Hello, I have what seems to be a very common problem but after doing much research and trying to fix myself, I am unable to resolve the issue. I receive the following error when compiling my win32, directx 9 program:

e:\...\game.cpp(228) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end-of-file found

I receive this error and a bunch of preceding syntax errors. This occurs in three different files within my project...I'm using visual c++ 2008 express and DirectX SDK 2010(june)...shouldn't matter...

Here is the code from game.cpp:

#include "Game.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "dxManager.h"
#include "diManager.h"
/* Init the one and only ProjectManager */	
static dxManager& dxMgr = dxManager::getInstance();

/* Get a reference to the DirectInput Manager */	
static diManager& diMgr = diManager::getInstance();
CGame::CGame(IDirect3DDevice9 *device) : m_d3ddev(device)
	m_entity = NULL;
	curX = (SCREEN_WIDTH/2) - (IMAGE_WIDTH/2);		
	arrows = dxMgr.getSurfaceFromBitmap(L"Cross Hairs.bmp");
	mouseRect.top = 0;
	mouseRect.bottom = mouseRect.top + 48;
	mouseRect.left = 0;
	mouseRect.right = mouseRect.left + 48;
	if (NULL == arrows) {MessageBox(NULL, L"Unable to 'Load Cursor'", L"ERROR", MB_OK);}
	mouseOldZ = diMgr.getCurMouseZ();

	if (m_entity)
		delete m_entity;
	if (m_d3ddev)
* init
* Initializes the game object. This involves setting the initial
* game state and preparing the timer
bool CGame::init(HWND wndHandle)

	// Initialize the in-game objects
	/*if (!initGameObjects())
		MessageBox(wndHandle, L"Unable to 'Init GameObjects'", L"ERROR", MB_OK);
		return false;

	// setup the camera for the game
	//dxMgr.createCamera(1.0f, 450.0f);		// near clip plane, far clip plane	
	//dxMgr.moveCamera(D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 2.0f, 10.0f));
	//dxMgr.pointCamera(D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, -20.0f));
	//pCam = new CCamera(D3DXVECTOR3(0,0,-10.0));
	return true;
* shutdown
* This function is used to release any memory that the game
* uses
void CGame::shutdown(void)
bool CGame::LoadXFile(LPCTSTR filename, unsigned int firstAnimSet)
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Could not 'Create Entity'", L"ERROR", MB_OK);
		delete m_entity;
		m_entity = 0;
	m_entity = new CEntity(m_d3ddev);
		MessageBox(NULL, L"Could not 'Create Entity'", L"ERROR", MB_OK);
		delete m_entity;
		m_entity = 0;
		return false;
	return true;
* update
* This function is called once per frame. It's used to get the user
* input and move the objects in the game accordingly.
int CGame::update(void)
	// Get the current user input
	// set the destination rectangle
	mouseDestRect.top = curY;
	mouseDestRect.bottom = mouseDestRect.top + 48;
	mouseDestRect.left = curX;
	mouseDestRect.right = mouseDestRect.left + 48;
	// If the mouse is moved to the left, rotate camera
	if (diMgr.getCurMouseX() < 0)
		//pMan->move(CMan::LEFT, anim_rate);
		dxMgr.pCam->Yaw( sin(D3DXToRadian( (FLOAT)diMgr.getCurMouseX() ) )/ 8 );
	// If the mouse is moved to the right, rotate camera
	if (diMgr.getCurMouseX() > 0)
		//pMan->move(CMan::RIGHT, anim_rate);

		dxMgr.pCam->Yaw( sin(D3DXToRadian( (FLOAT)diMgr.getCurMouseX() ) ) / 8 );

	if (diMgr.getCurMouseY() < 0)
		dxMgr.pCam->Pitch(sin(D3DXToRadian( (FLOAT)diMgr.getCurMouseY() ) )/ 8 );

	if (diMgr.getCurMouseY() > 0)
		dxMgr.pCam->Pitch(sin(D3DXToRadian( (FLOAT)diMgr.getCurMouseY() ) )/ 8 );
	if (KEYDOWN(diMgr.buffer, DIK_W) || (diMgr.getCurMouseZ() - mouseOldZ > 0))

	if (KEYDOWN(diMgr.buffer, DIK_S) || (diMgr.getCurMouseZ() - mouseOldZ < 0))

	if (KEYDOWN(diMgr.buffer, DIK_A))

	if (KEYDOWN(diMgr.buffer, DIK_D))

	if (KEYDOWN(diMgr.buffer, DIK_Q))

	if (KEYDOWN(diMgr.buffer, DIK_E))
	// Move Cursor
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseX()<=0 && curX>0 )
		curX += diMgr.getCurMouseX();
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseX()<=0 && curX<0)
		curX = 0;
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseX()>0 && curX<SCREEN_WIDTH)
		curX += diMgr.getCurMouseX();
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseX()>0 && curX>SCREEN_WIDTH - IMAGE_WIDTH)
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseY()<=0 && curY>0)
		curY += diMgr.getCurMouseY();
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseY()<=0 && curY<0)
		curY = 0;
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseY()>0 && curY<SCREEN_HEIGHT)
		curY += diMgr.getCurMouseY();
	if(diMgr.getCurMouseY()>0 && curY>SCREEN_HEIGHT)
	return 1;
* render
* Renders the in-game objects based on a timer
void CGame::render(void)
	// get the time before rendering
	static DWORD lastTime=timeGetTime();
	// call our render function
	dxMgr.blitToSurface(arrows, &mouseRect, &mouseDestRect);
	if (m_entity)
		float timeElapsed=0.001f*(timeGetTime()-lastTime);
		// Need to pass the high level matrix used to position and orientate the model
		// Create this from current position and rotations:
		D3DXMATRIX matRotX,matRotY,matRotZ,matTrans;
		// Calculate rotation matrix
		D3DXMatrixRotationX( &matRotX, 0 );
		D3DXMatrixRotationY( &matRotY, 0 );  
		D3DXMatrixRotationZ( &matRotZ, 0 ); 
		// Calculate a translation matrix
		// Calculate our world matrix by multiplying the above (in the correct order)
		D3DXMATRIX matWorld=(matRotX*matRotY*matRotZ)*matTrans;			

		// FrameMove carries out the animation while Render just draws

	// get the updated time

	// determine the animation rate
	anim_rate = ( (float)timeEnd.QuadPart - (float)timeStart.QuadPart ) / timerFreq.QuadPart;

I cannot seem to locate any out of place parenthesis, brackets, commas, or semi-colons...

I'd appreciate any help with this matter as it has consumed much time...is the problem related to something besides syntax? I read Microsoft threads and MSDN error library...still can't resolve. Thanks in advance for any help!

Is there a NEW-LINE after the last }?
Sometimes that causes the error.

no, I eliminated all new lines at the end of the file...I also turned on 'view whitespace' so that I can see any lingering return carriages etc.

My mistake...

There should be a new-line after the brace. The brace should be on a complete line.

Most environment/compilers require a newline at the end of your file, otherwise it won't compile. Some will even go as far as to add them in for you. Try adding it in and see if that resolves the problem.

a bunch of preceding syntax errors

They are probably much more relevant. Start with the first one.

PS: I bet you are missing a semicolon somewhere in one of your .h files.

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