14,380 Topics

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Member Avatar for lharley

My cd rom would not read any cds so I was trying to find a solution to fix it, one I read said to go to start run cmd enter and I did and the screen system32 came up and I typed in WinMSD and retarted the computer now the …

Member Avatar for mdk2k4
Member Avatar for BxHxDLSB

I'm installing this wireless access point (router Linksys WRT54GS) and everything seems to be working fine, and it connects to the router via wireless network adapter. On the network connections page, it shows that the Computer connection to the router is excellent, But the router connection to the internet is …

Member Avatar for sacredfaith
Member Avatar for needhelp1938
Member Avatar for mdk2k4

I was thinking about all the amazing things that people go thru to get their pc and laptops fixed so they can run smooth. So I came up with the Idea of something like, maybe it'll be nice if people could post their favorite software that did wonders for them. …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for mkaur

When I start my computer, it keeps coming to a screen that says "a disk read error occured. press ctr+alt_del to restart". I've tried this but it comes back to the same screen. My HP laptop did not come with windows cd. I have to reinstall OS. How can I …

Member Avatar for mdk2k4
Member Avatar for primero

Hi Everybody, I have a new query for you and was wondering if anybody has had the same problem and if they ever found a solution. I bought a Kingston 2 Gb Data Traveller to use for my printer files as I do not have a printer. I put it …

Member Avatar for primero

Hello USB problem solvers, I would like to let you know that I have solved my problem regarding my Flash drive, when I plugged it in to the USB port it was recognised by the system but I could not see what folders it had, so I looked everywhere to …

Member Avatar for primero
Member Avatar for grumpyxp

Hope someone may be able to help... I have always had a problem with the modem connection, if I pull out the lead to the broadband voyager modem, without cancelling the internet connection, the computer tends to freeze. My wife decided she wanted to use her computer and so pulled …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for papi23

I am formatting my ibm desk top pentium 4 and when the first phace completes and it restarts the machine starts from the hard disk and tells me to press any to start from disc and when i press it starts the formatting again what can i do

Member Avatar for allester51
Member Avatar for primero

Hello Friends, I used to use a registry cleaner called RegistrySmart, it seemed to do a good job in cleaning the registry and that was all it did, it was automatic you just pressed scan and that was it until I got an update from them which had a virus …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for lawrence hewson

Hi, I have a problem with my sound on all programs for video (Youtube, DVD's, etc) Whatever program I use (WMP, real player, Win amp, quick time, etc) I can not get good volume levels. I have updated the drivers (Realtek) I have turned all controlls to max, ensured that …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Jargenis

Comp: HP Laptop OS: Windows xp Media Center I have the recovery on disk's (So can bring back to factory setting whenever.) There is a 12 Gig partition for recovery on HD, I have 32 gig left of HD space. Should I get rid of the partition and just hope …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for laaus001

I got a warning alert from my AVG anti virus software the other day. It listed some cookies that were in a directory that doesn't exist on my hard drive. None of the AVG option took care of the warnings and every time I boot my computer I get the …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, I am running Windows XP, on a Dell Mini Laptop. Thing sucks for hardware, but that's beside the point. Okay, for the past week, I've been having issues with the laptop's memory. If I have a few windows open of any program, then close out, it seems to not …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for primero

Hello Friends, I wonder if anybody has had a bad experience with SFS, I received a file in sfs but cannot open it because I need the SFS program to open it, first of all I downloaded a program from CNET but when I went to install it said there …

Member Avatar for primero
Member Avatar for hrpoon

My husband is having trouble with his eMachine desktop. He was on a forum the other day and clicked on a link to another web site. While he was on this other web site, he started getting a bunch of virus warnings from his antivirus software (he's running Avira). After …

Member Avatar for bords

why is it the "edit, help and more" ms dos command wont work??? only the dir,cd,cd/,and changing the drive works........please help guys...tanx,

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for landeey

Many People always ask questions about iPod/iPhone at answers.yahoo.com. Here I collect some commen FAQ and provide the professional solutions to help the people getting difficulty in handling their iPod/iPhone to solve the questions about iPod/iPhone. It includes four parts: [b]1: How to put DVD on iPod and iPhone (Windows/Mac) …

Member Avatar for Joe2

I am having a problem opening folders with a double left click. When I do this now it opens my VLC media player and the folder doesn't show. If I right click on the folder, the first 6 items on the drop down menu are: Add to VLC media player's …

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Member Avatar for adford

This is a problem with some back-story so let me start there. I recently bought a Dell mini, which has functioned perfectly for what I needed it to do. Problem: I slipped on a patch of ice and dropped aforementioned mini, bouncing on its corners, down a nice long set …

Member Avatar for adford
Member Avatar for Agamer

My Recycle bin keeps on popping up while im using the internet and then becomes a nusence by keep flashing i think it might be a virus or something. Any Help????

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for Guycrosbie

yesterday i was surfing the web when a pop up came up and said downloading something, it had disabled the x in the corner and the task manager. I turned the computer off and it will now not get past the windows xp loading page, it just restarts the computer. …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for EffyMiles

Hello everyone, [b]Wondershare Photo Recovery[/b] is being giveaway now on [url]www.giveawayoftheday.com[/url] It is designed for users to get back deleted and lost photos from computer, camera memory card and other devices. The giveaway is for only [b]24 hours on December 29, 2009[/b]. Anyone who needs it shouldn't miss the chance. …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for eddieg28sp

Ok so I bought a new computer the other day, old one was working fine just time for a new one. Anyways, unplugged old puter and put up new one. Wanted to get KVM switch to use both and be set since all the files are on the old computer. …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for avi09041984

First of all unhide all the programs. if u have a broad band or dial up connection jst get off the Ethernet connection.then restart the computer and press F7.you got in safe mode and run the computer with network there you search where the unauthorized folder are there or not …

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob
Member Avatar for Parva0516

Hi, I was browsing the internet today (I was trying to download iTunes, I do not know if it had started to download) on my Dell Inspirion E1505 today and a blue screen came up saying "A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to …

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for daviddoria

If I go to: view -> arrange by -> current view -> customize current view -> other settings I can change the "row font" size for the current folder. If I have 100 folders and I want to change the font size for the messages in all of them, you …

Member Avatar for Baalensee

I have a bad, or corrupt driver in windows some where, I had it before my last reinstall of win XP pro, and still have it after reinstalling and putting all my necessary drivers back on. from time to time windows will crash to reboot, and tell me it was …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for bdmallalieu

H/W: Dell Inspiron 8600 with 1Gb RAM S/W: XP Media Centre Edition 2002, SP3 My laptop has been operating more slowly for quite a time, on boot-up & during operation. I do not use it for games or watching films (except the occasional YouTube clip). In the last week or …

Member Avatar for bdmallalieu
Member Avatar for lostandfound

Hi, I have installed XP Pro onto drive C and intend to use drive D for data. Is there a way to hide drive C from users in order to ensure that anything saved is saved to D. Thanks

Member Avatar for Bob_180_Bob

The End.