153 Topics

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Member Avatar for NubTruck

Hi guys, I am trying to create a edit control, with pure win32. When the return key is pressed I would like it to run a section of code. I have tried getting it to handle the return key message through the main windows message handler. Unfortunately that causes it …

Member Avatar for becool007

Hello DaniWeb :) For very long I've wanted to develop and venture into the Win32 API and make programs like I find on the internet. Show the world my creativity. I made a simple calculator with a GUI and Menu bar from scratch. I was proud but I was shattered …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for kiranbhatter

Hi, As I want in my program to enable dynamic vertical scroll bar, i would like to use WM_VSCROLL inside WM_PAINT. Let me explain my situation. As soon as the user hits any key. On output window i am displaying as "key pressed <key>" and then i m moving to …

Member Avatar for venomxxl

Ok, first of all, I'm not sure if this belongs to C section. Since WinAPI is written in C, I'll post here. I'm using OpenGL with Win32 windows (not sure how to call that). I can't switch to fullscreen mode after creating the window. I'm using Windows 7 (64-bits) and …

Member Avatar for venomxxl
Member Avatar for adrianandreev

Hi guys, What i need is a way to [B]check the available USB ports in windows[/B] using python. The purpose: I'm trying to run on startUp a script that wait to plug in my Token, and after that the script will log me in automatically into the system that I'm …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hello, I have been struggling with this for hours now. Is there any way to completely remove the icon that is displayed in the upper left corner of a window in WPF, without setting the window style to ToolWindow? I have tried loading user32 and setting various WinAPI-styles with no …

Member Avatar for k.d.m
Member Avatar for Voidz

Hi, I know how to do it in the console, but when it comes to Win32, I can't I've tried all those #includes(with Windows.h), and it doesn't let me. Anyways, if you guys know how, please share, I'd like to know.

Member Avatar for 1ML
Member Avatar for Voidz

Hi, I have an array of hWnds, and I need to change each one of their background colors. They're all without a border(titlebar, and such). I've searched Google, and IxQuick, and I need an answer please. Thanks so much for the help.

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for pblnrao

I created python executable with py2exe. In my program, I use the pywin32 module. [U][B]Details of the SW's[/B][/U] OS Window 7 64 Bit Python 2.6 pywin32-214.win32-py2.6 when i created the exe its working fine on other system running Windows 7 but giving below error when running on Windows XP systems... …

Member Avatar for divineelite

I am trying to get to the "Wireless Network Connection" which we can normally get to by right clicking on that pc icon in the system tray & selecting the "View Available Wireless Networks" option. Is it possible to bring up that window through code using Windows SDK? I tried …

Member Avatar for divineelite
Member Avatar for stavros141

Hello there, I recently decide to learn and code Windows Services, After I learned the bare basic I thought I would make a program that logs the users program usage every 60 seconds I have coded the same thing without putting it in a service but apparently Services work differently …

Member Avatar for dilbert_here00

Hello All, I have a question on win32gui, how do I get the window ID corresponding to a window handle. I am able to get the window handle, class, caption using functions like "win32gui.GetWindowText", "win32gui.GetClassName" etc, but I can't find a function that returns the window ID for a particular …

Member Avatar for v_janssens

Hi, I have a C++ program (built in Visual Studio 2010) and want to add a user interface to package it up. I've been reading around about windows forms and the win32 API, and found loads of tutorials showing how to create interfaces but I can't find any advice on …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for Khoanyneosr

[CODE]#ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #endif #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <SDL/SDL.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glu.h> using std::vector; void error(const std::string& s) { #ifdef _WIN32 MessageBox(NULL, s.c_str(), "An error occurred", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); #else std::cerr << s << std::endl; #endif } [/CODE] That's my problem... [CODE]1>------ Build started: Project: …

Member Avatar for Khoanyneosr
Member Avatar for darkbreaker

I am developing a network chat application, I am using Winapi, my main window is a dialog (created from a .rc file). I am looking into a way of doing an text box where my outuput text can be like this: [QUOTE] [COLOR="Green"]Welcome to ##### chat server![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Person1[/COLOR] says: Hi …

Member Avatar for darkbreaker
Member Avatar for lima01

Hi, I am starting to make programs with GUI, so with buttons, frames etc, and some of them will work via internet, like multyplayer card game or something like that. So during my search, I ran onto few choices, Qt, Win32 api, wxWidget and by most forums the Qt is …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for kirenemook12

hello everyone. i am making a program which has multiple windows. how do I program that when one window pops-up, the other closes? i am using Microsoft visual studio 2010, in a Win32 application. i am not using a windows form.

Member Avatar for kirenemook12
Member Avatar for kirenemook12

hello every one i am making a program what requires that the user types in some text in a textbox. the problem is, how do i get that text from the textbox into the std::string (or a other kind of string)? i don't know how to do that in Win32, …

Member Avatar for kirenemook12
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I have created a C++ Win32 Dll. I have created a .def File which contains the names of the functions in Win32.Dll As: 1Win32.cpp includes a class library file named gs.tlb It has functions named sum, strupper 1win32.def as LIBRARY "1WIN32" EXPORTS sum strupper When i try to register the …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I have a managed class library developed in C#. Now i need to create a win 32 dll wrapper around it. So in my Win 32 DLL i need to import that class library and call the starting point functions from it. I am new on this. I was able …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for stevetaylor15

Hi guys, I want to run the following in a c# loop but I just don't know how to pass a multi value for a parameter with a comma. The actual cmdlet would be below and does work in exchange powershell: Set-CalendarProcessing –ResourceDelegates [email]jonDoe@test.com,johnnydoe@test.com[/email] -identity [email]testroom@test.com[/email] –AutomateProcessing AutoUpdate I know …

Member Avatar for paperless
Member Avatar for stevetaylor15

hi guys, i'm running a recordset read as below and within that running commands against a 2010 exchange server. i wanted to know what you thnk the fastest method there is of doing this?Is the best mehod to put the connection to the exchange server outside the rdr.read, and then …

Member Avatar for paperless
Member Avatar for shawnhanna

Hello, I am new to C++ windows programming and have only taken 1 class in c++ in my life (I have experience with other languages and OOP). I'm using Visual C++ 2008. and my project is created by the wizard for a Windows Forms Application. (I'm guessing this means CLI …

Member Avatar for shawnhanna
Member Avatar for BChicago

Hi, I'm trying to add a drop down combo box for user selection in the main window of my application. The program reads USERS.txt, loads each line into a const char*[] and (hopefully) adds them to the combo box. The problem is my program displays Chinese characters instead of the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I want to create a WIN32 API in C#. I was looking as to what would be the best option to create a new project for WIN32 API in C#. I saw that in C++ in Visual Studio, there is one option to create MFC Application but not in C#. …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for taylorc8

Hi, I'm trying to use an input device like a joystick as a mouse, and I've got some good behavior for desktop use by polling the state of the device in a loop and doing some work with the values, then using SendInput with some INPUT structures to make the …

Member Avatar for kerp

Hi everybody, this text turned out to be rather long and maybe not so clear, please excuse me. I'm currently using the winsock library to send and receive data in an application made with WinAPI, I'm not using MFC. I'm using asynchronous sockets (I think that's what it's called) which …

Member Avatar for tawes01

I'm using Dev-c++ to make a dialog-based app. I had it working, but now I am getting an error: An Access Violation (Segmentation Fault) raised in your program. I have narrowed it down to the winmain function: [CODE]int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { if (iCmdShow …

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Member Avatar for micke

Hello, I have been reading tutorials on c++ for a while, and made a few simple applications. Now I've started looking at win32, and while all the tutorials I've looked at are quite good, they miss out on some simple points. I know how to make a window, a menu, …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for chrishtones

Since __uuidof is a C++ only operator, how would I retrieve the GUID of an object in C?

Member Avatar for gerard4143

The End.