I'm having trouble transfering songs from my window's media librairy to my memory card. I ripped a bunch of songs from my CD's to the media player librairy. I then syncronized the songs to the media card. When I go to play the memory card in a MP3 player the music only plays on the left side of the speakers. (left channel) Any thoughts? Also, I tried using MP3 Gain to adjust the volume level but was unsuccessful. I got the following error messages:
If you think this is incorrect, you can try enabling the No check for Layer I or II option
4/21/2007 7:33:24 PM Error while analyzing: Not enough samples in G:\04 Track 4(2).wma to do analysis
4/21/2007 7:33:27 PM Error while analyzing: G:\04 Track 4(6).wma is an MPEG Layer I file, not a layer III file
Thanks in advance!! :(