153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, Because of my new and the most of the future projects, i'm needing to learn C and use Windows, but because of this, i don't know how to use the Windows API, then i'm asking for an example of using DeleteFile function. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Campos

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I am trying to print content from a Win32 richedit control, but it doesn't work. The text wraps to the half width of the page, and after printing, the text in the richedit is also messed up (word wrap to the half width of the box). I use …

Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I have a modal dialog box which is called by the main thread. This dialog has no parent (appears at center screen, overlapped, and shown in taskbar). When the user clicks "Save" in the dialog, the dialog procedure receives the command and displays a save file dialog (GetSaveFileName). …

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The End.