10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for imb4uin

Hi can someone who knows html please help me out? I have my webpage, [url]http://users.igl.net/ash/index.html[/url] It has a javascript on it. I am trying to embed my homepage on my league site. so I write the code as follows <embed height="200" name="homepage" hidden="never" width="200" src="http://users.igl.net/ash/index.html" allowscriptaccess="true" /></embed> My homepage loads …

Member Avatar for imb4uin
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I have decided to use CSS for layouts. Previously I would have used tables. My problem is that I want to place images to the left and related text on the right of the images. I have used new blank paragraphs to "fill" the space between the end of …

Member Avatar for jeffreyk16
Member Avatar for skalynuik

I am using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, and was wondering is there a list I can print from with in the program that list all resources used to create the site, ie taking loaded pages in the website and then it spits out a list of all jpg's, gif's, …

Member Avatar for MarianneLR

Hello, I am new to Adobe flex and trying to create a website. This may sound like a stupid question, but would anyone be able tell me how i would link between different instances of my website. Like, linking between pages, as you would using HTML. Would appreciate anybody's advice, …

Member Avatar for versatile36
Member Avatar for $urya

HI, i am trying to high light sub menu when selected just like Daniweb IT Community as it shows: Web Development > web design i am using site reptile to build site and there they use tags to genertae menu's automatically in DHTML here is it's Structure style in which …

Member Avatar for Cabman

I am making an 8 page site with d'weaver and the link colors will not show up as (I thought) I selected. One page had white text, turning to black on a grey background; Just like I wanted. GOOD!! The other 8 pages are white and purple? on the grey …

Member Avatar for Cabman
Member Avatar for shironui

Alright, I've built this incredible carousel for a portfolio page in a flash website, using an external .XML file for the images;however, after countless hours scouring the web, I can't seem to find the code I need to put in the .XML file, so that clicking on the various pictures …

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for krishna09

hi frnds.., pls help me in this qery...,i need a text to be keep moving around the table in my html page.pls suggest me asap.. Thanks & regards Krishna

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for abtsupport

I am trying to put two columns below one column, with a column on the right along side the entire thing. the outcome would be something like: [COLOR="red"] B A N N E R NAVIGATION[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]LEFTCONTENT[/COLOR]__[COLOR="Green"]R[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]VERT1 VERT2[/COLOR]__[COLOR="green"]I[/COLOR] ____________ [COLOR="green"]G[/COLOR] ____________ [COLOR="green"]H[/COLOR] ____________ [COLOR="green"]T[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] FOOTER[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] COPYRIGHT[/COLOR] The problem …

Member Avatar for karol33
Member Avatar for Eddie Traversa

You can use this code to embed the windows media player in html pages. Just set the controls to suit and change file names etc..

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for krishna09

hi frnds.., pls help me in this qery...,i need to scroll the text around my table in my html page.pls suggest me asap.. Thanks & regards Krishna

Member Avatar for krishna09
Member Avatar for nakul_pancholi

Dear All, I am doing some practice in HTML to learn. Can anybody suggest the name of book, which is useful to learn HTML and CSS from begins. Please provide the weblink also, if it is free on net. Thanks and regards, Nakul

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for johnafrimas

I am new in building website, but I have an issue with the navigation bar menu display. when I open the page in firefox, the sub menu of of the navigation bar appear fine, but when opened in internet explorer, the sub menus show all the way on the left. …

Member Avatar for aslittell

Is it possible to set a table behind an image? I am trying to do a mouseover feature on an image, however it isn't working because the table is on top of the image.

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys I have an html, css and there might even be some javascript in there (but dont worry about that!). Its a two hour practical exam, and im a little bit rusty with html and css (mostly rusty with css). When i've written websites in the past i take …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse
Member Avatar for Ameix

I'll try to explain this the best I can. If I stop making sense, sorry. I downloaded a template from templatemonster.com and now am running into problems with the template. I understand how to edit and change pictures and text. My problem is I'm having trouble finding things. In the …

Member Avatar for keveenanderson
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

When I work with 8-bit images in Photoshop I never achieve to get smooth gradients when working with dark colors. I looks bad and it's a clear line between dark gray and black. My guess is that is because I work 8-bit files but is there any reason at all …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for thumpiez

Hello, I have a web design question involving images and it has been driving me crazy all day. I'm hoping someone will help me and put me out of my misery :-) I have an animated image that I made animated out of 5 jpgs: [URL="http://www.ahtwindows.com/purple/img/mainframe.gif"]http://www.ahtwindows.com/purple/img/mainframe.gif[/URL] I want the thumbnails …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for virtualmisc

Hello friends i wanted to know if there was a standard dimension for a web page? i.e width and height Thanks

Member Avatar for jerinjames
Member Avatar for GordonUK

Hi everyone, I have a website and its being displayed perfectly in Firefox and in the AOL browser but for some reason graphics and banners are being displaced into different positions when viewed in Internet Explorer 8 and I just wondered why that would be? My web designer says that …

Member Avatar for migcosta
Member Avatar for Leratom

I need help, HTML--i have two links, linkA & linkB--when clicking linkA -should display image1 and whn clicking linkB image2 should be displayed. The trick is they must be displayed in one image tag. any one who can help with that? I would appreciate your help.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for n_e

Hi all, I'm using a div as a pop-up on a page to show some addtional information. First some code: [code=html] <td> <div class="floatingDiv" id="popup"> some txt here... </div> <p style="margin-top: 0px" onMouseOver="ShowContent('popup',0); return true;" onMouseOut="HideContent('popup'); return true;" > .. short message here </p> </td> [/code] [code=css] .floatingDiv { display: …

Member Avatar for dipak_passion
Member Avatar for gruffy321

Hi all and thanks for reading this.. Well i am back with another problem. so it seems i am mostly taking from this site at the moment, although i do see a big donate sign at the top !!! Ah ha ! Anyway here is my question... Please could anybody …

Member Avatar for gruffy321
Member Avatar for Reliable

I'm trying to make a preloader for an FLV within an SWF. In other words, I've placed the video in the time line. Because, like other Flash content, it takes a minute to load, I am tying to make a preloader for it. The preloader is supposed to be an …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for dominique7

Hi! I am experimenting with layouts and there's one problem I am stuck with badly. I want the main parts of the page to be fixed width, eg. 800px, but want a border or background colour around the menu that fills the whole width of the page. I like having …

Member Avatar for dominique7
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

Hello everyone, This one has got me stumped so I figured I'd see if all the smart people that hang out here have any suggestions. Here is what I am trying to do: I have php site that pulls data from a SQL DB. based on results from the DB …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for thanasisdev

Hello I have finished coding my site but i have a small problem. In the main page [URL="http://nik.itcreations.eu/gr/index.php"]http://nik.itcreations.eu/gr/index.php[/URL] the footer div collides with the the previous div. I would like to have some space between these two divs. I have tried to use the margin tag with no success. Your …

Member Avatar for thanasisdev
Member Avatar for peepster

I have a drop down menu that drop downs over a flash element embedded in an html page. [URL="http://e-squareddesigns.com/print.html"]http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/print.html[/URL] [URL="http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/logos.html"]http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/logos.html[/URL] [URL="http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/web.html"]http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/web.html[/URL] [URL="http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/specialty.html"]http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/specialty.html[/URL] If you go to these pages, and then use the drop-down menu under "portfolio" on the main menu, the one for "specialty items" looks "warped" or "smushed." This …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for kayweng

I want to make a grid by using HTML elements only that includes <table> and <div>. Since the purpose for display only and my previous RadGrid is not working well in Firefox, thus i need draw a HTML Grid (div and table only) in Web Page. My HTML grid is …

Member Avatar for AntonAL

Adobe Fireworks CS4 has common library of Symbols, that is located in the users folder: C:/Users/CurrentUser/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Fireworks CS4/Common Library/Custom Symbols The reason, i need to change the path to my custom path is the ability of using Symbol Scripts: When Symbol is exported to some folder, symbol script is created and …


The End.