14,380 Topics

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Member Avatar for gordon451

Dear People - W2k Pro SP4 on 2.4GHz Intel D845GBV2 with IE6SP1, C:\ is Seagate ST340014A, D:\ (1GB pagefile) and E:\ (79GB) are Western Digital WD800BB-22JHC0. Problem: every so often I get a spew of Perfdisk warnings in my Event Viewer>Application, all the same: Source: Perfdisk; Category: None; Event ID: …

Member Avatar for matt669

Hello everybody, hopefully someone here can help as this is my last port of call before a format!!! Firstly a little background. The PC in question is my fiancee's standard HP off the shelf job with XP home. Recently it started playing up with random crashes and lenghly load periods. …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for rept

Here's the deal. I installed a game on my computer and restarted. Well the computer wouldn't restart and went into a blank black screen. Automatically i think theres a conflict. So i do the safe mode (F8) thing. I Chose the option: Last Known Good Configuration. Started and went up …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for Danzig

Sorry it's been forever since I posted, but have not had any issues in a long time. So I will say HI to everyone here again and thanx in advance for any help. I know everyone is sick of "rundll32.exe" posts, but I'm at a dead end with this issue. …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for knife5670

I'm having a annoying problem with my start menu. About a month ago I was infected with a few trojans and i spent the better have of 2 weeks getting them off. After I noticed a few problems with my options. These problems were not so bad that i couldn't …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for valuum

Hey all I was just wondering about something. I've read numerous times about xp product keys and how you can only use the software on one comp at a time. My specific XP recovery disk came with my computer and does not ask for a product key to be typed …

Member Avatar for valuum
Member Avatar for DaniWeb4Jim

The instruction at Ox7c91b1fa referenced memory at 0x00000010. The memory could not be written.? This happens as Windows XP is booting up and then I click ok and it removes the screen but not the problem. Happens everytime. I have worked with JHolland1964 in Viruses but we are blocked or …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for DeathsDesign

I am trying to follow MS advice on how to fix a 'ntfs.sys is missing or corrupted. I get into the repair console fine. I tell it the c: drive (where windows is installed) but once in there, i cannot acces the cd-rom to copy the fresh ntfs.sys file i …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

I am sharing my internet connection with 4 other peoples . And when i plug the LAN cable into my system i can use internet . And anyone can use my system with internet . But i want to protect internet connection in my PC from Other users of my …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for kelbor

Hi Ya'll! Im using a computer that has no sound. I think there may be an issue with the drivers but am unsure how to check my drivers or install new ones. The computer is a custom computer and had "Sound Max" in the system tray on the start-up. Now …

Member Avatar for kelbor
Member Avatar for wetwilly2000

well this has been happening for a while and i would like some help fixing it... i dont know when it started but lets say i minimise a windows live messenger conversation ok and i open up itunes... i minimise itunes and then the conversation opens back up.. i ran …

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for dcoatsjr

xp recognizes my external hard drive by it does not show up in my computer. It is formatted and has information on it. When I right click my computer and go into disk management xp sees the hard drive but it does not have a volume letter.

Member Avatar for dcoatsjr
Member Avatar for cguan_77

Hi guys, anyone have the idea how to solve this problem. My Win2k3 server got BSOD and it says Beep.sys got problem. any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for HoustonIT
Member Avatar for pwjazz

I am also experiencing the Isass.exe 0x00401082 on my Dell computer. Has anyone been able to find out what's going on or a solution

Member Avatar for pwjazz
Member Avatar for jobot2000

Hey, I am no longer to run windows, or anything on my computer. Everytime my computer is about to take me to the login screen, an error comes up saying The instructions at "0x00401082" referencd memoryy at "0x00000000:. The memory could not be "written". CLick OK to temirnate the program …

Member Avatar for pwjazz
Member Avatar for asameh99

can't open this one here are the pics. thanks. gpedit.msc I mean sorry for the misspelling. [url]http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb236/20nerd07/gpedit1.jpg[/url] [url]http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb236/20nerd07/gpedit2.jpg[/url]

Member Avatar for sparkax
Member Avatar for Savvion Gold

I recently tried to install Norton360 and not only would it not finish the install, now I cannot access QuickBooks2007 and some other important programs. I wasted a bunch of money looking for help at several computer stores and now they're telling me to reinstall XP. I have the disk …

Member Avatar for Michael York
Member Avatar for amit.sathvara

I have windows xp professional sp2 and i want to change hostname by command prompt . please sugges me.

Member Avatar for igor056

Can anyone out there help me, please. I had an e-machine with XP home installed. the machine died the death BUT I managed to salvage the hard drive. Working by studying here and other forums I have created an i386 file of the installation on CD. When I tried installing …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for damson

can anyone help me? I formatted a laptop with a german window OS window Xp and after installing window XP professional the LAN and WLAN do not function again. I tried to download the driver but it did not work . I would appreciate if someone could assist me. I …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for wingingit

I have a 128kbs upload speed so files and pictures can take quite awhile to send. Is it possible to see the progress in % or kb rather than just "sending"?

Member Avatar for Thinka
Member Avatar for KC_Chiefs

I have just encountered a problem with IE Windows opening. This starts when I open IE. I have McAfee but it does not find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Marcus

Member Avatar for Thinka
Member Avatar for mayanksuhane

i m facing one problem while installing acrobat reader, unable to update system registry. can anyone tell me where is the problem and how to fix it. i m login as administrator and using using window XP professional as OS

Member Avatar for missouriupser

I have a dell 4400 desktop with windows xp. I upgraded the cd drive to dvd drive. It has been working ok until now. My computer doesn't reconize it. I had to install Nero for the dvd drive because it wouldn't work with media player. What can I do? I …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for aksshe10

due to power faliure i found some errors on my pc 1.sometimes while booting the login screen doesnot apper instead just a black screen with a cursor (which works) 2.When ever i use chkdsk it shows at boot time unable to run autochk 3.I used convert command it showed cannot …

Member Avatar for pip22
Member Avatar for asameh99
Member Avatar for AzzBr0

here is the problem....XP almost starts fine, but then a message pops up: "userinit.exe- Application error" "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005) Click on OK to terminate the application" so i googled the problem a few people recommended this: Restore Winlogon\Userinit Line #263 right side [url]http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm[/url] so when i …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob

Hi, I am experiencing a slower and slower connection to Daniweb everytime I log on, why is this so? I have tried at several locations on many diferent machines with the same result.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for windowpro

for last 3 days i m trying to reinstall Visual studio 6 in my PC, from my visual studio cd. but it showed an error message and that is [B]"unable to register C:\Program Files\Tools\VS-Ent98\Vanalyzr\VAIEC.DLL" [/B] i fixed this problem with the command [B]regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Tools\VS-Ent98\Vanalyzr\VAIEC.exe"[/B] and the dll file was …

Member Avatar for windowpro
Member Avatar for MsAnna

I cannot boot up my desktop. Every time I try I receive the following: lsass.exe application error instruction at 0x0040182 referenced memory at 0x00000000 the memory could not be "written". When I click debug all I get is a black screen and nothing else happens. Please help.

Member Avatar for gerbil

The End.