to all programmers, I have a website wherein my header appears on all pages of my website. Did a test by disabling the display; however, the header was gone on all pages of my website so I turned the display back on. My question is, is there …

Member Avatar for nagatron
Member Avatar for PulsarScript

Hi to all,have a question,if i do radio buttons ,do i need to put label around each input and second -if need to chnge the color of of the words after the input /> how will i do this? <label for="award_type" id="award_type">Award Type:</label> ?? <label ><input type="radio"name=" award_type" />Higher Certificate …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for pwolf

I am planning a service that I would like to eventually grow into a multi-platform service, however, my original plan of creating a hybrid app may not be the best decision. Is it better to come up with one app design and recreate it on each platform, or design a …

Member Avatar for suavedesign

How can i wrap my text around the image on this page? it's using a float, but i want it to wrap around the img of the hand. [http://www.mimahealthcare.com/about.php](http://www.mimahealthcare.com/about.php) thanks

Member Avatar for suavedesign
Member Avatar for rdev

I'm having problem on my fixed background during transition. I have 2 panels, the panel-1 has 2 images which will animate from left to right and from right to left respectively, basically it will just add a class 'animate' to trigger the transition. During the transition, the panel-2 (which has …

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Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello every body on daniweb i build my site but it suffer on different screen resolution can't see whole site and div are going right div are going down so listen about make it fluide use body in css 100% how i will do it only body width must be …

Member Avatar for profmuluka
Member Avatar for somjit{}

If we have something in a `div` block , how come it can flow out of the `div` block as if nothing's even there ? For example , here : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="box.css"/> <title>Result</title> </head> <body> <div> <p>one</p> <p>two</p> <p>one</p> <p>two</p> <p>one</p> <p>two</p> </div> </body> …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for Mafiamanandre

Hi all. I am designing a HTML website that only runs on smartphones. When I test the website on my smartphone it cuts off the words right at the bottom... It only allows the user to scroll down with +- 2mm or 1cm. I've put in underneath the styles.css a …

Member Avatar for Mafiamanandre
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Sir, please see what is wrong with my codes <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Bismillah Cotton</title> <style type="text/css"> .foramt { border-color:green; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; width:200px; height:50px; color:red; font-family:verdana; font-size:14px; font-style:italic; text-align:center; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="format"><p>How are you?</p></div> …

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for profmuluka

1. A List Apart 2. Smashing Magazine 3. 456 Berea Street 4. Meyer Web 5. Simple Bits 6. Pearsonified 7. Tutorial Blog 8. CSS Beauty 9. Snook.ca 10. Bartelme Design 11. The Man in Blue 12. Andy Budd 13. Particle Tree 14. Warpspire 15. Brian Gardner 16. Sitepoint Design Blog …

Member Avatar for JamesCraft
Member Avatar for shashidhargm

Hi masters I'm new to Google blog So i just want some instruction regarding blog managing Help me out Thank you

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Michal_2

Hello guys. I have a small problem with the following code: main.html <html> <head> <link rel="style" href="main.css" > </head> <body> <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>About</li> <li> Portfolio <ul> <li>Web Design</li> <li>Web Development</li> <li>Illustrations</li> </ul> </li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> </body> </html> main.css body { font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for profmuluka

1. You need a text editor i suggest notepad++ ( http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ) 2. You need a color picker i sugest pixie by Nattyware ( http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.php ) 3. Learn how to code at w3chools.com i suggest you start with the html tutorial (http://www.w3schools.com/html/ ) and the css tutorial at ( http://www.w3schools.com/css/ …

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The End.