Hai ,

My form has 3 buttons side by side,...each with different length of text on them...resulting in the width of buttons not being uniform..could anyone sugguest a solution ...bye the way my buttons r not images..(for images width attribute works..right?)

So, what are your buttons? Are they input type="button" , or are they hyperlinks styled to look like buttons?

How about:

<input type="button' value="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;short&nbsp;&nbsp;">
<input type="button' value="lllooonnnggg">

So, what are your buttons? Are they input type="button" , or are they hyperlinks styled to look like buttons?

<input type="button" name="newButton" style="font-weight:bold" value="New Trade">
<input type="button" name="swapButton" style="font-weight:bold" value="Create Swap">
<input type="button" name="buildButton" style="font-weight:bold" value="Create Build List">
so using nbsp doesnt cater...the requirement is button shd be enough for the text on it..
i.e., the length of the button shd be according to the length of the text on it.

resulting in the width of buttons not being uniform

the requirement is button shd be enough for the text on it.. i.e., the length of the button shd be according to the length of the text on it.

These seem to contradict each other. What is it that you really want?

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