10,650 Topics
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my question is how push menus from bottom to up are displayed. this is example site http://www.askaspension.gr/ i have no idea about that code. please help me. i want same as it as code in that web site | |
Hey guys, quick question. From css, is there a way to target ONLY text in an li that has an img and text inside of it? | |
Hi All This has probally been asked a thousnad times, but here it goes. I have built a search bar into my website, and i want the user the be able to enter any text and be able to search google in a new window/tab. This is the code i … | |
Hello programmers! I am a beginner in html using the w3 school website help as a guide. Currently, I am working on an excercise website. The code is as following: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title><head> ------- Website </head></title> <body bgcolor= #FFCCFF BACKGROUND="background.gif"> <h1> What This Site Is All About: </h1> <hr … | |
I have .aspx form and I wanted to put jquery validation over it ..some validation already been working like minlength: "Your password must be at least 5 characters long written in code attached ..I want for first name and last name too for 5 characters .. Please reply <%@ Page … | |
for some reason my css it saying that is is missing a simi colon befor the lastnline , but i have looked and yet to see one. if i remove the line it goes away! Any ideas? .nav{ width:80px; height:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:5px; margin-left:3px; float:right; display:inline; padding:10px; background: #c96060; /* Old … | |
Hello, I am looking for a calendar to use with my website that I can add tasks/appointments into the db and have them show on the calendar. I would like to edit on the fly either by using a page to create the task/appointment or via the calendar using ajax. … | |
I am currently working on a new language design in the Lisp family, which I am calling 'Thelema'. It is intended to be a multi-paradigm language which is related loosely to Scheme and, to a lesser extent, Common Lisp, but with modern concepts such as package management, support for object … | |
I am having a problem in trying to line up my image inside the navbar list items area. There seems to be padding coming into the image therefore having it in the wrong area. I have put padding:0 and margin:0 in lots of areas but still nothing. Any help on … | |
**Having a few issues with IE8.** This is what the navigation looks like on all the browsers so far: http://puu.sh/5Jdw8.png <nav id="site-navigation" class="main-navigation" role="navigation"> <h3 class="menu-toggle"><?php _e( 'Menu', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3> <a class="assistive-text" href="#content" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Skip to content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Skip to content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></a> <?php … | |
I want please suggest me ho i can display discription properly under logo , it not fully expressed if you see my post, [Click Here](http://www.photobagh.blogspot.com) | |
hello to all the members of daniweb My Question is if we insert the image in css, so how can I add the alt attribute or other property which will work like the alt text. Because alt text attributs are important for the seo. But Alt attribute is the tag … | |
My url is I have a closed quote, which is an image at the end of each italicized paragraph. The img is a span, inside a div. How can I make the img align so that it doesnt create a space between the second to last and last lines … | |
Hi I would like my markup look like this demo bu I got wrong!!! I will be grateful for your help http://puu.sh/5tYXV.jpg This is my php code. <div id="container" style="text-align: center"> <header style="text-align: center">Header</header> <nav>nav</nav> <aside>aside</aside> <section id="content"> section id="content" <br> <article >article</article> <br> <article>article</article> <br> <article>article</article> <br> </section> <footer>footer</footer> … | |
hey guys, so i have 2 tables and i want to align them side by side but no idea how. right now i have one table below the other. my tables : <center><p> <table border="1" rules="all" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6" style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><b>HOUSE</b></td> <td colspan="2"><b>PERSONAL</b></td> <td colspan="2"><b>TRANPORT</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Rent/Mortgage</td> <td><?php … | |
so i decided to brush back up on my skills in html and i wanted to create website that has a login page for members and administrators or for new members to sign up i see php is the new thing. I have created the actual homepage and the links … | |
Hey guy's I was wondering can someone teach me how to make a Login Page and Registration page... Can someone please help me :) Also I am using a mac how would I test this? I hear use my localhost how would I do this? | |
I am using following codes <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1- transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>My Contacts</title> <style type="text/css"> html { overflow:auto; } body{ background-color:#e7f4fe; } #container { margin:0 auto; background-color:#FFC; padding:10px; overflow:auto; } #header { height:50px; color:#06F; background-image:url(header.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size:32px; font-weight:bold; … | |
Hello! I would like to create a clickable backround for my IPB forum board. It will act as a banner and when clicked, it will redirect to the advertiser webpage. Here's the AdOcean demo of what I would like to create: http://demo.adocean-global.com/main.php?x=BI&y=Background%20Image Please, give any advice on how to implement … | |
Hi guys! I need recommendations for books learning XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript from scratch with best pactices. | |
I'm having an issue with the footer width on a website. On computer screens, the footer fills to 100% as it should, but on mobile devices (tested on both I-Pad & iPhone) it doesn't fit the entire width of the screen. The issue can be viewed here: [Click Here](http://grhomesllc.com/) The … | |
I want to know if there is a way to check if a link is univisted javascript or jquery should display a popup mesage to the user to visit that link. This should happen as soon as a user logins the website. Any help in this regard will be appreciated. | |
Hi I am a beginner programmer and I am really interested about learning new skills. So I need your help. I have a question regarding designing. I want to design a website where the user will be first shown couple of example page designs/template and then the user chooses one … | |
Good day folks, I want to know what is the best way to build your website from scratch. Say, psd-to-html. What's your preference about this matter? Thanks. | |
Hi All, I've been helping a friend with a site that he's been designing with godaddy.com. It's pretty cool and easy to do with their templates and all but their like buttons are troublesome and I was hoping to get some knowledge about this from here. Lets say there are … | |
Hello everyone! I would like to create a jello design for a webpage using HTML. Instead of using colors for the margins, I'll use a picture. What is the code that I should use ? Thanks! | |
Boo! Yeah sorry it's me again... I'm launching a modal with: <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#loginModal" href="javascript:;">Register</a> The modal has 3 tabs. It should usually open on tab one (it does), but in this instance I would like it to automatically open on tab 2 when a particular link is followed... so … | |
The iPad is, as those annoyingly creative TV adverts show us, used for all sorts of things by all sorts of people. However, according to a press release that hit the DaniWeb news desk today, you might be forgiven for thinking that shopping isn't one of them. As usual though, … | |
How to get iframe inner content responsive. Or by reducing iframe size ie. width or height it should adjust the inner content as well. Any Idea ! Thanks in advacne | |
| Hello, I am having trouble with my Wordpress site and I posted this question on the Wordpress support forum a week ago but have got no responses, so I hope I have better luck here as I really need a solution. I've built a WordPress website in English and now … |
The End.