My cd rom would not read any cds so I was trying to find a solution to fix it, one I read said to go to start run cmd enter and I did and the screen system32 came up and I typed in WinMSD and retarted the computer now the screen is blank but I hear the computer running help what do I do

Is it a Desktop or laptop? If desktop, unplug the monitor and plug it in again, maybe that'll work.

It's a desktop I turned it off for 5 min. and restarted it twice and the screen finally came back but my cd drive will still not read any cds, any ideas on that?

Try updating the firmware of the Drive. You can use a computer review site to see which one your pc has and then search for the firmware, the other option is to open the pc and manually disconnect and reconnect the device.

check out thread "xp,vista win 7 software that would do wonders" and look into Device Doctor to update all your drivers. or go here land look for a script that wil describe your problem and how to fix it.

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